Gospel of Barnabas


Registered Senior Member
Hey Guys,
I was wondering how some of the Christians on these forums felt about Barnabas I mean he was a disciple and he knew Jesus(saws) better than any of the other Disciples and he was even the one who let Paul/Saul into the "fold" after his murdering and prosecution of many of Jesus's(saws) followers, so why dont you guys accept his Gospel? The Gospel of Barnabas was accepted as a Canonical Gospel in the Churches of Alexandria till 325 C.E. Iranaeus (130-200) wrote in support of pure monotheism and opposed Paul for injecting into Christianity doctrines of the pagan Roman religion and Platonic philosophy. He had quoted extensively from the Gospel of Barnabas in support of his views. This shows that the Gospel of Barnabas was in circulation in the first and second centuries of Christianity. This topic isnt meant to disrespect Christians I'm only (as a muslim) wondering how you guys feel about this....peace to you :)

Gospel of Barnabas may have some true stuff in it, but it was left out of the Bible because it wasn't inspired by God. It was more of a 1st hand account of the life of Christ. How do you know that Barnabas knew Christ better than the other dicsiples? From what I read, He isn't mentioned much in the gospels as someone like Peter was.
Enigma'07 said:
Gospel of Barnabas may have some true stuff in it, but it was left out of the Bible because it wasn't inspired by God. It was more of a 1st hand account of the life of Christ. How do you know that Barnabas knew Christ better than the other dicsiples? From what I read, He isn't mentioned much in the gospels as someone like Peter was.
M*W: Wait a minute! Let me get this straight. "The Gospel of Barnabas...was left out of the Bible because it wasn't inspired by God!" Yet, you go on to say that, "It was more of an account of the life of Christ!" Paul didn't even know Jesus first-handt hand, and everything he wrote or had written by others was heresay!

If Barnabas had a "first-hand account" of the life of Christ, then that should tell you something about the evils of Christianity! (Again, I am NOT referring to Jesus when I refer to Christianity. Jesus was not a Christian).
Enigma'07 said:
Gospel of Barnabas may have some true stuff in it, but it was left out of the Bible because it wasn't inspired by God. It was more of a 1st hand account of the life of Christ. How do you know that Barnabas knew Christ better than the other dicsiples? From what I read, He isn't mentioned much in the gospels as someone like Peter was.

Well i guess you would have to read the Gospel to believe how close Barnabas was to Jesus(saws) but how do you know it wasnt inspired by God? I mean Barnabas was an apostle(acts 14:14) and he was also" a good man, full of holy spirit and faith"(acts 11:24) and it also says in Colossians 4:10 "if he comes to you recieve him" would his word then not be trusted? he did let Paul into the group of disciples also didnt he? Why would you beleive Paul but not Barnabas?...peace
Enigma'07 said:
Gospel of Barnabas may have some true stuff in it, but it was left out of the Bible because it wasn't inspired by God. It was more of a 1st hand account of the life of Christ. How do you know that Barnabas knew Christ better than the other dicsiples? From what I read, He isn't mentioned much in the gospels as someone like Peter was.

Thats intresting(sp? :confused: ) that you say that it's more of a 1st hand account of Jesus's(saws) life because to be a Christian means to be "Christ-like" so i think if you wanted to follow Jesus's(saws) ways that would be what you wanted. The fact that Barnabas can account for some of the missing years of Jesus's(saws) life plus the fact that he knew him while he was alive seems to make Barnabas a more credible source than Paul yet you believe what he says?........peace
Wait, I ment 1st hand as in biography. Paul didn't write the gospels, dicsiples that walked with Jesus did. Paul wrote letters of encouragement and supprot to the early churches. When the people got together to decide what belonged in the Bible because it was inspired and what didn't, they looked at the theame of the message and the litterary technique. All followed the guidlines.
There were many other gospels as well as barnabas, The Gospel of Thomas, for instance, and the Gnostic gospels.

When the people got together to decide what belonged in the Bible because it was inspired and what didn't, they looked at the theame of the message and the litterary technique. All followed the guidlines.

This was an important moment in the history of Christianity, and one that is neglected, I feel, in the retelling of Christian history. Whoever these people were that decided what was "inspired", they held more religious power than anyone since Jesus. They invented the guidelines, they determined the official gospel. They invented a religion by committee, and the message of Jesus was undermined and diluted as a result. As recent discoveries about the Nag Hammadi texts suggest, early Christians held a wider diversity of opinion than modern Christians would like to admit.
The gospel of Barnabas is known forgery. The epistle of Barnabas is the one that is alledged to be written by a Barnabas but most believe it's not the same Barnabas Paul mentions.
I believe that God led these people in deciding what was and what wasn't.
Enigma'07 said:
Wait, I ment 1st hand as in biography. Paul didn't write the gospels, dicsiples that walked with Jesus did.
M*W: You need to check the dates the gospel writers lived (and "walked with Jesus" as compared to the time in which Jesus lived before you make such a comment!
Paul wrote letters of encouragement and supprot to the early churches.
M*W: Paul commissioned M, M & L, to write the gospels, taking from the prophecies in the OT and writing fulfillments in the NT!
When the people got together to decide what belonged in the Bible because it was inspired and what didn't, they looked at the theame of the message and the litterary technique. All followed the guidlines.
M*W: The early church fathers got together in 325 AD (long after Jesus was allegedly "gone"), to decide what should be entered in the NT and what should not! This means that Jesus was NOT a deity when he was crucified (and there's plenty of room to question that this actually happened)! It was these same early church fathers who decided which books were to be included in the Bible. It appears now that they didn't want the "TRUTH" about Jesus to be included in the Bible. Because of the actions of the early church fathers, the story of Jesus is totally discredited!
okinrus said:
The gospel of Barnabas is known forgery. The epistle of Barnabas is the one that is alledged to be written by a Barnabas but most believe it's not the same Barnabas Paul mentions.
M*W: Please elaborate, my fine young man!
okinrus said:
This is an Islamic page that says the gospel is a forgery. I believe the gospel contradicts the Quran in a few places.

