How separate is your God from you?


Registered Senior Member
If you believe in a separate God, where would the line be drawn between such a God and you? How distant is your God from you? Far beyond the universe? Far above the clouds? Or does He starts just at the top of your head? Or anywhere else?

Share your thoughts considering that, if we take away the conception of God, then the whole structure of that religion would crumble, becasue the whole structure of many religions is based upon its conception of “God” that all other principles and injunctions of them flow.

Here is the sister thread for those who believes God is not separate.
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Transcendent, not separate. God, being omnipresent, is everywhere, at all times, simultaneously. He is not distant in any sense of the word, since distance implies place. God is in no place, for God is an actual infinite. To have place would mean that God is finite, limited. Ergo, God is all around me, God is beyond me, God is in me, God is through me.
My child sits on my knee. Our heads touch. Our breathing is simultaneous. He whispers 'I love you daddy'.
I hug him.
God is love. God is very near. But then when I am far, He is near to me. When He is far, I seek Him. When we find eachother, my child sits on my knee and our heads touch again.
Jesus didn't die for anyone. He is not the saviour. He is just a lost soul. Jesus was not the saviour. He's lost. Give it up.
nicoman said:
Jesus didn't die for anyone. He is not the saviour. He is just a lost soul. Jesus was not the saviour. He's lost. Give it up.

Please back this tedious continous little tyrade of yours with some objectivity or else even the athiests will become annoyed with you. At the very least the athiests expand on their unbelief.

Sufi said:
If you believe in a separate God, where would the line be drawn between such a God and you? How distant is your God from you? Far beyond the universe? Far above the clouds? Or does He starts just at the top of your head? Or anywhere else?
Isaiah 29:13-14
The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men.
Therefore once more I will astound these people
with wonder upon wonder;
the wisdom of the wise will perish,
the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."

"Am I only a God nearby,"
declares the LORD ,
"and not a God far away?
Can anyone hide in secret places
so that I cannot see him?"
declares the LORD.
"Do not I fill heaven and earth?"
declares the LORD.​
Jenyar said:
Isaiah 29:13-14
The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men.
Therefore once more I will astound these people
with wonder upon wonder;
the wisdom of the wise will perish,
the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."

"Am I only a God nearby,"
declares the LORD ,
"and not a God far away?
Can anyone hide in secret places
so that I cannot see him?"
declares the LORD.
"Do not I fill heaven and earth?"
declares the LORD.​

You just have to love God's supremacy! He is so wonderful and wise and in that all He desires is for people to love him because they just 'love' him.

Well Lord, I c20H25n3o do love you as does Jenyar and Adstar and David F and all those who defend your name here. Hopefully our service to you here on Sciforums is pleasing to you. It is our pleasure to serve you here.
Bless us and keep us and make your face to shine upon us. Help those with no belief to come to your light as you helped me when I had no belief in you.
May you bless those who seek answers on Sciforums with true wisdom from above that they may know you and love you even as I know you and love you.

c20H25N3o: this is a religious forum for discussion, not for preaching.
I was brought up a muslim left that faith, because I saw the light.
and now I have no belief in any god/gods xian/muslim hindu etc, I'm no longer delusional. the reason I'm on this forum is to try and understand, why you people believe, and why you follow the bible, I'm not here to become religious, I've more sense then that, and if I appear to be preaching, I apologize, I'm just clarifing my position.
do you understand c20H25N3o.

as you seem to think your god is a loving god, and you like bible quotes, heres a couple for you.

