G spot found by Italian doctors

Any man willing and able to let go of the neurotic idea that anal stimulation is somehow "gay" will be glad he did.

I agree.

Is anal sex for women as taboo as it is for men? Could women have 2 G spots? One vaginal and one anal?
I learned you can also stimulate the prostate externally. The only reason why this topic is intereting to me are these words from the article "emotions are stored in the prostate and upon stimulation releases emotional and physical stress". Plus who the hell doesn't want to experience a full bodied orgasm without all the bullshit that comes with boys or girls.
Is anal sex for women as taboo as it is for men?
Only another woman could answer that. I know it's a shockingly common motif in porn. One of those many things I didn't really want to know is that they have whole websites that specialize in it. I knew a woman many years ago who married a man and only then discovered that he preferred anal sex. She divorced him, like the very next day or maybe got up and drove to Las Vegas the same night.

I still remember the brief comment on the topic of anal sex in The Joy of Sex, which was otherwise uncomfortably open-minded. Something to the effect that the author couldn't shake the idea that people who practice anal sex should be cursed with hemorrhoids.

I know that you have to be very careful, which isn't an easy thing to do in the throes of copulation. The rectal tissues are nowhere near as sturdy and flexible as vaginal tissues and they are very easily torn. You really do end up with bleeding, hemorrhoids, infections. There was a time when they thought that was a key entry point for HIV--semen directly into the bloodstream--which was why it seemed to get a foothold first among gay men. I don't know if that's been disproved.
Could women have 2 G spots? One vaginal and one anal?
You don't have a prostate so you don't have the physiology for the anal one. No nerve endings there. They're not in the rectal tissue, they're in the prostate. I thought you already had two G-spots? One internal and one external.
There was a time when they thought that was a key entry point for HIV--semen directly into the bloodstream--which was why it seemed to get a foothold first among gay men. I don't know if that's been disproved..
True,however many still argue that the anal tissues being so thin and easily torn is the easiest way for the receptive partner to transmit the virus.The numbers of Hiv Infected individuals primarily Homosexual/Bisexual men have reported engaging in receptive anal intercourse.The inserter is believed to be at less risk due to a variety of factors,circumcision cuts down on the possibility,because an unclean uncircumcised penis can have bacteria that damages the pores and makes it easier for the virus to reach the bloodstream.In some african countries they cut down the rapidly increasing amount of HIV infections just by circumcising there men..
Just to clarify, the G spot refers only to the Grafenberg spot in women.

The clitoris is completely seperate entity ( and so is the prostrate gland in Men)

The clitoris is like an iceberg ( no attempted pun whatsoever), having only its tip exposed. The nerve endings of the clitty radiate inwards like a many tentacled octopus.

If the stimulator of the clitoris keeps this in mind and realises that it may take a while for the radiant pathways to be fully excited,.. ahh! more fun for all I guess.

Imagine a big plasma ball with sparks flying from the point of contact.
Just to clarify, the G spot refers only to the Gräfenberg spot spot in women.
The Gräfenberg spot appears to be a very controversial concept, judging by the discussions Google turns up. The most damning counterevidence appears to be women who had this tissue surgically removed yet experienced no dropoff in arousal or climax.
so if some women have their clitoris removed, if they have a g spot, they can still have orgasms??
Internal Gspot stimulation is a key factor of female ejaculation (supergasm) and from what I've read, every women has it. It can be located easily when stimulated because it gets "rough" and swells in size.
Internal Gspot stimulation is a key factor of female ejaculation (supergasm) and from what I've read, every women has it. It can be located easily when stimulated because it gets "rough" and swells in size.

It is for males too,read on how males being penetrated have been known to ejaculate without masturbation.It is why there are men who enjoy anal play whether its from a penis,finger,sexual toy such as a Dildo or a strap-on.
It is for males too,read on how males being penetrated have been known to ejaculate without masturbation.It is why there are men who enjoy anal play whether its from a penis,finger,sexual toy such as a Dildo or a strap-on.

I'll have to take your word on that LV. Just don't hurt yourself.:D

It reminds me of a big mean wrestler friend in school. He told a story about how he ejaculated when the doctor gave him an exam. It shattered his selfimage.LOL
Only another woman could answer that.
Orleander is a woman. Why did she have to ask?

