Gas pistol for self defence

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Arent there any air pistols on the market that shoot large plastic bullets???

That would be more effective stopping an attacker than tiny BBs.
No, it creates big bruises but to a big guy, he can kill you with the adrenalin running being mad
First off the police standard police says a gun is usless if its not already employed buy the time the person is with in 6 feet. Second why in gods name would you WANT a gun, more people get killed by there OWN guns than the assult rates. thirdly if you really want something to defend yourself learn self defence because its the only weapon that cant be turned against you
more people get killed by there OWN guns than the assult rates

That says assult rates are very low, and not thousands gun owners die. Imagine the military and police carrying guns and dropping like flies....:D

Our family has guns for the last 4 generations. Not an accident. We used to hunt, but that stopped with me. I literally took the words "Thou shalt not kill"

It depends on the circumstances....
i wasnt talking about miltiary or police who only carry there guns at work (at least thats how it is in Australia). Even so one of our solders was killed when his gun went off while he was cleaning it (or possably skylarking) in iraq.
i wasnt talking about miltiary or police who only carry there guns at work (at least thats how it is in Australia). Even so one of our solders was killed when his gun went off while he was cleaning it (or possably skylarking) in iraq.

Sorry Asguard, but I have read thousands of reports of people using guns to protect themselves, and to use any self defence techniques requires you to put your self in contact with the assailant, and that is something to be avoided at all cost, I have work in Prisons, and as a Police Officer, and have had the displeasure of having to take down drug crazed inmates, on more than one occasion, it took as many a 10 guards to subdue one inmate, and several of them even with the body armor where put in the hospital, and on the street the only way one was stopped was they had to kill him, the tasers didn't even slow him down, six rounds and the last one was to the brain, that was the only way they stopped him, he had already killed his girlfriend and their son, I had to investigate that one, the guy was high on a synthetic drug that wasn't even known.

When a soldier kills himself while cleaning his gun that is usually a polite way of saying he commitd suicide.
I feel for you

I should give you some background on myself, I am currently studying a degree in paramedics and quite a few of our classes are taken by police offices. I have a very high level of respect for the police. The cop that took our class on dealing with vilent patients told us that guns are compleatly ussless if they are not deployed before the offender is with in 6 feet although some of there other equiptment like battons are usefull. Also he told us that it takes 6 people to restrain one patient physically with a lower chance of them being killed. Once you do however the drug medaz is quite usefull as a chemical restraint
Avatar wants an incapacitating gun so that when they're temporarily dazed, he can beat the living shit out of them with his martial arts.

- N

P.S. I want a video of that if it ever happens. ;)
Neildo is partially right, with the human opponent it would be enough for me if he was blind for a while. With one movement I can break a leg or rip air canals out, but that's not the main point. The point is that I want to minimize the time of contact as well as minimize the risk of that contact. Gas pistol seemed to me to kinda maybe serve that purpose.
I don't want to get into trouble with a real gun. On the other hand I could always aim for the legs in the case of a human.

As for misusing handguns, I've spent a large part of my childhood with the military, and lots of that time I was practicing with various pistols, revolvers, rifles, machine guns and even a few heavy machine guns, so I know my way around.

But as I said, I'd like to have a non lethal weapon.

p.s. I don't need a gun for home defence, I need a tool for hiking against rabid farmers and their stray pets.
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i wasnt talking about miltiary or police who only carry there guns at work (at least thats how it is in Australia). Even so one of our solders was killed when his gun went off while he was cleaning it (or possably skylarking) in iraq.

I agree with Buffalo, that's the phrase that's usually used if someone has commited suicide or there was unauthorised shooting [crime] going on.

First off the police standard police says a gun is usless if its not already employed buy the time the person is with in 6 feet.
It depends on the situation. It very depends on the situation. Basically it's a generalization.
[a-5];1699499 said:
I'd get a combat knife over a gun...but then again that's probably because I've been trained extensively in knife-to-hand, knife-to-knife, and knife-to-gun combat.

Of course you have, you sad fantasist.
Thanks, but I need something I can buy locally, and not import from SA.
You think that Russian model is bad?

Of course you have, you sad fantasist.

I wonder under who he has trained. Every defence instructor and martial arts trainer that I know always warns that you should employ knife against gun or hand against gun only in the most extreme situations where there is absolutely no other chance and there is nothing to lose.
Humm, I read that Russian model shoots gas rounds only in manual recharge mode...

Any way, the model is not the issue, I can go to a weapons store and find which I like most,
the question is, if such a gas pistol would be effective mostly against animals.

Some here say that it wouldn't. I begin to think so too and I probably should stick with my pepper spray canister.

Any other comments?
You think that Russian model is bad?

Oh no, well, I don't know much about it. Just trying to give you more options to choose from. If it works for you, and since you seem to want to buy locally, give it a shot.

- N
Any way, the model is not the issue, I can go to a weapons store and find which I like most,
the question is, if such a gas pistol would be effective mostly against animals.

Some here say that it wouldn't. I begin to think so too and I probably should stick with my pepper spray canister.

A pepper gun vs pepper spray is going to basically have the same effects, only that the gun gives you the option of long-range rather than being limited to up close and personal. There's some people and animals that can shake off the effects and most that get pretty messed up by it. It all depends on what type of person you encounter with that whole unknown luck factor.

Me personally, when I'm under the effects of pepperspray or mace, I don't stand there all dazed and while it does burn, I can manage to still keep moving although I sneeze like a son-of-a, and that slows me down big time where I can't be much of a threat unless I'm gonna drown you in snot. Most people drop to their knees sobbing like a baby clutching their eyes. I think if you really encountered a dangerous animal, it'd probably be like me where it sneezes like crazy and that should be enough for either you to flee, or it leaves.

I think the only comments against the gun I read here were that it may be mistaken for a real gun. If that's no issue, then I'd say give that gun a try.

- N
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