God =


  • Total voters
  • A primitive form of science
  • An inspiring mythology
  • A method of social control
  • A linguistic shortcut
  • A priestly con-game
A very powerful philosophical idea, begun when Man could first think, that has subsequently evolved with humanity.
So powerful an idea, and so long in evolution, that some concepts of God are (possibly/probably?) now self-contained, internally consistent and logically watertight ideas, only lacking in evidence - but otherwise beautiful concepts.

Ultimately "God" is just an answer to all the questions that have no possible answer. Some people need to feel there is an answer - and "God" is it.
I don't think god is some guy in the clouds with magical powers but I do often indulge in the concept of god just being something bigger that I'm a part of, i.e the Universe. It's nothing special or spiritual to me, I just kind of like the idea.
Reality, god will save you from yourself If you think you need saving and you are willing to be saved from yourself.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
God is whatever each individual wishes to believe. It's also a belief that I don't think others have any right to question or denigrate. If someone wants to believe in God, why should anyone else care?

Baron Max
God is whatever each individual wishes to believe. It's also a belief that I don't think others have any right to question or denigrate. If someone wants to believe in God, why should anyone else care?

Baron Max
Because it can have a significant impact in the way they lead their lives - especially if they claim to talk to this thing they believe in!
If someone flaunts their beliefs, or lack of, then they should expect to have them questioned - as with any other thing a person says or does.
Because it can have a significant impact in the way they lead their lives - especially if they claim to talk to this thing they believe in!

So do many other aspects of ones life. Would you suggest that no one have an impact on anything ....unless you agree with it?? Our enjoyment of tv shows has an impact on what the media provides. The enjoyment of video games impacts the type of games that producers create. The kind of wine we like impacts the wine industry. .....should I go on, or do you get the message?

If someone flaunts their beliefs, or lack of, then they should expect to have them questioned - as with any other thing a person says or does.

"Flaunts"? Are you sure that's the term you want to use?

As to be questioned about their beliefs, I think that's fine. But to denigrate them or their beliefs is simply wrong ...and no society should condone such insolent behavior against it's members. People should be permitted to believe as they choose, even if it does impact their lives.

Baron Max
So do many other aspects of ones life. Would you suggest that no one have an impact on anything ....unless you agree with it?? Our enjoyment of tv shows has an impact on what the media provides. The enjoyment of video games impacts the type of games that producers create. The kind of wine we like impacts the wine industry.
Indeed they do - and your point is....???:confused:

Baron Max said:
.....should I go on, or do you get the message?
What message - there is no message to what you are saying.

Baron Max said:
"Flaunts"? Are you sure that's the term you want to use?
Yes - otherwise I would have used another term.

Baron Max said:
As to be questioned about their beliefs, I think that's fine.
I'm glad we agree.

Baron Max said:
But to denigrate them or their beliefs is simply wrong
Never said otherwise.

My point is that anything upon which you base a decision should be open for question - be it the wine you drink, the tv you watch, or the God you believe in (or don't). As it happens, religion is often the fundamental building block of a person's persona and decision-making process.

And the more you flaunt the basis of your decision - the more you say "XYZ tells me this", or "XYZ tells me that", the more you should expect to be questioned upon that basis.

I have never said anything about denigrating a belief - merely that if you should expect to be questioned on it if you put it forward as the basis of your action, whatever that action might be.
Indeed they do - and your point is....???

If you can't even follow a single line of thought/discussion, then why should I even bother responding to you about anything?

If you choose to repost in response to my reply, then I'll try to reply again.

Baron Max
God is a simple human concept, inspired by our sentient seeking of reasons for our existence coupled with consciousness derived from many types of hallucinogens that the ancients experimented with, which is expressed and represented by man-made religions that have been corrupted and misused since the very beginning of human kind’s spiritual awakening. A double-edged sword that cuts both ways, that has always been used by the powerful and power hungry to manipulate the rest of humanity. God, in its purest sense is the universe itself.
If you can't even follow a single line of thought/discussion, then why should I even bother responding to you about anything?

If you choose to repost in response to my reply, then I'll try to reply again.

Baron Max
I can see no reason for you to take any offence whatsoever at my response to your post. I could not find any "message" in the opening paragraph to your response and thus said so. I can only apologise for not picking it up (and still not picking it up) and suggest you reply again with a clearer message. :rolleyes:
I shouldn't have to be a mind-reader to understand your meanings / messages.