Guess the scripture?

Light Travelling

It's a girl O lord in a flatbed Ford
Registered Senior Member
Guess the scripture? (ok at least the religion)

“Light the lamp within, strive hard to attain wisdom. Become pure and innocent, and live in the world of light”

“If you long to know what is hard to know and can resist the temptations of the world, you will cross the river of life”
Guess the scripture? (ok at least the religion)

“Light the lamp within, strive hard to attain wisdom. Become pure and innocent, and live in the world of light”

“If you long to know what is hard to know and can resist the temptations of the world, you will cross the river of life”

Well, I did make an honest guess, though of course, I can't "prove" that. I read the buddhist scriptures once in a hotel room (apparently there's some group that puts them there like they do with Bibles) and that sounded a lot like what I remember of that.

Not that that was very much though; mostly generalities ....

So. Is it my turn to post some other scripture now?
Right. I'll post my piece then. And please, in the spirit of the game, no cheating!;)

Let none of us miss his share of the good things that are ours; who cares what traces our revelry leaves behind? This is the life for us; it is our birthright. Down with the poor and honest man! Let us tread him under foot; let us show no mercy to the widow and no reverence to the grey hairs of old age. For us let might be right! Weakness is proved to be good for nothing.
Right. I'll post my piece then. And please, in the spirit of the game, no cheating!;)

Sounds like Hedonism.
I guessed that without cheating. I did look up the definition later on Wiki to be sure, but I didn't Google the actual quote.
Goes pretty good with a name like "Heartless Capitalist". Yours?
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Sounds like Hedonism.
I guessed that without cheating but I did look up the definition later on Wiki but not the actual quote.

That fits pretty well, I'd say. It's actually a holy book of another faith that quotes it opponents (in order to refute them) but it represents that philosophy.

Goes pretty good with a name like "Heartless Capitalist". Yours?

Actually, no. Although I am assuredly an evil heartless capitalist who would cut down the Na'Vi Hometree without second thoughts to get my grubby fingers on the super valuable metal ores beneath ... :mufc:
That fits pretty well, I'd say. It's actually a holy book of another faith that quotes it opponents (in order to refute them) but it represents that philosophy.

I wasn't quite sure. The definition for Hedonism comes close, but I thought it could be something else.
I'll let somebody else take a stab at it. Good one.
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I'm not getting a scripture vibe from it; perhaps philosophy? Ayn Rand?

HeartlessCapitalist said "quotes it opponents (in order to refute them)" ahhh. So the points made are the opposite of what the text itself considers good. So a religious text dealing not with religion, but with morality and social behavior...
To keep this moving, I'm going to guess this is a quote from a letter of Paul's, talking about how "lots of people might do X, but you should, because it's better to be christian".

Total guess without cheating, though.

Yes, Buddhism. Until we get to the river of life bit sounds like Christianity though??

ha! this is a great idea for a completely insane party game. I vote yes!

Ha , some party:xctd:

To keep this moving, I'm going to guess this is a quote from a letter of Paul's, talking about how "lots of people might do X, but you should, because it's better to be christian".
Total guess without cheating, though.

It does sound Christian, I agree, but nothing I have ever heard. Doesn’t sound eastern.
Yes, Buddhism. Until we get to the river of life bit sounds like Christianity though??

The general language is somewhat similar, but the content not really, IMHO. Christianity's message isn't really that people should strive for perfection themselves, more like surrender/adhere to Christ. Judaic "wisdom" books (Proverbs, Sirach, etc) would probably be closer.

It does sound Christian, I agree, but nothing I have ever heard. Doesn’t sound eastern.

It's not Pauline.

I'll drop a first hint: The book it's quoted from is considered canonical by some churches, but not all.
I'll drop a first hint: The book it's quoted from is considered canonical by some churches, but not all.

Well, now I’m thinking Gnostisim, but the passage doesn’t sound obviously Gnostic, but could be. Then its probably old testament looking at canonically disputed books; Maccabees; some Psalms; Enoch; Solomon; Esdras

That’s as close as I am likely to get without cheating……..
oooh, Solomon? He did a lot of "some people say baaah, when you should say beeee, for it is right" yadda yadda.
The Wisdom of Solomon it was.

Maybe it was a bit too obscure; next time I'll probably pick a canonical book.

Very well. Riverwind won the round, and gets to post the next piece of scripture. Congrats!:)
meh; I think Light Traveling gets as much credit; we couldn't even ID the 'chapter'! :p


"Some foolish men declare that the creator made the world. The doctrine that the world was created is ill advised and should be rejected.

If god created the world, where was he before the creation? If you say he was transcendent then and needed no support, where is he now?

How could god have made this world without any raw material? If you say that he made this first, and then the world, you are faced with an endless regression."
First read through, it says Buddhism to me… I will think on it a little longer and see if I can be more precise.

It sounds like the logic employed by the Buddha; the terms 'support'' and 'transcendent' sound like terms used in the debates of the Indian philosophers around that time.
OK , I have an affinity for Buddhist thought and have a few books in the house but after having a flick through couldn’t find anything, so, I cheated and looked it up on Google. OK I am not going to tell, but all I will say is that I was right with the Indian philosophers comment ….. I will leave it open for someone else.