Girls v Boys


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
(tiassa im not sure if this should be here or in GP)

This came from a comment LA made (no im not trying to insult you:))

dont say that, if this boy touchs my daughter like that i will throtle him! i understand 15yr old boys want to dip they're wick into somthing and not my daughter!

So im wondering why most people seem to think that its always the male who initiates sexual acts:confused:

Even the women on here seem to assume this yet i know for a FACT that some women have a higher sex drive (I know this because PB has a higher sex drive than I do).

I thought the atitude that women only have sex to "please men" ended with the femist revolution
the answer is simple women want it to be that way for men, that all men are sexual 24 hour thinking wishing machines
I remember many girls in high school that dressed rather provocativly and whenever they went out on dates they became what was known as "prick teasers".Girls enjoyed turning the guys on just to turn them off to see what power they had, The boyz didn't like them and didn't date them after finding out what they were up to.
Asguard said:

So im wondering why most people seem to think that its always the male who initiates sexual acts

I don't think it's a matter of always. But if I think back to the number of times I've hit on women and compare that to the number of times a woman has hit on me ... It's gotta be something like X:4, where X>200. And I don't bother reducing the fraction because I ended up getting laid all four times.

Thinking back to my teen years—remembering as best I can here—I would have laid just about anyone who said "yes". Not so for the girls I knew. Two things I've never had to say—

• "I'm late."
• "I said 'no'. Isn't that supposed to be enough?"​

—explain the whole difference for me.

• • •​

Cosmictraveler said:

... girls in high school that dressed rather provocativly and whenever they went out on dates they became what was known as "prick teasers".

Historically, that is the role men have asked women to play. If they don't dress to get the attention, they don't get any attention. The bottom line is that if the tease delivers, that would validate the male assertion that the only good woman is one waiting on her back with her legs spread.

Remember the old joke about the difference between a slut and a bitch?
(tiassa im not sure if this should be here or in GP)

This came from a comment LA made (no im not trying to insult you:))

So im wondering why most people seem to think that its always the male who initiates sexual acts:confused:

Even the women on here seem to assume this yet i know for a FACT that some women have a higher sex drive (I know this because PB has a higher sex drive than I do).

I thought the atitude that women only have sex to "please men" ended with the femist revolution

Become "informed." :

So im wondering why most people seem to think that its always the male who initiates sexual acts
It isn't "always," but "most of the time." This idea arises in puberty for the very good reason that males reach their sexual peak about fifteen years earlier than women. The average teenage boy walks around so horny that he often--literally--can hardly stand it. Very few teenage girls feel that way. The current phenomenon of some young women acting as though they feel that way is an artifact of misguided feminism: thinking that to be equal to men, women have to be the same. (We need to teach more geometry in our schools. :)) You don't start running into a lot of women who honestly do feel that way until they're in their early thirties. So starting in puberty we're conditioned to the early reality that men treat sex with much more urgency than women. When you reach your thirties you'll discover that isn't quite so true. :)

But this idea is also rooted in several thousand years of biology. Neither contraception nor abortion were reliable and widely available until very recently. Women had to accept the maxim that if they had intercourse there was a good chance that they'd go through pregnancy, which would not only leave them with a baby to take care of but also had a high risk of death. This forced them to think twice about it and was a reason that men felt freer to pursue their natural impulses.

This brings us back to the backlash-feminism issue I mentioned earlier. Two or three generations of women have grown up without the constraint of unavoidable pregnancy, much less the sobering threat of dying in childbirth. They are literally freer than their elders to examine their own sexuality, and this examination is far from complete. Our understanding of female sexuality has a long way to go and our attitudes have an even longer way.

Women's sexual behavior might be said to fall along a spectrum. Some are carried along by the inertia of those who came before, reinforced by morality which always lags behind reality by several generations, and regardless of how they feel they wait for men to make the first move. Others compulsively flout morality and in a spirit of revenge for their downtrodden ancestresses try to be as sexually aggressive as men. Still others look inward and try to express what they feel, but what they feel can't help being influenced by both extremes which they see every day.

It will take a while to sort this out. In the meantime don't pay much attention to what "most people seem to think." Pay more attention to what the individual women you get involved with seem to think. You will meet all three kinds, and all points in between, as well as a few who don't fall on that particular spectrum. :)
It persists because for many it is true and therefore they assume it is a rule. While some, even many, women may initiate sex acts, there is still a substantial population that does not and therefore sees no reason not to perpetuate the stereotype. As a rule, my wife never initiates sexual activities, and thus cannot easily conceive of women who do. What cause would she have to reject the age old premise that men are the sexual aggressors?
I remember many girls in high school that dressed rather provocativly and whenever they went out on dates they became what was known as "prick teasers".Girls enjoyed turning the guys on just to turn them off to see what power they had, The boyz didn't like them and didn't date them after finding out what they were up to.

I have been called a "Cock Tease" on a few occassions. I never understood that saying. If you dress nice for a date, and lets say you hit it off and end up kissing/making out, at the end of the date. If you stop it at that and don't automatically jump into bed you get called a Cock Tease........:confused:
So no woman on this whole board has ever picked up a guy until after she is 30?

I find THAT hard to belive especially as i used to live in a state where all the women sat around all day wineing about the "man drought". I also have 2 sisters (one of whom i think is a-sexual) and i KNOW one of them used to go to the football (and other places) to perve and she is NO WHERE NEAR 30. So it maybe a stero type but its quite a stupid one.

You cant all seriously expect me to belive that of the 40 od % of girls who have sex before they leave highschool that they were ALL presured into it
I think the best way to understand the difference between male and female sexual behavior is to look at the difference between male and female homosexuals. When you read up on it, gay men have sex, (and change partners) with a frequency that us straight men can only dream about for the most part. Lesbians tend to be more monogamous, and have longer term relationships. Another huge giveaway is that not all women masturbate!
The consensus of those doing a statistical analysis of who masturbates is that around 90% of the total male population and 65% of the total female population masturbate from time to time.

You have to study the numbers for the patterns to emerge; anecdotes are worthless for this sort of thing, since you could have had relationships with a number of statistically anomalous women (lucky bastard).
Repo that statistic doesnt really work either (the homosexual v lesbian MAY have some weight but the mastabation one doesnt really work) PB litterally cant get off without sex. So for her mastibation holds no atraction but she still has a much higher sex drive than i do
So no woman on this whole board has ever picked up a guy until after she is 30?

Where did you get that idea? I can't say that I picked up guys, they usually picked up me :p

I wouldn't say I was pressured into having sex either. It was mutual or I wouldn't have done it.
I have been called a "Cock Tease" on a few occassions. I never understood that saying. If you dress nice for a date, and lets say you hit it off and end up kissing/making out, at the end of the date. If you stop it at that and don't automatically jump into bed you get called a Cock Tease........:confused:

Not at all. A prick teaser would actually rub your cock and get you all hot and bothered then say she was having a period or something else to stop the passionate advances of the boy.
Not at all. A prick teaser would actually rub your cock and get you all hot and bothered then say she was having a period or something else to stop the passionate advances of the boy.

I think it just became a common term that was tossed around. I got called that just because the guy would get a hard on (not by my doing) and I wasn't willing to help him in that department...
Because of the random way the brain works, this thread reminded me of a joke I heard a female comedian tell once: "My boyfriend wants me to let him know when I'm having an orgasm, but that's really hard because he's usually not in the room."