Has organized religion outlived it's usefulness?


Registered Member
The truly fundamental basis of all religion, is what we all know to be true; that humans have great capacity for evil, but an even greater capacity for love and understanding. Religions teach us that we should strive to nurture our good side and work to suppress our evil side.

It is the human religious hierarchies, however, created to perpetuate control of the masses, that have conflicting rules and traditions. They result in good people being bogged down by guilt and shame, and too many people focusing on human differences, rather than similarities.

World religions are all generally on the right track, but their belief systems are heavily colored by human experience. First, the person or people who originally articulated the opinions the ensuing religion is based on, could only describe their beliefs in terms of the culture of the time. A neurologist could better explain how the human brain can only accept new information within the framework of reality, as the brain understands it. No matter how close to the Source, or how Gifted, any human must still interpret guidance from the Source within their brain, and attempt to explain it to others using human language available to them. Second, the origins of most religions predate the printing press by hundreds, even thousands of years. The original messages of ancient prophets were passed down orally, mainly, and were constantly adapted and reinterpreted to better suit the needs of the leaders of the time. Such revisions continue today in order for religions to maintain their relevance and power.

In today’s industrialized world, a majority of educated people question all or part of their religion’s teachings. They know of many other religions. They know that fellow believers in their religion make up only a minority opinion among all people on Earth. They wonder why females are relegated to “second-class” status in most places of worship and in most religious hierarchies. Rational people question why the miraculous events recorded in books written thousands of years ago don’t happen anymore. They wonder why religious conflicts have been the cause of the bloodiest periods of modern human history. They wonder if religious leaders are really “holier” or “more blessed” than others. Educated people are becoming less willing to accept “You must have faith” as an answer to questions that religious texts or religious leaders cannot answer to their satisfaction otherwise.

Technology and the information explosion of the last fifty years have made it plainly clear to many that organized religion itself is outdated and no longer relevant to our goals as a human race. While religion was once useful in our development as a race (human), and while each religion has valid, important lessons for us all, today’s organized religions are contradictory and discriminatory in nature, and therefore counterproductive. Today, it is more important to spread information about contraception, economic self-sufficiency, illness prevention and treatment, human rights, etc. around the world, than it is to spread antiquated and often misguided customs, traditions and superstitions.

Many religion “members” have already created their own belief system, in their own mind, different from that embraced by their religion. Their personal belief system may contain parts of their religion, but they have synthesized instinct, logic, Science, personal experience, and what other religions have to offer, to create their own view of life. You may already be doing this too, without realizing it. You are the Source. You are perfectly capable of deciding what is real and what is important in life, and how to make the most of it.

Thank you for considering my conclusions.


that humans have great capacity for evil, but an even greater capacity for love and understanding

But that is no good as a social control. If humans are irredeemably evil then they need a saviour. How the hell else could you make them pay tithes?
I reached many of the same conclusions almost 20 years ago. One thing I think you failed to notice is the possibillity that organized religion self perpetuates from the fear of not knowing what will happen after we die which is after all one the founding tenets of all religons.
Good point Dave, I'd further it by saying a big religion propellant is tradition and well, cultural lag (I've explained this idea in other forums, basically "mom and dad taught me that" and "oh, well, everyone else says it must be so, so what the hell?")

Religion, like it or not, will be around for a long time to come (as long as we don't all die or aren't reprogrammed by the superhuman intelligence we create)

The main problem with religion in my opinion is that it's become a substitute for context. You see, it used to ACTUALLY BE the context, but as science progessed, it became the context but the stuff that Dave said plus what I said... well, I mean. Yeah. Bummer.

I think the whole idea of a meme is really applicable. Look it up, it makes a lot of sense. Not exactly correct I don't think, but it's the right basic idea.
excellent! I concur but i didn't want to belabour the point. It (organized religion) will persist for a very long time, perhaps we should exaime what will come next. State as religion? communisim. Corporate parent? There aren't too many really major corporations that have cradle to grave security. Hmmm
I think the whole idea of a meme is really applicable
Funny you should mention memes - I ordered a copy of "the
selfish gene" by Richard Dawkins a few days ago and it just
came in today. Very interesting stuff imo. :)
Well Dave, I honestly think at some point within the next century, all bets are off. I don't want to get into a huge rant here but man.. it's tempting. I want to talk about greed, I want to talk about economics, but I just can't get past the whole "creating a superior intelligence" thing. Something like that, or something equally impacting I'm sure hs to take place within the next 100 years or so, prolly lots sooner. At that point, it's impossible to say what's next ya know? Stupid arrow of time. :)
EvilPoet. I do what I can - for the people.

(actually, it's all to entertain YOU ;) don't tell my wifey)

(eh, shit, it's okay you can tell her, she might be into it!)

Originally posted by wesmorris
EvilPoet. I do what I can - for the people.
(actually, it's all to entertain YOU ;) don't tell my wifey)
(eh, shit, it's okay you can tell her, she might be into it!)
I'm a bit confused - is this a reply to what I posted? It doesn't
seem to fit but I could be missing something (entirely possible).
I'm not sure what you are referring to or why you mention your
wife. Could you please clarify what you mean?
EvilPoet: I was just playing!!!!!!!

You'd said "funny you mentioned memes... "

and I was all, "yeah, that's right, I'm a man of the people and when I can help the people - I do. If it's mentioning memes and whatnot, so be it." and then I was all "nah, really, I mentioned it because I psychicly (sp?) knew that your book was arriving and secretly i have a crush on you and wanted to impress you with my badass psychic skills, but don't tell anyone, especially my wife" and then I was all "eh, hey, maybe the wifey would be into it!"

it was just me - in hopes of making you laugh - being a huge frickin dork. pardon me, and i'll attempt to type more clearly in the future. :)
OH, and spookz: My brain came prescrambled aight? Hehe.. I do typically enjoy the stuff that EvilPoet writes, but she didn't have much to do with the scrambleage. :rolleyes:
Whatcha talkin bout spookz? Have you gone mad?!
The only charms I have are in the box of cereal in
my kitchen. :D

Oh ok - I got it now. Thanks for the reply.
Sorry for the confusion (on my part). :)

Many religion ?embers?have already created their own belief system, in their own mind, different from that embraced by their religion. Their personal belief system may contain parts of their religion, but they have synthesized instinct, logic, Science, personal experience, and what other religions have to offer, to create their own view of life. You may already be doing this too, without realizing it. You are the Source. You are perfectly capable of deciding what is real and what is important in life, and how to make the most of it.

I do see this happening with people, but I don't agree that I AM the source (each one of us). I believe God is Love and that we are like Him. We are made of Love, we are NOT Love itself. Our minds, wills and emotions are way too material to be any close to God. Our Spirits are as perfect as Him, but I don't believe we are all Him. I do believe that we cna be one with Him though, as long as we are focused on Him. Then, as soon as we do that, He works through us.

Btw... remember that your own beliefs may not be right... ;)
See this thread for more about how our beliefs may be wrong...
"The Meaninglessness of Conversation and The Puzzle of Life"