Incredible as it may seem, I believe this story! A giant bug has flown too far out of our atmosphere and be drawn into the gravitational influence of the moon, or more likely, it landed on the Apollo launch craft during it's flight from Earth! When science returns to the moon, this specimen could be invaluable!
Beetle UFO Seen In Apollo Image Moon Photo, Aug 2013, UFO Sighting News.
There's sightings of giant grubs too. Strange Giant Insects Seen In Pennsylvania
Beetle UFO Seen In Apollo Image Moon Photo, Aug 2013, UFO Sighting News.
This amazing beetle UFO causes me to wonder, is this an alien entity? Look carefully and you will see a head, arms and lower legs. This UFO was near the Apollo 17 astronauts who took this photo.
There's sightings of giant grubs too. Strange Giant Insects Seen In Pennsylvania
The witness I interviewed provided a detailed account of what was seen and what had taken place. The first observation involved a creature, which I was told, "looked like a giant caterpillar." The over sized insect crawled from right to left on the road a short distance ahead of the observers.
The creature was described as about 7 inches in length from tip to tip, appeared to be segmented, and moved like a grub. It was primarily a very iridescent white color with a bluish tint, but the witness emphasized that it was not glowing. The critter showed no signs of legs or feet, and had no apparent head or tail. The body was skinnier at the tip ends, and fatter in the center of the body.
As they continued driving, just seconds later, a second similar looking creature was observed as it moved from right to left, then reversed its direction on the roadway. The car full of startled people continued down the country road, and within a very short distance, observed a total of 6 or 7 of the same sort of creature.
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