Hearing voices?


Registered Member
Ok, about a year ago I started to hear voices. The voices would tell me stupid things about my friends and family and I would believe them. This made me look like a complete fool. It got me psychiatry help and sent to a residential hospital. The voices explained to me a whole different reality, one where people can make stuff with their minds by talking in their mind like for example if I said "Make small pen" in my mind it would just appear. I believed everybody had this power and they kept it a secret from me because they were suppose to. I was going psycho. Then as I coped with the voice and it told me that everything was a joke and I shouldn't have done what I done. It then told me that I created the Universe via I was born with power and the first thing I did with the power was live a regular life without power. It says when I die I get my powers. The power is to do whatever I want litteraly whatever I want this can be the reason why there isn't a God yet. It's really hard to share this information because everyone thinks it's crazy. What does this mean? It says I have to create the afterlife when I die. What does this mean? Usually when people hear voices is someone telling them to do something like hurt themselves. This is different. Thank you.
PLEASE don't tell me go to a doctor I already did I took meds for months, heavy dosage different types of meds mixture of meds people take to stop hearing voices and it just didn't work. Usually meds work for something like that it's so annoying when someone tells me go see a doctor.
What say you write in here, this thread, all the things you get "told". I have had voices talk to me in dreams. It seems acceptable to have dreams where you are being spoken to but if you get spoken to while you are awake you get labeled mental.

I would suggest you ask that the voice only speak to you while you are dreaming, so you have no more issues with psychiatrists.

Are you a Christian? As a Christian you can ask Jesus to do that for you. Once you have asked that it will stop. If you are not you will have to get other advice.
I've been hearing voices for about 8 years now. They have each evolved into 4 distinct personalities. A boy and a girl and a man and a woman. Do you have the ability to talk to them? For schizophrenics this is not the case. They can only hear them talk to them, and they experience the voices as coming from the outside. In my case I experience the voices as in my head. I am not psychotic cuz I know they are brain generated. Yet they are conscious in some sense. Many times I will think a thought and suddenly they will chime in commenting on that thought. I could write a book about all the amusing things they've said over the years.

But one thing you have to keep in mind about them is that they only want energy. So they will play head games with you and manipulate you any way they can just to get you to pay attention to them. Don't believe a word they say. They're tricksters. They're essentially little feedback loops that feed on your own attention and emotions.

Over the years I have tamed them to become like children or pets that talk to me only at bedtime. An amusing pasttime at best, but if you can ignore them then I highly recommend it. You'll find that the more tired you are the more insistent the voices become. Sleep is the only answer in this case. But bear in mind you're not crazy. Many people hear voices and lead normal lives. Here's an online organization involving such:

I've been hearing voices for about 8 years now. They have each evolved into 4 distinct personalities. A boy and a girl and a man and a woman. Do you have the ability to talk to them? For schizophrenics this is not the case. They can only hear them talk to them, and they experience the voices as coming from the outside. In my case I experience the voices as in my head. I am not psychotic cuz I know they are brain generated. Yet they are conscious in some sense. Many times I will think a thought and suddenly they will chime in commenting on that thought. I could write a book about all the amusing things they've said over the years.

But one thing you have to keep in mind about them is that they only want energy. So they will play head games with you and manipulate you any way they can just to get you to pay attention to them. Don't believe a word they say. They're tricksters. They're essentially little feedback loops that feed on your own attention and emotions.

Over the years I have tamed them to become like children or pets that talk to me only at bedtime. An amusing pasttime at best, but if you can ignore them then I highly recommend it. You'll find that the more tired you are the more insistent the voices become. Sleep is the only answer in this case. But bear in mind you're not crazy. Many people hear voices and lead normal lives. Here's an online organization involving such:

have you been assessed by psychologists and/or psychiatrists?
If these personalities are extra to yourself, you are 5 personalities these 4 plus yourself?

Do you dream in voices?
Do your voices predict future events?
Are they like guardian angels? Are they timely warnings?

Why I am asking so many questions was that reading your post I was left feeling it wasn't true. Can you prove what you are saying is true?
have you been assessed by psychologists and/or psychiatrists?
If these personalities are extra to yourself, you are 5 personalities these 4 plus yourself?

