Ghosts are real AND have nothing to do with Religion


Registered Senior Member
I'm worried that Scientists are not accepting Ghosts PURELY because they associate them with Religion. Scientists may feel extraordinarily silly and possibly guilty when they look back on ALL the evidence given to them.

The Religion the Ghost believed in during their life is what they need to hear in order to aid their passing. I can separate the two things, but Scientists can't. I find that strange.

Edit:- Religious people call Ghosts, Spirits and or Souls.
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Scientists would often say, "I'm an Atheist, I don't believe anything happens after you die." They're missing out on all the evidence of Ghost activity.
Scientists would often say, "I'm an Atheist, I don't believe anything happens after you die." They're missing out on all the evidence of Ghost activity.

That's not proof of anything. What ghost activity?
Weather or not Religion (After Life) exists, is irrelevant to the existence of Ghosts.

Lol. Yet, your answer was the "Afterlife" and now you're saying it has nothing to do with it. Confused much?
Lol. Yet, your answer was the "Afterlife" and now you're saying it has nothing to do with it. Confused much?

See. That's what I'm talking about. The terminology is not evolved enough.

Afterlife is Religion

Ghost is continuation of existing life.
Just head on over to
for the latest top quality evidence.

I must say though, the one with the cats and dogs has to be one of the stupidest videos supporting the existence of ghosts I've seen in a while. People who believe this stuff must not have a single brain cell in their heads.
I must say though, the one with the cats and dogs has to be one of the stupidest videos supporting the existence of ghosts I've seen in a while. People who believe this stuff must not have a single brain cell in their heads.
Cuz... they're... Ghosts?:tongue:
Sorry, that's not proof of anything, videos can easily be doctored. Show us real evidence, not videos.
That stuff would have happened if the Cameras were not there; That's what makes it compelling.
Scientists would often say, "I'm an Atheist, I don't believe anything happens after you die." They're missing out on all the evidence of Ghost activity.
They would also often say, "I'm a Christian, I don't believe in ghosts."