Health supplementation for aging.

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just me

Registered Senior Member
I have an idea for health supplementation to help with aging and its copious negative side effects.
this idea of mine is unique in that it does not attempt to fix the many symptoms of aging directly, but some of the underlying causes instead.

the idea is to take NMN with TA-65.
you don't have to take my amateur word for how these medicines work, or even that they work at all, you can do as much research as you like on them.
but the gist of it is that NMN activates the DNA repair system, and TA-65 builds buffer DNA onto the ends of chromosomes to keep the DNA in this repaired state.
the idea is that: sustainably healthy genes=sustainably healthy cells=sustainably healthy body.

obviously these medicines should be taken at SEPARATE regular intervals, so that they don't combine in your stomach to form an entirely different substance.
more NMN should be taken than TA-65 because TA-65, although it does not cause cancer, can exacerbate it severely by immortalising mortal cancer cells.
whereas NMN combats cancer by patching up genes, and has been recommended to NASA to treat the astronauts on their mission to mars who will inevitably develop cancer due to being exposed to enormous amounts of radiation.

both medicines are available online.

I would take them myself, but I am fortunate enough to not be old just yet, so there is no need for me to.
also these medicines are rather expensive, and I am rather broke.

I hope this helps you in your fight against aging, tis a nasty thing.
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Site rules, which you agreed to:

"E17. Financial, legal and medical advice is best provided by qualified professionals. ... we reserve the right to remove posts that may put readers at risk. Members should be aware that, in general, it is impossible to verify the qualifications of any member providing advice."

yea? well you trying to put people off something that would help them puts people at risk.
Site rules, which you agreed to:

"E17. Financial, legal and medical advice is best provided by qualified professionals. ... we reserve the right to remove posts that may put readers at risk. Members should be aware that, in general, it is impossible to verify the qualifications of any member providing advice."

and David Sinclair recommends that everyone take NMN.
I'm sure I can find a medical professional to recommend TA-65 also.
Noel Thomas Patton for instance.
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Site rules, which you agreed to:

"E17. Financial, legal and medical advice is best provided by qualified professionals. ... we reserve the right to remove posts that may put readers at risk. Members should be aware that, in general, it is impossible to verify the qualifications of any member providing advice."

or suzanne somers, she recommends TA-65.
And, you don't think you're putting people at risk?

I think the net result of what I'm doing is the CONTRARY of putting people at risk.
they're in more danger from aging than from these medicines.
Advertizing and promoting products or services is also against site rules.

ok, just give me a few minutes to get around that one.

ok yes I was not promoting these medicines although I intended to.
in fact my post actually probably discouraged people from taking them more than it encouraged them, because I mentioned the word cancer in it which is a very off putting word.
And, you don't think you're putting people at risk?

also, even if I was, that wouldn't change the fact that Dave is putting people in danger by recommending that they turn down this opportunity.
I know his intentions are good, but aging is a far more inevitable ailment than any possible side effects of these medicines.
oh and aging kills people, by the way.
it kills them every time.
I would say that it is pretty damn dangerous.
more dangerous than taking medicines to prevent it.
Mod Note

also, even if I was, that wouldn't change the fact that Dave is putting people in danger by recommending that they turn down this opportunity.
I know his intentions are good, but aging is a far more inevitable ailment than any possible side effects of these medicines.
And you are putting people in danger by recommending drugs (that according to a filing with the ftc, was hyped up by paid users and paid segment on certain shows) to others without any medical background whatsoever, and without even knowing if people have a pre-existing condition.

Ageing is not an ailment. It is a fact of life.
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