Freedom of religion or freedom from religion?


Valued Senior Member
After reading a very very disturbing article today that basically informs me that the American education system is almost useless:

Nearly half (48 percent) of the public rejects the scientific theory of evolution; one-third (34 percent) of college graduates say they accept the Biblical account of creation as fact. Seventy-three percent of Evangelical Protestants say they believe that God created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years; 39 percent of non-Evangelical Protestants and 41 percent of Catholics agree with that view.

Lets all watch religion sink science again... :(
The UK is secular if that helps.

Science is winning the battle against religion in practice but in theory people will only believe what they want to believe and for many nothing will change that.
Before we go striking the alarm bells, let it be asked:

Does evolution mean a rat's ass to anything practical?
Yes, genetics/genome/biology etc etc etc.

However, you should also realise, its not just evolution. There are also all the geologists, anthropologists, archaeologists, cosmologists and such who's fields rely on the world being over 10k years.
Before we go striking the alarm bells, let it be asked: Does evolution mean a rat's ass to anything practical?

No, it doesn't.

You can still order a pizza via telephone and it'll be delivered just the same even if you tell the order-taker that you don't believe in evolution.

Go into any bar and tell the bartender, "Gimme' a beer! And I don't believe in evolution, dammit!" The bartender will pour the beer, take your money just the same.

The geologists, anthropologists, archaeologists, cosmologists and such can continue their work and study to their hearts' content. Nothing changes for the average Joe and the pizza is still delivered and the beer is still served.

Baron Max
the lazy thinking that is evident in the creationist's idea of our origin underlies something worrying.but mostly,its just fucking annoying that people are so stupid.,
People have a right to be stupid. But remember - they don't have to believe in evolution for evolution to believe in them.

Think Darwin awards . . .
Before we go striking the alarm bells, let it be asked:

Does evolution mean a rat's ass to anything practical?
It will definately affect us in that all things change in reaction to their environment, regardless who believes it or not.

If they don't believe in biological evolution, will they believe in other forms of evolution?
well, don't believe everything newsweek says. we don't know any of the variables involved. how accurate is the survey? how many people surveyed? where? when? what were the exact questions asked to those being polled? are the people being polled in positions where their beliefs have an impact on anything?

we all know how news organizations sensationalize things. it is commonplace that new organizations distort facts.

things like this often come from europeans for some reason. I think the political climate inclines many people to believe more easily in things like shotty polls.
just remember people you have to work with these people, or put you health in there hands, or even maybe they're your future govenment. scary ain't it.
An essay in the Freedom From Religion Foundation's newspaper asks if they want to teach creation alongside evolution, shouldn't they teach all creation theories since each one could be just as valid as any other?
Before we go striking the alarm bells, let it be asked:

Does evolution mean a rat's ass to anything practical?
Perhaps in the sense that Public backing is needed to support scientific advancement which is in turn needed to maintain an advanced state of technological advance which is in turn needed to maintain US hegemony in general.....
Perhaps in the sense that Public backing is needed to support scientific advancement which is in turn needed to maintain an advanced state of technological advance which is in turn needed to maintain US hegemony in general.....

Hmm, the end is near.

the lazy thinking that is evident in the creationist's idea of our origin underlies something worrying.but mostly,its just fucking annoying that people are so stupid.,

Why stupid I believe in science , in adaptation , evolution I am not so sure
I worked as a chemist for 30 years , I believe in exploratory research.
But I am a spiritual being also.
You guy speak of evolution as it is the only fact, You believe in evolution is by extrapolation, that does not mean that this is a fact,:)
will they believe in other forms of evolution?

Yes , It started with vacuum tubes and we have evolved technology to diodes
and now we are improving and developing small microchips. We fly from LA to Hawaii in in several hours