God exists only in present human incarnation not everywhere

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God exists only in present human incarnation not everywhere

The space or energy or awareness, which is treated as formless by you, has form because the creation always has limits compared to the creator. Thus, your formless God is only the modification of the power of God and does not contain God. Therefore, the entire Universe is not God, which means that every item in the Universe is not God. Veda (Neti neti….) and Gita (Mamebhyah Param….) say the same. Therefore, the formless form of God or any form of the creation like the Sun or a statue also does not contain God. All these are modifications of the power of God, which is called as Mula Maya. You can worship these forms as representative models of God.

A chart represents a machine. A chart is not the machine. The chart does not contain machine. The chart represents the machine as a model. You can learn the concept of machine from the chart. But if you catch the chart you have not touched even an atom of the machine. Thus, if you catch the space or energy or awareness or a statue or any living being in the Universe, you have caught the creation only but not the creator, because the creator is not in the creation. When you catch a particular human form like Rama or Krishna or Jesus or Sai Baba only, you have caught the God because God exists in that particular human form only. Gita says that if you catch any item of the creation, you have caught only item of that creation but not the creator (Bhutejya yanti…..).

Gita says in the same verse that if you catch Krishna, you can catch God because God exists in Krishna. Krishna means the then Human incarnation, which stands for a present Human incarnation present in your human generation. If the word Krishna stands only for the past Human incarnation, for Arjuna the then existing Krishna should not have been the God. Only the past Rama should have been the God for Arjuna. Similarly, Hanuman should have worshipped the past human incarnation like Vamana or Parasurama in that time and He should not have worshipped Rama, the then human incarnation.

At Thy Lotus Feet

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality for World Peace
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