Yes..I see a nurse practioner at the VA hospital. No official diagnosis. She encourages me to socialize more so I won't use them for companions. And they're not really MY personalities. Maybe subconsciously, but I really do experience them as separate persons.

Do you dream in voices?

They swear they are not able to go into my dreams. I've dreamed ABOUT them, but they claim to have no memory of it. So who knows?

Do your voices predict future events?
Are they like guardian angels? Are they timely warnings?

No..They have no paranormal powers or esp. The only thing they can do is read my thoughts, which makes sense since they are inside my brain.

Why I am asking so many questions was that reading your post I was left feeling it wasn't true. Can you prove what you are saying is true?

Prove what? I just relayed a very personal experience to another poster experiencing a similar phenomena. I'm not here to prove squat to anybody.

Are they spirits? I've debated that with myself. Maybe they are in some proto-conscious primitive sense. I DID run across this description once by occultist Eliphas Levi in "Transcendental Magic" pg 280:

"The spirit toils everywhere and fructifies matter by life; all matter is animated; thought and soul are everywhere. By possessing ourselves of the thought which produces diverse forms we become masters of forms and make them serve our purposes. The Astral Light is saturated with such souls, which it disengages in the unceasing generation of beings. These souls have imperfect wills, which can be governed and employed by wills more powerful..Elementary spirits are like children: they torment chiefly those who trouble about them, unless indeed they are controlled by high reason and great severity. We designate such spirits under the name of occult elements, and it is these who frequently occassion our bizarre and disturbing dreams, who produce movements of the diving rod and rappings upon walls or furniture; but they can manifest no thought other than our own, and when we are not thinking, they speak to us with all the incoherence of dreams. They reproduce good and evil indifferently,for they are without free will and are hence irresponsible...Such creatures are neither damned nor guilty; they are curious and innocent. We may use them or abuse them like animals or children."
Yes..I see a nurse practioner at the VA hospital. No official diagnosis. She encourages me to socialize more so I won't use them for companions. And they're not really MY personalities. Maybe subconsciously, but I really do experience them as separate persons.

They swear they are not able to go into my dreams. I've dreamed ABOUT them, but they claim to have no memory of it. So who knows?

No..They have no paranormal powers or esp. The only thing they can do is read my thoughts, which makes sense since they are inside my brain.

Prove what? I just relayed a very personal experience to another poster experiencing a similar phenomena. I'm not here to prove squat to anybody.
And VA stands for?
Did you develop these as a child? were they imaginary friends. My daughter went through a stage of these imaginary friends when she was 4 - 6 years. I haven't heard her talking about them lately.
Hallucinations In The Sane: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallucinations_in_the_sane

"It is not widely recognized that hallucinatory experiences are not merely the prerogative of those suffering from mental illness, or normal people in abnormal states, but that they occur spontaneously in a significant proportion of the normal population, when in good health and not undergoing particular stress or other abnormal circumstance."
"The ‘argument from hallucination’ has traditionally been one of those used by proponents of the philosophical theory of representationalism against direct realism. Representationalism holds that when perceiving the world we are not in direct contact with it, as common sense suggests, but only in direct contact with a representation of the world in consciousness. That representation may be a more or less accurate one depending on our circumstances, the state of our health, and so on. Direct realism, on the other hand, holds that the common sense or unthinking view of perception is correct, and that when perceiving the world we should be regarded as in direct contact with it, unmediated by any representation in consciousness.

"Clearly, during an apparitional experience, for example, the correspondence between how the subject is perceiving the world and how the world really is at that moment is distinctly imperfect. At the same time the experience may present itself to the subject as indistinguishable from normal perception. McCreery has argued that such empirical phenomena strengthen the case for representationalism as against direct realism."
And VA stands for?
Did you develop these as a child? were they imaginary friends. My daughter went through a stage of these imaginary friends when she was 4 - 6 years. I haven't heard her talking about them lately.

Veterans Administration. I didn't have these companions as a child, although I did have a knack for talking to myself while playing with action figures. Maybe I'm tapping into that in my later years somehow.
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Delete this. Poster's question already answered during interval.

