Hamas heads to Moscow

Let's assume your theory of Armageddon is correct for the sake of argument. Aren't you glad that you are going to get to see it from heaven, and not earth? Are you excited? I would be if I believed it. You trying to convert a few last minute souls? Or trying to find someone to make you feel better about your doubts?
TheVisitor said:

Hamas, one of the most anti-Israeli fanatical groups heads to "Russia with love"
Looking for a sympathetic shoulder to cry on.....

lol. Ive been saying this on this forum for ages, but Ill say it again. By recognizing Hamas as a party and government that has an ability to rule, we are making Hamas responsible for its actions, whereas if Hamas is recognized as a militant group then it will act as a militant group and will not try to solve issues with Israel diplomatically. Hamas is like a spoiled child, if the child is recognized as a spoiled child and is told so everyday that he is no good then the child will continue his aggression whereas if the child is given at least recognition that he is seen as a individual and an adult that has responsibility then the child will act so.
But in this case, Hamas is a militant group and a government dedicated to the destruction of it's neighbor (and the establishment of an Islamic state that will repress it's own non-muslim citizens).
spidergoat said:
But in this case, Hamas is a militant group and a government dedicated to the destruction of it's neighbor (and the establishment of an Islamic state that will repress it's own non-muslim citizens).

well maybe that mentality can be changed.
spidergoat said:
But in this case, Hamas is a militant group and a government dedicated to the destruction of it's neighbor (and the establishment of an Islamic state that will repress it's own non-muslim citizens).

Sounds very similar to the U.S.'s manifest destiny and it's treatment of Native Americans here at home, not to mention our own creation of a Christian nation (80% Christian, I think) that represses heretics and homosexuals.
Cottontop3000 said:
Sounds very similar to the U.S.'s manifest destiny and it's treatment of Native Americans here at home, not to mention our own creation of a Christian nation (80% Christian, I think) that represses heretics and homosexuals.
Last I heard, it's a secular nation that lets indians build casinos and holds huge gay parades every year.
Last I heard, in Iran, Judaism, Christianity and Zoroastrianism "are officially recognized and have reserved seats in the Majles (Parliament), and are officially protected religions." -wikipedia

Often, reality is quite different from what you are taught. Besides, who's to say Hamas will not let Jews exist on reservations before the final curtain falls or have their own parades?
But the Buddhists and Wiccans will be decapitated. The "official" statements of Iran have little to do with reality.
Give it time. It is equally as bad as christianity in my eyes. Christians have just hijacked their own religion, making it more morally friendly over the years.
spidergoat said:
Last I heard, it's a secular nation that lets indians build casinos and holds huge gay parades every year.

has there ever been a non-christian president?

we slaughtered the native americans, killed somewhere around 2 million of them i think, and that only after the US was a nation on this continent, excluding the millions displaced or destroyed by european powers. its like if hitler was alive and he said to the jews in germany, hey guys i picked out some shitty land for you and i'll let you build some casinos on it if you forget about the holocaust.
so what if theres gay parades, the only reason they have them is so that the gay community can gain some visibility as it attempts to gain equal rights, like say - the ability to legally marry.
Doesn't matter what religion the leaders of a country are, it can still be either a secular or religious state. The US is not a "Christian nation". We did kill quite a number of indians, but alot of them also fought on our side in various wars. The history is much more complex than just "we slaughtered the native Americans". They slaughtered white people, too. They slaughtered each other, too. I agree that the subject of human rights is important and we have alot to work on still, but the US has exceeded most nations of the world in this area. Just look at the radical changes that have taken place since the 1950's. Women are accepted in the workplace, segregation has been abolished, gays have their own TV shows, and will soon get the right to marry. Don't be such a Debbie Downer.
“ has there ever been a non-christian president? ”

Yeah, Kennedy........
Read "50 years in the church of Rome"
Abraham Lincoln said "we don't have to worry about a foreign army invading the U.S.....just the daily infestation of Rome's "black robed priests".

"No more cunning plot was ever devised against the intelligence, the freedom, the happiness and virtue of mankind than Romanism."*****

The catholic church has declaried it will possess the United States.

spidergoat said:
Russia rescinds open arms as Hamas refuses to soften stance

MOSCOW, Russia (AP) -- Hamas' leader on Friday ruled out any softening of the militant Palestinian group's hostility to Israel after high-profile talks in Moscow at which Russia called on it recognize the Jewish state and abandon violence.

told ya...Russia's invitation didnt mean "friends of Hamas", fucking media deserves to die cause they always twist the situation to make it look like the world's on fire. Hamas has been given a chance, Hamas blew that chance because the country did not agree that violence against Israeli should be stopped.
draqon said:
told ya...Russia's invitation didnt mean "friends of Hamas", fucking media deserves to die cause they always twist the situation to make it look like the world's on fire. Hamas has been given a chance, Hamas blew that chance because the country did not agree that violence against Israeli should be stopped.

But daily violence and occupation from Israel is fine? If Israel wants peace and legitimacy, then they must be ready to nehotiate with Hamas and also be ready to withdraw from illegally occupied territories in West Bank, Gaza Strip, Lebanon's Sheba Farms, and Syrian Goilan Heights. If Israel doesn't end occupation and recognize Palestinian self-rule, Palestinians have every right to refuse to recognize Israel due to its occupation of their land.

If it is proper to ‘reconstitute’ a Jewish state which has not existed for two thousand years, why not go back another thousand years and reconstitute the Cannanite state; the Cananites, unlike the Jews, are still there.
– H.G. Wells.

Take the American Declaration of Independence for instance. It contains no mention f the territorial limits. We are not obliged to state the limits of our state. - Ben Gurion (Founder of Israel), May 14, 1948

"You believe the Jews were oppressed, why should the Palestinian Muslims have to pay the price? You oppressed them, so give a part of Europe to the Zionist regime so they can establish any government they want. We would support it. So, Germany and Austria, come and give one, two or any number of your provinces to the Zionist regime so they can create a country there... and the problem will be solved at its root. Why do they insist on imposing themselves on other powers and creating a tumour so there is always tension and conflict?" - President Ahmadi Nejad

"If we take the magnitude of the injustice done to the Palestinians by the State of Israel, there is a basis for comparison with apartheid."- Alon Liel, former Israeli Ambassador to South Africa
media deserves to die
If Israel doesn't end occupation and recognize Palestinian self-rule, Palestinians have every right to refuse to recognize Israel

Arabs, muslims, cainites....all murderous "wildmen" so say the scriptures, and they allways will be.
No land will change that.
Killing babies,women, and anything that moves over a cartoon.
They show they don't have enough sense to see God.
Elijah just sat and laughed at this same bunch , watching them cut theirselves and call on their false god...
He said; "maybe you should shout a little louder, he can't hear you ...he might be away on vacation"
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TheVisitor said:
Arabs, muslims, cainites....all murderous "wildmen" so say the scriptures, and they allways will be.
No land will change that.
Killing babies,women, and anything that moves over a cartoon.
They don't have enough sense to see which way is up, let alone God.
"Lets wrap a towel around our heads, and pin the tail on a fellow arab, or kill them whichever comes first"
Elijah just sat and laughed at this same bunch of fools, watching them cut theirselves and call on their false god...
He said; "maybe you should shout a little louder, he can't hear you ...he might be away on vacation"

So basically all you contributed in this discussion is your racist views against Arabs. How shameful. Is this what your religion teaches, or is it you hijacking your religion?