god brings evil upon an innocent man(1)
God has given me over to the impious; into the clutches of the wicked he has cast me. I was in peace, but he dislodged me; he seized me by the neck and dashed me to pieces. He has set me up for a target; his arrows strike me from all directions, He pierces my sides without mercy, he pours out my gall upon the ground. He pierces me with thrust upon thrust; he attacks me like a warrior. I have fastened sackcloth over my skin, and have laid my brow in the dust. My face is inflamed with weeping and there is darkness over my eyes, Although my hands are free from violence, and my prayer is sincere. (Job 16:11-17)

god brings evil upon an innocent man(2)
Then all his brethren and his sisters came to him [Job], and all his former acquaintances, and they dined with him in his house. They condoled with him and comforted him for all the evil which the LORD had brought upon him; and each one gave him a piece of money and a gold ring. (Job 42:11)

dont speak, unless what you have to say, will change the silence.
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mustafhakofi said:
I was brought up a muslim left that faith, because I saw the light.
and now I have no belief in any god/gods xian/muslim hindu etc, I'm no longer delusional. the reason I'm on this forum is to try and understand, why you people believe, and why you follow the bible

Maybe you don't "believe" anymore because you never had real faith (or it was blind faith). You didn't understand what God is, and you didn't understand the message. You only undersood yourself and the image of your god and the message, and you have realized that such god does not exist. Many of us believe because we really understand, but when we understand more than we know about god, we stop believing. Then, when we know everything (like God does) only then can we understand God.

People hold sides; for or against. Either they believe or they don't. So they will repeat like this, and they will become "believers" and they will become "atheists" and it will loop like this until they understand it. We believe in nothing, so we believe everything.
mustafhakofi said:
c20H25N3o: this is a religious forum for discussion, not for preaching.

The title of this thread is 'How separate is your God from you?

I am merely demonstrating that my God is not separate from me - how I do this is up to me as long as I remain in context of the thread.

mustafhakofi said:
I was brought up a muslim left that faith, because I saw the light.
and now I have no belief in any god/gods xian/muslim hindu etc, I'm no longer delusional. the reason I'm on this forum is to try and understand, why you people believe, and why you follow the bible, I'm not here to become religious, I've more sense then that, and if I appear to be preaching, I apologize, I'm just clarifing my position.
do you understand c20H25N3o.

If you truly want to understand why I or anyone else believes then read my text. All you seem to want to do is berate me for my text. Maybe I am wrong. Who knows?

mustafhakofi said:
as you seem to think your god is a loving god, and you like bible quotes, heres a couple for you.

god brings evil upon an innocent man(1)
God has given me over to the impious; into the clutches of the wicked he has cast me. I was in peace, but he dislodged me; he seized me by the neck and dashed me to pieces. He has set me up for a target; his arrows strike me from all directions, He pierces my sides without mercy, he pours out my gall upon the ground. He pierces me with thrust upon thrust; he attacks me like a warrior. I have fastened sackcloth over my skin, and have laid my brow in the dust. My face is inflamed with weeping and there is darkness over my eyes, Although my hands are free from violence, and my prayer is sincere. (Job 16:11-17)

god brings evil upon an innocent man(2)
Then all his brethren and his sisters came to him [Job], and all his former acquaintances, and they dined with him in his house. They condoled with him and comforted him for all the evil which the LORD had brought upon him; and each one gave him a piece of money and a gold ring. (Job 42:11)

I am so pleased you brought this up because now I can expand on the fallacies that surround Job.

God took pride in Job His servant. Job was faithful and sincere and honest. Upright and kind - a good man by all accounts. God said to Satan (paraphrasing) "See my servant Job. See how faithful he is and how he does what is right"
Satan said accusingly of Job "He only does what is right because you bless him with a good life, livestock and the such, take those things away and Job will curse you to your face"
God had faith in Job's love for him assured that Job's love was steadfast and genuine. God did not consider that Satan's power would ever turn Job's heart away from Him such was his love for Job.
So God did hand Job over to Satan because God does not seek His own way. It was Satan's will that Job be tested not God's. But note here the Sovreignty of the God of Jesus, Satan could do nothing unless God permitted it.
So then all kinds of trouble befall Job and Job wants to know why God has forsaken him. Note he does not curse God but rather says "What the Lord giveth the Lord may take away" such is his reverence for God Almighty.
His friends come and tell him that he must have done something well bad for God to do this to him but Job cannot believe them because his conscious is clear.
Anyway to cut a long story short - Job remains faithful to God - Satan is like well sussed out and God restores Job's life and gives him life abundant as a reward for his faithfulness and as compensation for all the Satan took from Him showing once again that God Almighty is sovereign.

