arfa brane:
I fear we have drifted quite far from the question of whether energy is more than just a number. So far, in fact, that I don't think my answers to your latest questions are very important.
Meanwhile, you seem to be dodging my question about bottling energy. If energy is a "physical thing", I would have said that you ought to be able to bottle it. Now, however, I see that you want to define "physical thing" as "anything in physics that has physical units", which would automatically include a whole lot of numbers used in physics. Since we can't bottle numbers, I think the distinction I was trying to make has been lost from our discussion.
So, just to be clear: is it your claim that it is possible to bottle "pure energy", or do you agree with me that it is impossible? If it is impossible, I suggest that it is impossible because "pure energy" is not any kind of substance. Energy is completely unlike water, or steel, or even a box full of photons. What do you think?
Anyway, since you asked...
But what kind of thing is it? Apart from the guy who wrote the words in a book.
What does it mean?
It's a clever literary device, meant to be suggestive of a thing rather than declarative. The reader is left to
imagine what "slithy toves" might look like, were they to exist "in reality" as something other than a literary invention.
You can say whatever you like. It has to all be information (whatever you say) because saying words makes them . . . wait for it . . physical.
We can split hairs all you like on this, really. For instance, I could argue that saying words involves moving a physical thing (your vocal cords) and producing vibrations (sound) in another physical medium (air). The sound is physical, but the words are an idea that we attached to particular vibrations. Ideas are not physical, the way I define it, but conceptual, like numbers.
Now I have a question for you: is there a number that can't be written down?
I suppose it depends on what you want. Do you require a particular notation? Is writing a precise
description of the number (which specifies it uniquely) enough to count as "writing it down"?
Oh hell, I see I'll need to also ask you if you understood anything I've posted about the difference between information and meaning. So have you?
I don't think I bothered reading anything you posted on that particular point, to tell you the truth. It doesn't seem relevant to our point of contention.
Sometimes I think you forget that this is supposed to be a discussion, not your blog.