As the "Empirical church" maybe considered the mind, it is the brotherhood that embodies the heart and therefore acts, literally as the body, in that all efforts put forth by the church are manifested by the will and effort of the members of the Brotherhood.
The Brotherhood is founded on a simple understanding : religions have served to suggest that we humankind are all Gods children. And if this is the case then we are all one family, and therefore brothers and sisters… and well… I do not know about your family, but in my family we do not let our brothers and sisters eat out of trashcans and sleep in the gutter.
Our Reasons Why: First: When any intelligent human being reads the scriptures of the many religions, one is struck by the clarity of the concepts of love, compassion for others, of family, and sharing which abounds in page after page, and we find that Jesus speaks over and over about how we should love each other, live and work together, and care about each other as one big family, as did Moses, and Krishna, and Mohammed etc…
Therefore it is with this reference to all the world religions that we become aware of the realization that if all of this scripture is to be believed, even a little, then clearly, God, our father in heaven, does not like for any of his children to suffer, and more importantly, it is literally the duty and job of those more fortunate to care for those who are not.
What has been missing, is the "intrinsic" understanding of family, where in we all work together as a family, and pool our money for the benefit of the whole. Where we are all permanent members so long as we do our share… Or in the case of the disabled… That they try. Like true brothers and sisters, we take care of each other. Each of us.. Each day… That is what all people want…. Family… Security… To belong to something good, and greater than themselves… Something Important… Something that Matters. They need love. The love of family. The love that humanity, as a family under God should be showing to them… These are simple Christian concepts which no one can deny, yet most find impossible to make workable. All it requires is faith. A faith not specifically in any form of religion, but in realizing that each of us is more valuable than all the gold within all of space, for it is only our souls which may have value to God and be preserved forever, and it should be our duty to insure that each and every soul has as many good memories as possible before death takes them, and as few cold lonely sad painful moments as possible. Thus, the overall quality of our souls is improved.
Seventh : The church is fundamentally founded on one belief that should be acceptable to people of all faiths and cultures. "Where there is charity and love, God is there!"
Such that it should be the daily effort of all humanity to, by their will and effort commit acts of charity and love when ever possible, for in doing so we increase the level of good and joy and prosperity in our world, and so, it can be imagined that the level of Gods presence is directly increased, and is thus directly a function of our will to be Godly.
Twenty three : One of the founding beliefs of the church is that it is not enough to worship God and Jesus, instead we as human beings should make it our daily effort to be Godly, to be like Jesus, and build Gods kingdom now, in our lifetime. Why wait? Calm, rational, adult thinking gives humankind a potential limited only by our imagination.