Grown Adults Sleep with Young Children!


Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
News Flash!
People do are doing this all over the world.
Adult females, adult males, and children everywhere are sleeping together in the same bed! Oh no! What has the world come to?

The ONLY culture that has seems to have something against this type of behavior is the western culture.
It is completely normal in every single culture for adults to sleep with children, except for the western culture. People sharing beds with one another. In most third world countries this is not a choice. Especially when you have much less beds in the neighborhood community than there are people. Many beds consist of multiple males sleeping on a mat on a floor in a shed near their workplace or factory. Many times, females, males, and children alike sleep together out of necessity, and for many other completely harmless reasons as well.

I, fully grown, visit a friend, and sleep on his couch. His 5 year old sister wants to sleep on the couch with me. The only time I throw her off of the couch is when she pees all over me. Other than that, it is no big deal. Of course if she does it again, I will throw her out of the window, but that’s a different story.

There is something about the western culture that makes it unreasonably priggish. Anything that false short of obscenely prim and proper is considered savagery. “Why that’s unheard of!” so to speak. Not only in terms of people sleeping together.
Thousands of westerners truly believe: “A grown person sleeping in the same bed with a little kid that does not belong to them is unethical.”

1. How did this cultural stigma come about? Such stigmata on the verge of social paranoia seem more embedded from secular society than the typical religious anathema.
2. Is it really unethical if the situation does not necessitate it?
3. Would society do well not to look down upon such behavior?
The whole thing with Michael Jackson got me thinking about it because I have been guilty of sleeping with multiple persons in a bed throughout the extent of my life. The hotels are the best example. When you are traveling, and fitting 10 people in one double bed hotel room, everybody will be sleeping with everybody. Much of the time, unless you are a bore, this situation can be fun - As long as you only do it during vacation, and not all the time. Otherwise one might go insane. And I’m not referring to a giant orgy. Just peoples on a trip having fun together.

Nonetheless, many people in many cultures would not give a second thought to a grown person sleeping with a child. Sure child molestation is everywhere. I have been to the outer reaches of the middle of nowhere overseas in a third world province in the middle of nowhere. I have stayed in a local shack with a local family with no indoor plumbing. They bathe in their shorts at a neighborhood pump. A pair of rubber shoes is an exception to the common footwear: slippers. They buy their chicken. Alive. They wash their clothes by hand. It’s not pretty. Despite the language barrier, I was able to get good insight into their way of life. Although they have their own local music, much of what they listen to is the latest hits. Adults and kids alike are just as much aware of child molestation as people in civilization. The only difference is that they know how to deal with it and take precautions without overdoing it with social paranoia. Furthermore, we all slept together. Everybody there sleeps together.

Should we learn from them? Should we embrace the youth without feeling guilty? Is it really a big deal for an adult to sleep with a little kid? What about a teenager? What about other adults. I heard in some cultures, adults bathe with their children until the kids are well developed into adolescence. Close family or sick bastards? If you choose the second, there is a good chance you are a product of western cultural brainwashing.
Hmm, I think "sleeping with" and "fucking their little brains out" are two very different things, wouldn't you say?

Baron Max
Nobody said about what he is being tried for. I was referring to western culture outlook. The western culture has an incorrect paradigm regarding the ethics of a grown person sleeping in a bed with a child.
But if we did accept adults sleeping with children, then that right would get abused. Would anyone really feel comfortable with a famous grown man sleeping in the same bed with their children?
Silent Serenity said:
But if we did accept adults sleeping with children, then that right would get abused.

How can you say that? I mean, in many areas of the world, the children sleep in the same room with adults. In fact, in many areas of the world, the family (and even the extended family - cousins, uncles, etc) only HAVE one room, for god's sake. Are you saying that in such cases (millions/billions of them!) that the children are sexually abused??

Baron Max
Right. Furthermore, why would you single out celebs. They are a hybrid category. You have people you know and perfect strangers. Celebs are a hybrid because you may not know them personally, but most of the time you know enough about them to form an opinion on whether you would respect/trust them or not. I'm sure I can leave the prince of England or Carl Sagan or an idiot like Brittany Spears alone in my apartment without worrying about getting robbed. I may not know them personally, but I know enough about them to know they are for the most part normal legitimate people. Except perhaps Winona Ryder. Celebs are different from normal strangers. I have had little cousins that refer to Shaquille O’Neal the same way the refer to an older brother, cousin, or any older relative that isn't an elder. And they never even met him.
Baron Max said:
How can you say that? I mean, in many areas of the world, the children sleep in the same room with adults. In fact, in many areas of the world, the family (and even the extended family - cousins, uncles, etc) only HAVE one room, for god's sake. Are you saying that in such cases (millions/billions of them!) that the children are sexually abused??

