How can you have lucid dreams?

Get into the habit of checking whether or not you're dreaming. Try to do it several times a day. Once you get into the habit, it should carry over into your dreams, and when it does... ;)
Alpha said:
Get into the habit of checking whether or not you're dreaming. Try to do it several times a day. Once you get into the habit, it should carry over into your dreams, and when it does... ;)

And how is one to check whether one is dreaming or not? To ask, "Am I dreaming?"
You can also look at your hands during the day, when semiconscious in dreamland look at your hands and control your dreams. Also,don't get frustrated. Tell yourself you will remember your dreams before you go to bed and keep a dream journal.
How can you have lucid dreams?

Go to bed wearing a nicotine patch or if your feeling brave drop a tab of acid and follow it up with 20mg of temazepam.

Never fails to amuse.
Dee Cee
I had a lucid dream! and i remembered to look at my hands, and they looked kinda blurry. I'm just leaving for france, be back in 2 weeks so don't be surprised if I fail to reply to anything. I might find an internet booth or something though. Bye!
You'll have to remember them. Chances are that you will if you do indeed have a lucid dream though.
I looked up some sites on lucid dreaming. Well, either I am stupid beyond comprehension, or I've been having "lucid dreams" ever since I can remember. I dream a lot and I remember my dreams. My favourite one recently is "I am looking for the connection between intransitive inductivity and intuitivity" (now here's something for you, Alpha).

In the winter, when my cat sleeps in my bed, he gets up several times a night -- and so do I, in order to let him out, give him fresh water and such. This can be up to 5 times a night. This way, I remember many more dreams than usually. (I am trained as a circus animal, mind you, I can get up from my sleep anytime.)
I tried establishing whether or whether not i was asleep or dreaming, I remember, but then after a moment of asking myself in my dream, I could not go lucid. :(
I looked up some sites on lucid dreaming. Well, either I am stupid beyond comprehension, or I've been having "lucid dreams" ever since I can remember. I dream a lot and I remember my dreams.
It's not just remembering your dreams, it's that you are fully conscious while dreaming, and are aware that you are dreaming. This gives you the ability to alter your dream.
RosaMagika said:
But why would I want to alter my dream?
:eek: Why wouldn't you? In a lucid dream you have control over virtually everything (depending on the level of lucidity). You can fly, or do whatever you want. You even control other people. Hell, you can make people you don't like disappear and replace them with better people. :p
Here are some methods I have come across on the Net in my pursuit for a lucid dream.

If ya wear a watch on a daily basis, make a habit of looking at yer watch, checking the time, and checking again a few seconds later. If yer not dreaming, the time won't change (except maybe the minute, but that's reasonable). If ya are, the time may change unreasonably, as if a few minutes or a few hours have gone by.

Also, before you enter a room, try stopping before you can see inside, imagining yer best friend or some other person is in there, then go in. It doesn't have to be a person, though. Maybe it can be a room or thing somewhere on Earth that you have a strong emotional connection to.
Hey, well I don't recall ever having a lucid dream before, but after one day of trying the "Am I dreaming?" method, i had a lucid dream:

Throughout the day, after reading some sciforums pointers, I kept asking myself if i was dreaming and checking the time on clocks when i could with two looks.

Truthfully I remember that throughout my dreams I asked myself if I was dreaming many times, and in some cases i couldn't tell, and as i recall, kept going as if i didnt really know. But then in one dream i had last night, out of the 2 or 3 i had last night I asked the question and knew the answer. In the dream i was sitting in front of the computer screen reading something and I asked the question and knew i was dreaming. The following was probably 5-10 minutes real time of lucid dreaming. Right away I had this really euphoric feeling and told myself to calm down.

I tried flying although i can say it didnt feel very real, and everything was far too blurry...
Then i might have done something with my g/f lol, it just sorta happened, what can i say?

Anyways, thanks guys for the help, i'm gonna continue with this method and maybe persue stronger lucid dreaming as the days go on.

Lepht Shew
Some good pointers for helping you get lucid on this page, just reading and maxing out on lucid websites will stuff your brain with the suggestion this would be a good idea. I bought a cheap watch that bleeped on the hour, everytime it bleeped I reality checked, never saw the watch in a dream but I got lucid anyway.

Personally I think the most misundertood/difficult part of lucid dreaming is that part where your mind is suppose to wake up from unconcious dreaming and realise your dreaming. This part will just happen naturally if you've been focusing yourself right in the waking world e.g reality checking, forcing your mind to question its conciousness all the time.

I find the best way to WILD or get a lucid in the morning is..

1. your normally awake, just awoke from a dream. Close your eyes and think about a dream senario.

2. Make sure you imagine a scene populated by at least one person.

3. Let your mind drift dreamily but spin out a situation where you are watching this person doing a job (for example a woman behind a bar in the bar there are just a couple of other people drinking alone at tables).

4. In your mind direct your view like you've just waked over to the bar, stand right infront of the woman.

5. Hopefully she'll look up if she doesn't catch her attention. When she looks up look her directly in the eyes, lean over the bar slightly so your a little too close.

6. Don't say anything to her even when she might ask you a question, look at the detail on her face especially the eyes. If this were a real situation it would be a very "charged" (not normal) one and I think its this that does it for me. A short burst of an electric feeling and your vision clears like someone turns the sun on and your there staring at the real dream character.

If you wake or find your not seeing the scene in clarity enough, your not deep enough in sleep, its a hard act, the balence just between waking and fully dreaming but with practice it gets easier.