Dennis Tate
I'd like to take a moment to comment on your quote from a "near death experiencer".
Primarily, I am wondering why you think that any of this account should be taken as evidence of special knowledge, or even as a real experience. Why do you think this is not just imaginative fantasy?
Terms like "beyond Infinity" are actually meaningless. You realise that, don't you?
Also, if this person could really "perceive FOREVER", why is this account so mundane? Why is there no new or useful information in it?
How did he know that?
What does that even mean? Does it mean anything?
How does one "experience" something like that, directly? Does this actually mean anything?
Again, how can one directly perceive an infinity of anything?
So we're talking about somebody who perceived "images" here, are we?
How do we know that these "images" weren't all in the brain?
Also, is this person an expert on super computers and fractal equations? Or is he just imagining what other images would "come close"?
Ah, vague appeals to "the ancients".
Which particular ancients are we talking about here? How did they know all this? Where did they get the information?
Whatever "Yugas" are, I'm confident they are very different to the Big Bang, which is a scientific theory, not a mystical vision.
Not quite speechless. Just not communicating anything useful.
Oh wow! Let's all get excited about The Void!
What does it mean to be "less than nothing"?
What does it mean to be "more than everything that is"?
How can something be both of those things at the same time?
How can "chaos" form all possibilities? What is "chaos", in this context?
What is "Universal Intelligence" and how do we know it exists?
What is "Absolute Consciousness" and how do we know it exists?
How can "Absolute Consciousness" be "much more than even Universal Intelligence"? In what sense is it "much more"? What's being measured here? How is it being measured? How does the writer know this?
Is The Void simply empty space, or something else? The author seems confused.
It's a pity the author hasn't actually answered a single one of these questions, isn't it?
That reference to "modern science" is nonsense. The author is making that stuff up.
"Zero point energy" is a thing in science, but it has a specific, scientific definition. It is not something that makes instruments explode when we try to measure it, or whatever. There's no "infinity" involved. And "zero space" is not a term that is used in science.
Why should we care what mystics say?
Different in what way? What physical laws describe this "new" kind of energy?
This is the first mention of a "first Word". What is that, exactly? Whose Word is it? Is this about God, or something?
What does "everything ... is a vibration" mean? In what sense am I - or my table lamp - a vibration? What's vibrating? How do we know? How can we measure the "vibrations"?
So now we start to import what sounds like a Christian belief into this whole story about The Void and so on. Why?
What does God need or want to explore God's Self? Isn't God something that already knows everything?
Then we get the claim that everything is "the Self". Which self? God's self? The author's self? All the same "self"?
In what sense is my table lamp a part of this "Self" the author is speaking about?
In what sense are you and I part of the same "Self"? You don't know me. I don't know you. Why not, if we're both "Self"?
We end with the claim that God is everywhere, in all things. But how do we know that? What test would rule out the possibility that God is in All Things? If there isn't one, then we're very far away from any Science of The Void, or any other kind of science.
What started out as claims about the physical universe has, by this point, descended into ramblings about God and mysticism.
What use is any of this nonsense?
Actually having already read chapter thirteen of Stephen Hawking's Universe before I read Mellen Benedict's near death experience I
was actually kind of shocked at the many similarities between what Mellen Benedict reported being shown about the history of the
universe before the Big Bang...... with the speculations from an Agnostic angle that Dr. Stephen Hawking wrote out in that chapter that
is entitled The Anthropic Principle.
Did Mellen Benedict already read that book before his NDE??????
My impression is that Mellen Benedict's near death experience occurred in the 1982 but..... "Stephen Hawking's Universe "was not published until 1989.
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