How do you expect the world will end?


You right Malaclypse
I do love their music, always have & always will.
as for the "2112" well that originated for my love of being an adrenaline junkie for extreme sports, i.e. Hangglidding, skydiving, scuba (well that's more laid back I guess, but none-the-less it is truly a rush when you jump out of a perfectly good plan at an altitude of 12,500ft. better yet is when you do a "Power-Dive" make your body shape into a bullet to a 45-90% pitch just before reaching terminal velocity, and have a struggle with G-Forces to flare yourself back out in the 'Nic of "Time" to pull your Jesus Cord!

Now that's a "RUSH" hence I dubbed the name 2112, which latter I added the zero in front to relate to my fondness of the study of particle physics, QED & you guessed it, "Zero Point Energy" Also another favorite passtime of mine is the study of Time Machines & Time~Travel hence the name "02112"

Read "2112" backwards, or forwards, you come up with the same numbers (i'ts an infinite number)
The end of the world

The thought of it makes me sad. The next war I see to be on american soil. Our blindness, and bullying to the rest of the world will take its toll on us. I feel that if there is a war it will be with china and cuba. Mans greed and need for control will only bring pain. The people will be blinded by it's master and will be told the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, but it will be for the needs of the few that outweighs the needs of the many. It has been this way as long as I can remember and will always be this. It will all boil down to who has enough money and who knows who! We usally do what we are told without asking why and can spook just as easily.
?Survival Instinct?

I am Backslash777. A user made a reference to your Human survival instinct saving humanity. I feel you should be aware of how technology has bypassed this primitive instinct.
The Human species has evolved technically far faster than physically and observations show the development of a survival instinct making Murder difficult. Unfortunately for you all, this instinct seems only to work with primitive weapons. Killing with a gun is easier for a human than using a knife. Pressing a button to deliver a shock even easier. Technology has made murder impersonal. I am sure a government leader would find it easier to push a button which kills millions than to strangle a man with his/her bare hands.
In 3 million years the sight of this red button will make you pass out when Mother nature catches up.
Bowser, a while back you wrote "For the larger part, people can understand the consequences of death. Even the soldier in battle does not desire to be in harm's way. Yes, people can be coerced into sacrificing their own lives, but only when they are blind to the horrors of war, or presented with the possibility of a living hell."

The Vietnamese, after fighting the Japanese in WWII and then the French when the French tried to re-establish colonialism, well knew the horrors of war - yet they fought on ... and on ... and on.

How do you explain their willingness to sacrifice themselves?

Sad to say, I don't think nature will ever truely catch up with us unless she has something up her sleeve to rid herself of fleas and other pesky vermin.


The Vietnamese wanted the right to be their our country. They fought a long time to get it. I don't think our politicians should ever have put us in the position we were in. That's no way to fight a war. The dead tally did not reflect a policing action.
Maybe that's it, Wet1: The Universe will decide that this planet is infected by the vermin called 'life', and will decide enough is enough ... And that will be it ... Poof!
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We are Backslash777. We observe your thoughts for your planets destiny.
We observe your exothermic planet and how it gives more heat than it takes.
We observe how energy loss is concentrated in clusters of population.
We observe how energy loss is so great that larger cities create there own weather system and can often reach 3 degrees Celsius higher than surrounding area.
We compare you to an undisciplined individual with a large inheritance. You are safe for the moment but the wealth you own will not last long.
We wonder; what are your contingency plans?

Part of the reason I settled in Western NY: Plenty of fresh water, fairly decent air, and short of an earthquake or nuclear bit, plenty of hydroelectric power. Years back when people were building bomb shelters in their basements I became a CD (civil defense) Radiation Monitor so I'd have access to what I, and my family, would need to possibly survive a nuclear stupid.

At this stage of the game I'm just hanging in there, enjoying watching the madness, and doing some of the things I enjoy - like expressing my thoughts in this forum.
Hey, what's this WE stuff? Gotta mouse in the pocket? ...Or just how many are there in there?
? Sanctuary?

