God is Evil?


Registered Senior Member

O.K., before you get too excited think about this. God's right hand man in the beginning (Satan) started to see God becoming evil, and generally screwing up. So he broke with God and started off on his on. God, naturally being the kind that demands subservience and worship, decreed Satan was evil. Henceforth satan got a bad wrap. Could this be possible?

Ridiculous? Why then do so many cruel, horrible things happen? Has a church ever burnt to the ground?

Satan gets all the fun stuff? Hmmm.

Sort of a ‘darth vader’ kind of thing.

Just for fun, no scripture please -people use your own words and thoughts, no cheating!- and keep it lively, one paragraph max, and type slowly so all of us can read it.

Oh screw it, do what you want, you will anyway.

"this opinion is not necessarily that of its author" -can I say that? oh I just did...oops

No I am not mocking you. Really. No really. O.K.?

P.S. just for a twist: If God created Satan, he really screwed up huh?
Originally posted by Jeremy

O.K., before you get too excited think about this. God's right hand man in the beginning (Satan) started to see God becoming evil, and generally screwing up. So he broke with God and started off on his on. God, naturally being the kind that demands subservience and worship, decreed Satan was evil. Henceforth satan got a bad wrap. Could this be possible?

Ridiculous? Why then do so many cruel, horrible things happen? Has a church ever burnt to the ground?
Free will and true freedom, that's why. If God stopped all bad things from happening, then we wouldn't truly be free to make our own decisions.

Satan gets all the fun stuff? Hmmm.
Satan is a selfish bastard, why do people think he's any fun. His joy comes from seeing you suffer, he's the original bitter old man.

P.S. just for a twist: If God created Satan, he really screwed up huh?
If you consider allowing free will screwing up...
Hypothetical story:

Parent: Son, there's 2 powerful beings in this world: god and satan. god is the most wonderful all loving all caring all forgiving creator of man. satan is the image of absolute evil, absolute hatred and destroyer of humans.

Son:How did satan arrive? and can't god kill him?

Parent: god made him, and apparently can't kill him. Something to do with our free will.... or so they say. Anyway i wanted to tell you a story about noah and the several million people that were drowned mercilessly. All animals, all humans, including all the young children and old people- all the people born with severe handicaps and all the pregnant mothers. Every single one of them: Drowned!

Son:Yeesh, that satan sure is a nasty bastard.

Parent:Ummm, actually that was god.. Well, ignore that.. let me tell you about a place called sodom. Everyone was blown to smithereens and one doods wife was turned into a pillar of salt right in front of him! Sickening....

Son:Yeesh, that satan sure is a nasty bastard.

Parent:Doh! That was god too...

And so the story continues on and on and on.... Tune in for part 2 next week where the son learns all about how womens wombs were closed, men were killed off while eating quail, given plagues, had to sacrifice all their perfect testicled livestock etc etc etc.


To learn of God, to read of God to know of God is to worship him.


To learn of Satan, to read of satan to know satan is to worship him.

You seem to know about satan, you have spent time reading about his works. Why do you worship him if he is so bad?

Satan is a creation of God, God chose Evil? If good or bad is about choices, does this mean God chose wrong?

P.S. I notice you capitalized 'Satan', why do you show him this respect? A Freudian slip perhaps?

Am I irritating you yet?

Just because X creates Y and Y creates Z, it does not necessarily means that X creates Z.

Think about it.
As a chain of events the ultimate responsibility for Z's creation does lie with X. God should be powerful enough to predict this eventual outcome.

You light a match that lights a fuse that blows up the bomb, they are a continuum. God is omnipotent, he should know better. One cannot light the bomb and walk away with a clean conscience, especially someone of Gods stature.
Faulty analogy. The match does not light the fuse of it's own free will, you use the match to light the fuse. That is unless you claim God used Satan to create evil (do evil, or what have you)
Originally posted by Jeremy
Just for fun, no scripture please -people use your own words and thoughts, no cheating!- and keep it lively, one paragraph max, and type slowly so all of us can read it.
The concept of an YHWH as evil Demiurge is rather old. As for the rest, just how slow must I type so that you can understand it? :rolleyes:

Arn't we a little grumpy pants? Apparently you missed my point, many here type without regard to grammer, spelling or coherence of thought. It is not so much typing slowly for me, but rather type slowly for you.

A case in point

"The concept of an YHWH as evil Demiurge is rather old"

YHWH? perhaps you can expand this acronym for all readers?

And if age of a topic or idea bothers you, perhaps religion is not young enough to keep up to your speedy litlle fingers?
Originally posted by Jeremy

O.K., before you get too excited think about this. God's right hand man in the beginning (Satan) started to see God becoming evil, and generally screwing up. So he broke with God and started off on his on. God, naturally being the kind that demands subservience and worship, decreed Satan was evil. Henceforth satan got a bad wrap. Could this be possible?

Now here's a man who thinks!!! This God you are referring to is the 'jealous' god of Ten Commandments fame. Its the same God who allowed 'temptation' to occur in the garden with confusing rules and regulations... don't eat of this tree, eat of that tree, this fruit will give you eternal life, that one will give you the shits; stay away from apples, oops, there's no apples in Eden, God goofed; to know, know, know him is to love, love, love him.... Talk about playing silly mind games! Was Satan a Serpent? What about the reptilian brain? Did he rape Eve? Did Eve seduce the Serpent? Was Seth the child of Eve and the Serpent? Didn't we all evolve from Seth? (Set in Egypt). Hey, maybe we are Satan on Earth! Did you ever think about that? That would explain why there's still wars and famines and bad things happening to good people--we are still victims of that same ol' jealous God!
Originally posted by Jeremy

To learn of Satan, to read of satan to know satan is to worship him.
??? How is reading of Satan the same as knowing Satan??? And how is knowing Satan the same as worshiping him....:bugeye:
You seem to know about satan, you have spent time reading about his works. Why do you worship him if he is so bad?
Satan still owes me fame and fortune, I sold him my soul but he hasn't held up his end of the bargain.:mad:
Satan is a creation of God, God chose Evil? If good or bad is about choices, does this mean God chose wrong?
Evil is merely an adjective for certain decisions and behaviors. Choosing to give Satan or humans free will was the gift of freedom. Satan chose to abuse this freedom, that's on him.
P.S. I notice you capitalized 'Satan', why do you show him this respect? A Freudian slip perhaps?
No, just proper grammar...
Am I irritating you yet?
As a chain of events the ultimate responsibility for Z's creation does lie with X. God should be powerful enough to predict this eventual outcome.

Yes. God should be powerful enough. Who is to say that He is not? If I am capable of stopping at the stop sign and just decide not to do it (for whatever reason), does it follow that I am unable to stop? Just because God is "powerful enough" to do something or prevent something from happening does not mean that He is obliged to do it.

John Locke:

Well put, however explaining this to the cop will still earn you the ticket - not him. Likewise, why should we pay for Gods mistake?
Originally posted by Jeremy

Satan gets all the fun stuff? Hmmm.

I'll go a step further and prove Satan is actually a good guy.
How many times do we hear people say the devil made me do it, or satan is 24/7/365 guy, meaning he's constantly trying to sway people his way. Matter of fact just about every christian believes that Satan is fucking with them.
In my book that makes Satan a very hard working guy with a goal and a strong set of beliefs.

Which leads us to the conclusion that God is either lazy or disinterested in his creation to waste his time with us.
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