Baron Max

I was talking about the Western society. I know that in the Middle East for example they sleep in the same room, I was just talking about the way we as Westerner's have been brought up to think.
hey this is quite interesting.
im indian and i have slept on the same bed with my parents till i was about 10.
And hell no i have never been 'fiddled' with.And its not like i live in a house where i go bathe at a nearby pump.Upper middle class you could say.And there were 2 other bedrooms in the house as well.its just that kids sleep with their parents when they are really young.most of my cousins shifted to other rooms by the time they were like 6 or 7 years old,i was kinda attached to my mom and was scared of sleepin alone.
like you guys said,in the western world sleeping on the same bed is considered to be as good as doing something physically,but in my place its considered necessary to keep children with the parents at nights.Part of raising,the bond formation etc.
and when we watch english movies and when the babies are all by themselves in their room in a cot we shake our heads and say HOW CAN THEY LET THOSE KIDS BY grandmother cannot even imagine it...
our societies are more family oriented.there are still so many in which there brothers and their families living together..the joint families..pros and cons of that,but thats besides the it is this family nature that makes this custom of the kids sleeping on the same bed as the western culture i believe people are more detached from families.
and yeah just in case your wondering,i never saw my parents having sex.i dont know how they managed it but i know they did.i have a younger
Silent Serenity said:
I was talking about the Western society. I know that in the Middle East for example they sleep in the same room, I was just talking about the way we as Westerner's have been brought up to think.

Are you saying if a non-native American, or an American who doesn't wish to kowtow to vacillating cultural whims, sleeps with their child that makes them criminal!?

That's what coolskill is speaking off. This idiotic and arrogant impressment of one's own values on everyone else, the same disease that spawns jingoism; the if you're not doing what we want you to, then you're against us. Beginnings of the end.
Apparantly it is also taboo in certain western countries to be naked (as an adult) around children. In some western countries it is quite normal though.
A child sleeping with his parents is perfectly acceptable in Western cultures. To state otherwise, as you have done, is to set up a straw man argument. Children in Western cultures have their own bedrooms because many Western families can afford homes large enough to make this possible. What Westerners object to is the idea of a grown man who actively seeks out children for bedroom company exclusively, especially when there is a standing question as to his motives for doing so.
§outh§tar said:
Are you saying if a non-native American, or an American who doesn't wish to kowtow to vacillating cultural whims, sleeps with their child that makes them criminal!?

That's what coolskill is speaking off. This idiotic and arrogant impressment of one's own values on everyone else, the same disease that spawns jingoism; the if you're not doing what we want you to, then you're against us. Beginnings of the end.

I'm not American, so I don't know what it's like over there. It's taboo over here (NZ), because there is so much sexual abuse. I never said I think there's something wrong with an adult sleeping in the same bed/room with a child, I was merely discussing it. :)
BHS said:
What Westerners object to is the idea of a grown man who actively seeks out children for bedroom company exclusively, especially when there is a standing question as to his motives for doing so.
There is more to it than just that. The western culturec considers it taboo Active or not. The standard is that it is taboo, and therefore, the standard is to assume that a person doing so is actively seeking to do so.

Other cultures are by far less paranoid. They can actually recognize when a person actively seeks to sleep with a child in a questionable manner. The western culture on the other hand blows any and all similar activity out of proportion.
Micheal Jackson's home has many beds, however, and he doesn't need to huddle with a young boy for warmth on those cold cold California summer nights.
§outh§tar said:
Prithee, just what pompous idiot is qualified to ascertain these motives?
Not you, apparently.
Michael Jackson was arrested and photographed in 1993, and would have gone to trial for child molestation had he not settled out of court. This in itself is not proof of wrongdoing. But you'd think, if his motives were pure, that he'd maybe give up on this form of entertainment for his child acquaintances. Can you think of any other rational, non molesting adult who insists beyond all advisement on sleeping with the children of strangers?