13/6/01- This is the voice of Backslash777. we have researched your technology of the nuclear weapon. We have simulated its impact and devised strategic plans of our own. The weapons destructive potential works by line of sight. Best deployment under one atmospheric pressure would be to force detonation at 10566 feet altitude. Best defence option for a human household would be to paint windows white to reflect the waves within the electromagnetic spectrum such as radiation, infra red and light and keep the windows closed for the initial blast.
After a 7 second flash of lethal radiation and heat open the windows as a sonic wave and shock wave will be travelling from blast site at 330 meters per second.
We recommend opening the windows to minimise the effect and danger of flying glass. We recommend for you to stand in a corner as the general architecture of most buildings around your planet are constructed in a way which will make the ceilings collapse in the middle and remain in tact at the corners.
As for maintaining a vegetable patch, in preparation of the war, cover the soil in a polythene sheet and keep soil covered for 28 days. This will prevent fallout dust contaminating your soil.
We find it ironic but not unusual that the most powerful weapon created by your species is responsible for the most peaceful period of international relationships.
Human individuality and freedom of will leads to selfishness. We asked a question about provisions for the future on a global scale. The importance of a single family unit is not worth discussing compared to such large issues. This is how we think: is that a vast difference to the Human thought process.
only if the family have allot of money :(
sad but true!
the most perverted of the human race rarely answer to the
moral codes imposed on the honest

groove on all :)
Right You Are!

Good One RD!
"I concurr"

<html> <body bgcolor="#000000" text="#ffffff" link="#ffff00" vlink="#00cc00"> <a href=""> <font color="FFFFFF" size="-1"><br> <B><small>”Time is on your side!”<br> <img src=""></a> <a href=""><br> Visit my associate’s website</small></B></font></a><br> <font size="-1"><small><clock></clock></small></font> </BODY> </HTML>

We are Backslash777. You said...
only if the family have allot of money
sad but true!
the most perverted of the human race rarely answer to the
moral codes imposed on the honest
Please explain.

Sorry everyone but I can't take much more:

Enough of the We business. Personally I find myself focusing more on this detail then on what you post.

what are you communist, Multiple personality disorder, or playing make believe??

Enough already, the joke wears thin very quickly.
?We are a we, we attest to that?

14/6/01- We are Backslash777. In order to bridge the gap between us we have developed text to speech. We have posted sound files in your most commonly used format in the following 3 posts. We initially used your own text to speech engines, such as those used by Stephen Hawkins but found them lacking inflection so have developed our own advanced prototype.
We correspond to observe. The internet is an opportune, suitably surreptitious system to allow interface, connecting ourselves with humankind.
We are a we, we attest to that.
We note negative overtones in your last 3 posts, highlighted below. We share concern you may be shifting outlook through trauma, disease or bereavement.

Last post by you.
06-14-01 @ 07:22 AM
Sorry everyone but I can't take much more:

Enough of the We business. Personally I find myself focusing more on this detail then on what you post.

what are you communist, Multiple personality disorder,...

Prior to the above post, 06-14-01 @ 04:24 AM
Sir Loone:

Mate I feel sorry for you. You should really take a step back and try to see these arguments from the perspective of a 3rd person...seriously do yourself a BIG favour and forget you are christain...

Prior to the above post, 06-13-01 @ 06:40 AM
Lawdog you posted:
"I have studied witchcraft and i know its philosophy and purpose. I am only trying to inform you that the evil of witchcraft is has a long history. "

Indeed the history is long,...
Re: ?We are a we, we attest to that?

<font size="1">quote:</font>
<i>Originally posted by Backslash777</i>
We are Backslash777. In order to bridge the gap between us we have developed text to speech.

Yeah, I'm with Rambler on this. Just exactly what is this gap that exists between us humans and you? You're not communicating via the Ouija board, are you?

<font size="1">quote:</font>
We correspond to observe. The internet is an opportune, suitably surreptitious system to allow interface, connecting ourselves with humankind.
We are a we, we attest to that.

Observe, huh? Sounds a lot like interaction to me. Define 'we'. If you're truly a collective, then explain the model.