Halloween banned?

I don't think the banning of Halloween is just to please Muslims. There are plenty of Christians out there who don't like it either.


You can get the whole story here ;)

Well I suspected some slight anti-muslim element in there.

As forJelly..or Jello as the Americans rather oddly call it...well I suppose its hardly an essential part of anyones diet really. I doubt whether many Muslims are up in arms about it.
Note, that in all this comics they make a point that Halloween started in England, so it's some kind of foreign holiday for us Yanks anyway. :p

Well duh, it's a well-known fact that EVERYONE in England is a devil worshipper, or busy watching footie or getting pissed all weekend.
Well I suspected some slight anti-muslim element in there.

As forJelly..or Jello as the Americans rather oddly call it...well I suppose its hardly an essential part of anyones diet really. I doubt whether many Muslims are up in arms about it.

Yes and no. Some very strongly are, others not; they aren't the only ones who want it banned, but the Christians that want it banned must compromise a tiny, tiny minority.

Again: separation of church and state. Those not wishing to engage in Western culture to the extent that things require banning need to go elsewhere.
When I moved here there was only a Catholic School across the street.
I sent my son to kindergarten there, I hated it. They built a public school beside
it and I transferred him there. (love it)

In kindergarten it was dress up day for Halloween. I wasn't even thinking and
sent him as the DEVIL Lmao ( I never thought of it till I picked him up) The other
kids were all bunnies, fairies, princes, bears, you know fluffy or prissy stuff.
Not my son RED face, horns and a CAPE !! lol

Sure lets just take all the fun holidays away that we grew up with.

They don't even have a CHRISTMAS CONCERT anymore at the school. Now it's a WINTER CONCERT fuking ridicolous in my opinion.
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The scary thing is, there are a lot of stupid-ass fundamentalist X-ians who believe the crock of shit that is Jack Chick's tracts. :bugeye:

Honestly, anyone who equates Paganism with Satanism has some big, big mental problems. They are two vastly different concepts, a fact the fundies refuse to recognise. :shrug:

My school hasn't banned anything about Halloween, and they never will. Nor will any school of any significance. It's too big a part of our culture here in Louisville. :cool:

They don't even have a CHRISTMAS CONCERT anymore at the school. Now it's a WINTER CONCERT.
That, I actually agree with. Mainly because that time of year covers several holidays, and Christmas is really one of the more recent ones to be tacked on. That general period has a long history as a holiday season, being the time of the Winter Solstice.
I was thinking about this because a rather silly poster on my forum suggested that most Christians were against Halloween and refused to celebrate it.

In fact the precise OPPOSITE is the case.

Where I grew up in Manchester there was/and remains a large Roman Catholic/Irish contingent and the strict RC families were the only families to celebrate All Hallows Eve and to host parties in its honour.

The reason, in hindsight, is not a religious one but a purely societal and - as with most things - an entirely pragmatic one.

Working class Catholics tended to have much larger families for obvious reasons and so with 4+ kids who love dressing up as Ghosts, Witches and Buffy the Vampire Slayer to look after they had little choice but to celebrate at home via having a party or to simply get rid of the kids by kicking them out to go trick or treating.

Non church goers weren't that interested - we had Guy Fawkes Night instead!

Bang! Bang! :p
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I have to say this is surprising to me. Banning these festivals would be a shame. Although I am not westerner but I can't imagine American culture without Christmass and Halloween. Those traditions are nice and funny, and I don't understand how any kid would be offended by a devil or a witch costume. They would love it even if they were Muslims. It's just some parents issue.

Christmass carols are not offending too. I've always loved listening to the Messiah, even if I don't believe what it says it's certainly very nice. There is no such thing as to be offended by religious practices. They are not forcing anybody into any religion, are they?
I can only speak for the UK but more than anything it is the Human Rights PC brigade who change Christmas to 'Winterval' in one case and sadly most teachers are of the same ilk.

I've rarely heard...well to be honest NEVER heard any Muslim make a complaint about these Festivals. Its pure hype!
the Human Rights PC brigade who change Christmas to 'Winterval'
That just sounds stupid. :bugeye:

I agree with the overall concept, though. It's not really one of political correctness, but one of practicality. Not everyone is Christian nor celebrates Christmas, so it's easier to just say "Holiday season" or something. It's not necessarily to avoid offending people, but to avoid a faux-pas.

Personally, and for obvious reasons, I celebrate the time period as Yule. :D
The connection of Halloween with satanic worship comes from the Christian misidentification of Indo-European paganism with the Mesopotamian "devil" concept.

Halloween originated as a Celtic palaeopagan holiday. Christian missionaries into the British isles saw these religions as devil-worshipping just because they followed a different set of deities than they did.
So, the early Christian Church absorbed the traditions, and branded the original Celtic polytheists as "teh ebul pagans, rawrg!"
The later Protestant reformation branded the Catholics as evil for adopting these pagan rituals, and many of the more radical protestants repudiated such rites and rituals.
However, most of them kept the ritual and holiday of All Hallows Eve alive, which endured into the modern era.