Lowering Of Blood Pressure Achieved Through Use Of Hashish-like Drug.
"A new method for lowering blood pressure (hypertension) through use of a compound that synthesizes a cannabis (hashish) plant component has been developed by a pharmacology Ph.D. student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem School of Pharmacy."
I hate quotation tags. They shrink the text!
What a clever discovery. Ofcourse, the really clever thing would have been to simply legalise Marijuana and let patients eat Hash cookies. More fun too.
After all, it was listed in the Pharmacopeia Brittanica as one of the most useful plants known to medical science right up until its prohibition by American politicians. The reason the worlds number one cash crop was suddenly banned? The timber mill owners were afraid that a new invention called the Decorticator was going to put them out of business by producing paper from hemp that would have been 10 times cheaper than timber pulp.
Back then the timber pulp owners had heavy investments in forest timber and would have likely gone bankrupt. It was a huge business and they exerted enormous influence over the newspapers and politicians of the era. That was before any oil barons existed. In those days the pulp mill operators were the barons.
The history of marijuana prohibition is farcical. They introduced the Marijuana Tax Act in 1937 under the pretense of stopping the "dangerous" narcotic from spreading. But really it was aimed at destroying the hemp industry. Then when war broke out they stopped fining farmers and started paying them to grow it. Until the war ended. Then the fines came back. Ludicrous in the extreme.
Even the word Marijuana was chosen to mislead the public. While Hemp fields were everywhere, even those living across the road from acres of the stuff had never heard of the word until it began appearing in newspapers under such banners as "Teenager murders his family under the influence of Marijuana!"
All those headlines have since been proven false and aimed at developing public hatred towards this harmless recreational drug. The word "Marijuana" actually comes from a small town somewhere in Mexico. Prior to the propaganda campaign led by an Agent Anslinger of the FBI, even most Mexicans were unfamiliar with the word. If Americans had known it was Hemp being targeted then they would have been horrified that the Government could pull such a stunt.
The original reason given for introducing the "Marijuana Tax Act"? Before voting on the legislation the members were told that the drug made people violent. That's about the most unimaginative excuse they could have possibly dreamed up. In fact the recreational drug of choice for millions worldwide has the complete opposite effect.
Ten years later when the legislation came up again, with largely the same politicians voting on the issue, the reason given was that this dastardly drug was making soldiers overseas into pacifists. Closer to reality in describing the effects of the weed but a complete backflip on their original reasoning.
So now some researcher has spent god knows how much money making a copy of a naturally occuring chemical that costs practically nothing to grow.
Never trust Governments. They are all evil.