[Edited by C C.]
Hallucinations In The Sane: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallucinations_in_the_sane

"It is not widely recognized that hallucinatory experiences are not merely the prerogative of those suffering from mental illness, or normal people in abnormal states, but that they occur spontaneously in a significant proportion of the normal population, when in good health and not undergoing particular stress or other abnormal circumstance."
"The ‘argument from hallucination’ has traditionally been one of those used by proponents of the philosophical theory of representationalism against direct realism. Representationalism holds that when perceiving the world we are not in direct contact with it, as common sense suggests, but only in direct contact with a representation of the world in consciousness. That representation may be a more or less accurate one depending on our circumstances, the state of our health, and so on. Direct realism, on the other hand, holds that the common sense or unthinking view of perception is correct, and that when perceiving the world we should be regarded as in direct contact with it, unmediated by any representation in consciousness.

"Clearly, during an apparitional experience, for example, the correspondence between how the subject is perceiving the world and how the world really is at that moment is distinctly imperfect. At the same time the experience may present itself to the subject as indistinguishable from normal perception. McCreery has argued that such empirical phenomena strengthen the case for representationalism as against direct realism."

Why would you delete this?
Not that. About VA. Unnecessary reply from me by that time. "Delete" is not what I originally had there. Sheeesh, I should have just left the redundancy be. ;)
What say you write in here, this thread, all the things you get "told". I have had voices talk to me in dreams. It seems acceptable to have dreams where you are being spoken to but if you get spoken to while you are awake you get labeled mental.

I would suggest you ask that the voice only speak to you while you are dreaming, so you have no more issues with psychiatrists.

Are you a Christian? As a Christian you can ask Jesus to do that for you. Once you have asked that it will stop. If you are not you will have to get other advice.

I have done this, the voices are saying there alive I just can't see them, only when I die.
Do you have the ability to talk to them?

Yea I could talk to them. I think it's cool that they talk to you at bedtime me I can ignore them for 5 seconds but they'll just keep talking to me and they say why do you wanna ignore me I'm going to be with you in the afterlife. It states that basically the afterlife is what I create and of course I can come to the Earth and present myself to everybody and show them I'm God. But this only happens when I die so Ima just wait. What do you think?
I have done this, the voices are saying they're alive I just can't see them, only when I die.
That is saying they are in the Spirit world, so you too will be spirit after you die and then you will see them. That makes sense to me. It is spirits that give me predictions of the future and they can tell me what happened in the past. So I understand what you are saying.
Hallucinations In The Sane: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallucinations_in_the_sane

"It is not widely recognized that hallucinatory experiences are not merely the prerogative of those suffering from mental illness, or normal people in abnormal states, but that they occur spontaneously in a significant proportion of the normal population, when in good health and not undergoing particular stress or other abnormal circumstance."
"The ‘argument from hallucination’ has traditionally been one of those used by proponents of the philosophical theory of representationalism against direct realism. Representationalism holds that when perceiving the world we are not in direct contact with it, as common sense suggests, but only in direct contact with a representation of the world in consciousness. That representation may be a more or less accurate one depending on our circumstances, the state of our health, and so on. Direct realism, on the other hand, holds that the common sense or unthinking view of perception is correct, and that when perceiving the world we should be regarded as in direct contact with it, unmediated by any representation in consciousness.

"Clearly, during an apparitional experience, for example, the correspondence between how the subject is perceiving the world and how the world really is at that moment is distinctly imperfect. At the same time the experience may present itself to the subject as indistinguishable from normal perception. McCreery has argued that such empirical phenomena strengthen the case for representationalism as against direct realism."
If this is from the world of consciousness it says that I created it I'm just living a regular life. This means that us human beings are the most perfect looking and capable in the Universe .
Yea I could talk to them. I think it's cool that they talk to you at bedtime me I can ignore them for 5 seconds but they'll just keep talking to me and they say why do you wanna ignore me I'm going to be with you in the afterlife. It states that basically the afterlife is what I create and of course I can come to the Earth and present myself to everybody and show them I'm God. But this only happens when I die so Ima just wait. What do you think?

I think they're just screwing with you. They've played that "aww, we were just kidding" card on me many times. So don't let them feed you any delusions of grandiosity or special powers. They crave drama, and the more you give into them the more they'll take. IMO..