[Hijacked]Ideas from Roswell crash article

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Registered Senior Member
Who knows about the Roswell crash. This article claims that Werner Von Braun actually handled the materials from the Roswell crash site and they seemed something like skin except that the materials were very strong and aluminum covered.

Now consider the fact that there are already bacteria that concentrate iron and manganese. Maybe there are bacteria that concentrate other pure elements.

A substance like that that appears to be "like skin" might be grown on a scaffold, or form, like the experiments with replacement organs that are going on right now. Actual human skin is being grown by the square foot, also. So, if an organism can be engineered into growing very specific substances, like the chitinous shell of an insect, out of metals and silicon, then it can produce arbitrarily large pieces of material that can be used for a spacecraft hull. Maybe instead of going through all of the chemical process and heating processes to manufacture a metallic ceramic material, it would be better to build it molecule by molecule this way, using bacteria or other living material, maybe modified animal or vegetable cells. A silicon-based cellulose is an idea, and so is incorporating a thin layer of metal to deflect ultraviolet.

If the manufacturing matrix is an actual skin, then it will be dependent on support from the culture medium and can't get loose like bacteria can.

Maybe this isn't even a very original idea, but it's new to me. It seems like it could work out to be quite cheap and could work with lunar materials.
Uh, fuck whoever moved this. The actual content is about an engineering concept, so pull your head out of your ass and actually READ the goddam post before moving it.
What's a "lunar material"?

Any material mined from the moon, but in this instance I would favor manufacture from your basic basaltic rock. Iron, titanium, aluminum, silicon, and oxygen are candidates for the manufacture of ceramic or ceramic-like "grown" materials. Maybe they can be printed onto a substrate like paper, plastic film, or aluminum foil, something that is already being done with some "smart" materials. Use an arrangement like an inkjet printer.
I could see many uses for this. For example, the development ofgeneration ships. Or even better, eternal life(grow a new heart, repair brain damage, make a new pair of lungs, grow new skin, an end to cancer[ Cut out the effected areas and grow replacements], and a huge array of other things. This includes artificial wombs and brand new limbs.
They've been talking about "printing" body tissues for about five years now.

I would like to see something like this for repair of auto bodies and chassis.
The actual content is about an engineering concept,

Suppose I started a thread called ``Idea for an invisibility ray''?

Which forum should I post in?
Suppose I started a thread called ``Idea for an invisibility ray''?

Which forum should I post in?
Physics & Math. You could always stick it in one of those 'M-Theory' threads and claim it was working in the 11th dimension or something. ;)
What's a "lunar material"?

I don't think that's enough justification to shift it here. He is asking for possible ways such a substance could be made, not presenting arguments about UFOs etc. That question could be responded to by people knowledgable in physics, chemisty etc., without meaning they were supporting beliefs they do not have. A perfectly scientific conversation.
Very simple reason it's here. Conspiracy!

If you wanted to discuss Exobiology then you shouldn't of used Roswell as the basis of your 'Theory'. You are welcome to restart your discussion in one of the other forums but I'd suggest to stay away from adding anything about Area 51, Roswell, Little Grey men or UFO's as they tend to point to a work of fiction and obviously undermine the 'Seriousness' of your thread.
Very simple reason it's here. Conspiracy!

If you wanted to discuss Exobiology then you shouldn't of used Roswell as the basis of your 'Theory'. You are welcome to restart your discussion in one of the other forums but I'd suggest to stay away from adding anything about Area 51, Roswell, Little Grey men or UFO's as they tend to point to a work of fiction and obviously undermine the 'Seriousness' of your thread.

Shove it.
What kind of moderator hands out infractions to just one side of an argument like this, when the other side is being just as abusive? What is Avatar, about 16?
Only one side of the argument is being overly insulting and directly offensive. He actually forgot a post -you should get an infraction for post #2 as well.
Avatar, you decided to simply start a pissing contest here. I do think that you are abusing your privileges as moderator here.
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