I wasnt starting this post as a debate between christianity and islam nor as to say whether or not muslims accept the gospel of barnabas(some muslims do some dont but it has nothing to do with our faith) i only wanted to know why christians reject this book when it was so widely accepted untill the council of nicea......peace
Enigma'07 said:
Wait, I ment 1st hand as in biography. Paul didn't write the gospels, dicsiples that walked with Jesus did. Paul wrote letters of encouragement and supprot to the early churches. When the people got together to decide what belonged in the Bible because it was inspired and what didn't, they looked at the theame of the message and the litterary technique. All followed the guidlines.

Yes but Barnabas also walked the earth with Jesus(saws) :) i think you would have to admit that what the disciple wrote and what Paul/Saul wrote were two different messages. What makes you think that the council of nicea was God-inspired? If two people wrote a story about you after you died who would you want people to believe?... someone who knew you and was a close friend of yours or someone who never met you but used to kill anyone who said they were your friend or even liked you?..... peace
Simply put, no one knew about the gospel of Barnabas until it was forged. The council of Nicea to my knowledge neither barred the gospel of Barnabas nor the epsistle of Barnabas, nor do I believe the council decided what was scripture. Rather, the council proclaimed the mystery of Trinity. The debate was over the precise wordings to use in framing the doctrine. The Church Father's needed to frame their beliefs concerning the Trinity without making it ambigious.

For instance, if I was to give you my definition of the Trinity, it would be somewhat ambigious because the English word for "nature" and "person" do not convey the same meaning to all people.

Now the websites that say otherwise are either lying or confusing the epistle of Barnabas with the gospel of Barnabas. You, however, are falsely assuming Barnabas knew Jesus during his life on earth when only the gospel of Barnabas says so.
Just because the Bible wasn't compleatly written when Jesus was alive doesn't mean that Christ wasn't God. I also believe in the power of God which can cause people to turn around 180 degrees.
okinrus said:
Simply put, no one knew about the gospel of Barnabas until it was forged. The council of Nicea to my knowledge neither barred the gospel of Barnabas nor the epsistle of Barnabas, nor do I believe the council decided what was scripture. Rather, the council proclaimed the mystery of Trinity. The debate was over the precise wordings to use in framing the doctrine. The Church Father's needed to frame their beliefs concerning the Trinity without making it ambigious.

For instance, if I was to give you my definition of the Trinity, it would be somewhat ambigious because the English word for "nature" and "person" do not convey the same meaning to all people.

Now the websites that say otherwise are either lying or confusing the epistle of Barnabas with the gospel of Barnabas. You, however, are falsely assuming Barnabas knew Jesus during his life on earth when only the gospel of Barnabas says so.

Huh? :confused: Isnt Barnabas in the bible? isnt he an apostle? didnt he let Paul take Judas's place as a disciple?didnt he preach with paul/saul? thats all in the bible not Barnabas's book.Barnabas is all over the new testement my friend and the only reason his book was rejected is because he disclaimed the notion of the trinity....peace
Enigma'07 said:
Wait, I ment 1st hand as in biography. Paul didn't write the gospels, dicsiples that walked with Jesus did. Paul wrote letters of encouragement and supprot to the early churches. When the people got together to decide what belonged in the Bible because it was inspired and what didn't, they looked at the theame of the message and the litterary technique. All followed the guidlines.
M*W: No, Paul didn't "write" the gospels, but he "commissioned" them to be written. Matthew, Mark and Luke, never knew Jesus at all. John, on the other hand, may have known Jesus, but current scholars today believe that that the gospel of "John" was actually written by MM -- the "Beloved Disciple."
surenderer said:
Yes but Barnabas also walked the earth with Jesus(saws) :) i think you would have to admit that what the disciple wrote and what Paul/Saul wrote were two different messages. What makes you think that the council of nicea was God-inspired? If two people wrote a story about you after you died who would you want people to believe?... someone who knew you and was a close friend of yours or someone who never met you but used to kill anyone who said they were your friend or even liked you?..... peace
M*W: Good point, my surenderer! Did Barnabas walk the Earth in Jesus' time? What is the true meaning of Barnabas' name? It appears that "Bar-n-abbas" was the name of Jesus himself! This name means, "son-of-the-father." So, my question is, was Barabbas and Barabbas one and the same?
Huh? Isnt Barnabas in the bible?
Yes, he is mentioned as Paul's companion.

isnt he an apostle? didnt he let Paul take Judas's place as a disciple?
No, it is Mathias who became one of the twelve apostles, though Barnabas was an apostle(sent by God). The first mention of Barnabas is in Acts where it says "Thus Joseph, also named by the apostles Barnabas(which is translated "son of encouragement"), a Levite, a Cypriot by birth, sold a piece of property that he owned, then brought the money and put it at the feet of the apostles."

thats all in the bible not Barnabas's book.Barnabas is all over the new testement my friend and the only reason his book was rejected is because he disclaimed the notion of the trinity....peace
As I said before, the gospel of Barnabas is not mentioned. The Church did not reject the gospel of Barnabas from the Scripture for it did not exist. You are confusing the epistle of Barnabas with the gospel. http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/barnabas-lightfoot.html