Gadhafi is dead.


Valued Senior Member
Well, the title say it all.
Al-Jazzera says that they found him running away in water pipes.


First they cought him alive, then people killed him.
Well, the title say it all.
Al-Jazzera says that they found him running away in water pipes.


First they cought him alive, then people killed him.

Hey Shadow . You know what that blue writing says ? Funny to Me it is blue ?
Is that graffiti. We got gangs that make walls and concrete structures like that . They got meanings for the gangs . Like M.S. 13 I think is one of them in the U.S. and Mexico . I might have the initials wrong.

Hey Shadow . You know what that blue writing says ? Funny to Me it is blue ?
Is that graffiti. We got gangs that make walls and concrete structures like that . They got meanings for the gangs . Like M.S. 13 I think is one of them in the U.S. and Mexico . I might have the initials wrong.

Gadhafi used to call Libyans "rats" when the revolution started, and now, he died as a rat.
The blue writing says "The place of the rat Gadhafi"; "Allahou akbar"

Before we know what was there now we don't , but as he said he is going to fight to his drop of blood , so he did . He was a colorful character,
The next to fall , Dr.Hassan of Syria .

You forgot about Yemen's, I think it's blocked in there for now.
Is there any improvements there so far?
Another brick in the wall of barbarism. Perhaps those that caused the death of a million Iraqis should meet the same fate?
You forgot about Yemen's, I think it's blocked in there for now.
Is there any improvements there so far?

Do you know the meaning of " The Blue Bull ? Have you heard of anything like that ? Does it have anything to do with bull sacrifices? Is there anything in the Koran about sacrificing bulls ?
All I can say is he didnt leave or desert his nation, he stayed put, and died in his nation, unlike the scurrying rats of Western Europe who fled the advancing German army in WWII.
Those "rats" scurried to England where they joined the allies in taking their countries back. Dying for appearance's sake would have accomplished nothing.
Another brick in the wall of barbarism.
As much as I agree with you, I am finding it difficult to feel any sympathy for the man. His execution was barbaric. But so was he. The whole situation was barbaric. His ruling, his actions, those of his killers, and the ultimate 'oh wow' moments being shown around the world.

The silly saying of 'what goes around comes around' keeps coming to mind each time I think about it. Did he get his just deserts? Part of me says yes and the part of me that tries to find some human emotion about how he was killed says no.

Perhaps those that caused the death of a million Iraqis should meet the same fate?
Which ones?
As much as I agree with you, I am finding it difficult to feel any sympathy for the man. His execution was barbaric. But so was he. The whole situation was barbaric. His ruling, his actions, those of his killers, and the ultimate 'oh wow' moments being shown around the world.

The silly saying of 'what goes around comes around' keeps coming to mind each time I think about it. Did he get his just deserts? Part of me says yes and the part of me that tries to find some human emotion about how he was killed says no.

Which ones?
personally I would have liked to have seen him dragged to the Hague. Its about time the ICC actually took up the responsibility for holding political leaders to account, its a pity it wasn't given universal jurisdiction but there is always the chance it maybe in the future. I would like to see these dictators in fear of its power as well as aggressors and torturers like Bush. Maybe then we will actually have peace