My answer -- no, it is not a taboo. Of women I know closely some like anal, others do not, but nobody gets freaked out by it. I do not particulraly care for it, but I was willing to try.
I know it's a shockingly common motif in porn. One of those many things I didn't really want to know is that they have whole websites that specialize in it.
OK, I promise not to tell you! :D Evidently you are not one of the men who are the intended audience.
I knew a woman many years ago who married a man and only then discovered that he preferred anal sex. She divorced him, like the very next day or maybe got up and drove to Las Vegas the same night.
Sounds like she has some serious issues -- and he did not know how to broach the subject. OTOH, I know at least one woman who not only prefers anal sex to any other kind, but practiced it for years before ever trying vaginal.
I still remember the brief comment on the topic of anal sex in The Joy of Sex, which was otherwise uncomfortably open-minded. Something to the effect that the author couldn't shake the idea that people who practice anal sex should be cursed with hemorrhoids.
Don't remember the hemorroids part, but it also struck me how little the book dwelled on topics Alex Comfort (that's author's name) seems to find... uncomfortable.
I know that you have to be very careful, which isn't an easy thing to do in the throes of copulation. The rectal tissues are nowhere near as sturdy and flexible as vaginal tissues and they are very easily torn. You really do end up with bleeding, hemorrhoids, infections. There was a time when they thought that was a key entry point for HIV--semen directly into the bloodstream--which was why it seemed to get a foothold first among gay men. I don't know if that's been disproved.
AFAIK, it is still true.
so if some women have their clitoris removed, if they have a g spot, they can still have orgasms??
According to the G-spot theory, the answer would have to be yes. Odd that in my Googling I did not encounter any research into that.

I have read assertions that among women in primitive Muslim societies where ritual clitoridectomies are performed, some small percentage of them are able to have orgasms. However those assertions were all made by men and we're easy to fool.
It reminds me of a big mean wrestler friend in school. He told a story about how he ejaculated when the doctor gave him an exam. It shattered his selfimage.
Depending on the state of health of your prostate, the manipulation can cause semen to leak out, although that's not the same as ejaculation and because there's no orgastic reflex involved it's certainly not an orgasm; it ranges from rather unpleasant to really unpleasant. If the "male g-spot on the prostate" hypothesis is true I can see how a horny teenager could be involuntarily massaged to orgasm by the touching involved in an examination.
Orleander is a woman. Why did she have to ask?
Well many reasons come to mind. Perhaps women don't discuss it with each other or if they do the consensus isn't obvious. From what little I've heard men say about this taboo subject, most of them are like me and think it's somewhere between icky and repulsive. So there are probably a lot of women who have never had the experience to talk about.

I'm not sure I'm going to start asking!
From what little I've heard men say about this taboo subject, most of them are like me and think it's somewhere between icky and repulsive. So there are probably a lot of women who have never had the experience to talk about.

I'm not sure I'm going to start asking!

For someone who is so often so progressive and open-minded in his view of the world, you can be down right old fashioned at times. :)
Alright so I tried this thing this morning, being the naturally curious and dorky scientist that I am. But I'll have you know I tried THE EXTERNAL VERSION. I'm not sure I knew what I was doing, the only thing I can tell you is that my legs were fucking trembling uncontrolably at some points, I don't know if that was an orgams but I felt like it could lead to some full bodied orgasmic sensation.
.....Well many reasons come to mind. Perhaps women don't discuss it with each other or if they do the consensus isn't obvious. From what little I've heard men say about this taboo subject, most of them are like me and think it's somewhere between icky and repulsive. So there are probably a lot of women who have never had the experience to talk about.

I'm not sure I'm going to start asking!

women don't discuss it because women judge eachother. men high five eachother for doing it, but not for receiving it. women would call the other one a dirty whore. :rolleyes: never mind the fact that most of them have tried it at least once...and blamed it on being drunk. :D
Alright so I tried this thing this morning, being the naturally curious and dorky scientist that I am. But I'll have you know I tried THE EXTERNAL VERSION. I'm not sure I knew what I was doing, the only thing I can tell you is that my legs were fucking trembling uncontrolably at some points, I don't know if that was an orgams but I felt like it could lead to some full bodied orgasmic sensation.

Omg,wth? That was funny.
Alright so I tried this thing this morning, being the naturally curious and dorky scientist that I am. But I'll have you know I tried THE EXTERNAL VERSION. I'm not sure I knew what I was doing, the only thing I can tell you is that my legs were fucking trembling uncontrolably at some points, I don't know if that was an orgams but I felt like it could lead to some full bodied orgasmic sensation.

Why did you stop?

I hope every guy here realizes that everytime something is wrapped around your penis and exerts pressure toward your body your prostate is being stimulated by the pressure.
That's a big part of why it feels so good (and why tighter is better - to a degree).