GI Tract Environment & Imbalances


Registered Senior Member
Hello all,

It is said that stomach acidity is linked to digetion & absorption of Iron, Vit.B12, Calcium, Folic acid, Zinc, protien etc. It also help to control bacterias. Bile in intestine also help in Fat's absorption.

Is it true? If so I want to know that which body substances are dependant on GI Tract's environment & how these are effected?

Best Wishes.
Bile helps in fat absorption because it increases emulsification of the fats like soap helps emulsify oil in water. Digestion by the hydrochloric acid in you stomach frees up a lot of stuff simply by releasing it into the stomach environment.
I'm thinking that an environment would be like a how their's bacteria that live in your mouth because it is hospitable to them, and so bacteria and other organisms live in the GI tract because it it hospitable to them. Like with tempeture and what passes through there etc.
eddymrsci said:
what do you mean by GI Tract environment?
eddymrsci, Enigma'07,

I mean acidic & alkaline environment of Stomach & intestines.


There will be several substances which may be effected by acidic & alkaline environment of Stomach & intestines.
"hydrochloric acid in you stomach frees up a lot of stuff simply by releasing it into the stomach environment."

If stomach acid do not react with substances making them differant for better absorption? What are those lot of stuff which HCl in stomach frees up & unabling their better absorption? Will those stuff just pass the gut unabsorbed-- if there is low stomach acid/HCl?
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From what I remember, the HCl in the stomach is necessary to activate the main protein digestion enzyme pepsin. A pre-enzyme protein complex called pepsinogen is produced in the gall bladder, and is activated to pepsin by the strong acidity in the stomach. There is a similar enzyme activation in the small-intestine (trypsinogen to trypsin) due to the alkaline conditions there.

Absorption of a lot of ions is dependent on pH, so it would not surprise me if acidity of the stomach was closely linked to body's ability to absorb the materials you mention. Were the pH outside a certain range, I bet most would pass through the body and end up in the waste matter.

About microorganisms, most of them cannot cope with the low pH of the stomach and are killed and essentially digested themselves.
I just studied the digestive system in biology class, the acidic environment contain certain stomach enzymes that mainly digest proteins, and start a bit of digestion of carbohydrates and fats - 90% of digestion takes place in the small intestines, 99% of absorption occurs there too.
as the food is being mashed and churned in the stomach, a bulk substance called chyme containing enzymes, HCl, and partially digested food is formed (pH 1~2). the stomach evaluates the conditions inside and sends hormones that could inflict the emptying reflex to the brain. the brain responds and the pyloric sphincter contracts and relaxes to control the movement of chyme into the small intestine (a little bit of chyme at a time). when the small intestine detects hydrochloric acid, it sends a series of hormone to various places. First it sends enterogastrone to the stomach to reverse or stop emptying reflex (called enterogastric reflex) then the small intestine sends hormone called secretin through the blood stream to the pancreas, which releases pancreatic juice which contains sodium bicarbonate and neutralizes the acidic environment. at the same time, the small intestine sends hormone pancreozymin to pancreas to release its digestive enzymes (everything from amylase, pancreatic pepsin, lipase, and about 20 others).

the release of Bile is activated when the small intestine detects fats, and sends a hormone called CCK to the gallbladder, where the bile is stored. Bile is responsible for emulsifying fats. fats are stored as adipose tissues in the lacteal of the lymphs after digestion

(Phew... :D )
Idle Mind,eddymrsci,

Thanks. You both has mentioned somewhat relevant details. I also want to know that:-

1. Which can be the Vitamins, Minerals & trace elements whose digestion & so absorption can be effected by higher stomach acidity? I already read at several links that substances mentioned by me in first posting are effected by stomach acidity & want to know some other minerals & vitamins. Is there any link between solubility of Vitamins, Minerals & trace elements ( in alcohol, water & fats) & their digestion & absorption, effected by stomach acidity & intestinal alkalinity?

2. Whether stomach acid, bile or bicarbonate also reacts chemically with various Vitamins, Minerals & trace elements & organic substances--making them differat & easier/difficult to digest or absorb?

2. Whether bile is only meant for emulsifying fats & its secretion is only linked to detection of fats in intestine?

3. It has been already said here that protien's digestion & so absrption is effected by stomach acidity AND of fats by bile. What about carbohydrates? Is it effected by stomach acidity or by bile/alkaline atmosphere of intestines?

I think we know well about absorption part in intestine so let us concentrate more about DIGESTION part & absorption before intestine.

Refer:Low Stomach Acid Related to Digestive Problems
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One more important question:-

Can hemoglobin, RBC, PCV, Albumin, Total Cholesterol & Potassium blood levels decrease AND ALP(Alkaline Phos), GGTP (and/or Blood Urea & Ser. Creatinine) levels can increase due to a patient take acid blocker ranitidine or antiacid in view of before mentioned aspect of effects due to low stomach acidity?
(I am watching, I am waiting for a response, :Danybody else interested in gastroenterology here?)
eddymrsci ,

I am also waiting for the response. Btw, Is there any chemical reaction takes place betwee, Stomach HCl & bile? There should be acid+alkaline reaction.
chemical reaction between gastric juice and bile? I thought bile is released only directly to the small intestine, and by the time it reaches the food, secretin and pancreatic juice containing sodium bicarbonate have already neutralized the chyme (pH1~2) coming out of the stomach
How then vomating is sometimes bitter? Is it not due to bile reflux & just by alkaline reflux?
Can you pls reply? Otherwise just tell me:

Is there any link between GI tract & blood/tissue's acidity/alkalinity? I want to know that can these two types of environments effect each other?

Do the antacids/acid blockers also effects blood/tissue pH & if alkaline phos. level is effected by altering blood/tissue pH? In other words if antacids/acid blockers can alter(increase) Alkaline phos. levels in blood?
sorry I was unable to access internet from july 3rd.

honestly, I am not sure, I will have to research, and I will have the answer ready as soon as possible.

(I am also waiting a response explaining this...:p)
Can we now think that: the root cause for all complications due to imbalances in various body substances (proteins,fats,carbs,minerals,vitamins,trace elements etc.) whose digestion & absorption can be effected by the quality of GI tract environment( stomach acidity, bile, bicarbonate..) can be the imbalancing in it (GI tract environment)? IS IT NOT THE BASIC/FIRST THING TO CONSIDER?
I request & expect some contributions.

Btw, can GI tract pH imbalances ( stomach acidity, bile & pancreas bicarbonate) be due to hereditory/genetic effect?