You couldnt have given me a better example.

Thank you.


c20H25N3o said:
Well Lord, I c20H25n3o do love you as does Jenyar and Adstar and David F and all those who defend your name here. Hopefully our service to you here on Sciforums is pleasing to you. It is our pleasure to serve you here.
Bless us and keep us and make your face to shine upon us. Help those with no belief to come to your light as you helped me when I had no belief in you.
May you bless those who seek answers on Sciforums with true wisdom from above that they may know you and love you even as I know you and love you.

And now we have the Sciforums prayer. :rolleyes:

Give me a break...

Did it ever occur to you c20 that some of us don't want or need to 'find God' because we don't believe and are quite happy to not believe? Let's just say that those of us who do not believe have seen the light of rationality and common sense. Don't try and pray for our cause, because we're not lost, we're found.
Bells said:
And now we have the Sciforums prayer. :rolleyes:

Give me a break...

Did it ever occur to you c20 that some of us don't want or need to 'find God' because we don't believe and are quite happy to not believe? Let's just say that those of us who do not believe have seen the light of rationality and common sense. Don't try and pray for our cause, because we're not lost, we're found.

Good good :)
Bells said:
Let's just say that those of us who do not believe have seen the light of rationality and common sense. Don't try and pray for our cause, because we're not lost, we're found.

People also Believe in God because they find it rational and it makes sense for them. There's no such thing as "atheists are lost", or "religious people are lost", or "atheists have found the light", or "religious people have found the light". No, it's about oneself; I am lost, or I have found the light - as a human being. Not as an atheist or a believer. An atheist is nothing, and a believer is nothing, and they have no life without me. I am the one who acts, and my beliefs belong to no one but me, and I decide what to believe in.
Duality is the very root of separation from perfection. God is of course within everything, but we "are" still far away from God if we do evil. Whoever knows oneself completely, knows God. And whoever knows the world, but not oneself is far away, and he will feel separated from God. Because everything in this world is "divided" (even though all opposites are actually the same). Like hot and cold, hard and soft, and so on... It is very evident that they are just as illusional as "up and down". When we identify ourselves with our body (which is a part of the world) we will feel separated, just as magnets which seek their complementary half. They have no idea that they themselves contain the two opposites which bring eternal rest.
c20h25n3o:I presume you read these passages to, have you any insight to these unlawful killings.

Killing the Good Samaritan

The ark of God was placed on a new cart and taken away from the house of Abinadab on the hill. Uzzah and Ahio, sons of Abinadab guided the cart, with Ahio walking before it, while David and all the Israelites made merry before the Lord with all their strength, with singing and with citharas, harps, tambourines, sistrums, and cymbals.

When they came to the threshing floor of Nodan, Uzzah reached out his hand to the ark of God to steady it, for the oxen were making it tip. But the Lord was angry with Uzzah; God struck him on that spot, and he died there before God. (2 Samuel 6:3-7)

Kill Sons(children) of Sinners

Make ready to slaughter his sons for the guilt of their fathers; Lest they rise and posses the earth, and fill the breadth of the world with tyrants. (Isaiah 14:21)

God Will Kill Children

The glory of Israel will fly away like a bird, for your children will die at birth or perish in the womb or never even be conceived. Even if your children do survive to grow up, I will take them from you. It will be a terrible day when I turn away and leave you alone. I have watched Israel become as beautiful and pleasant as Tyre. But now Israel will bring out her children to be slaughtered." O LORD, what should I request for your people? I will ask for wombs that don't give birth and breasts that give no milk. The LORD says, "All their wickedness began at Gilgal; there I began to hate them. I will drive them from my land because of their evil actions. I will love them no more because all their leaders are rebels. The people of Israel are stricken. Their roots are dried up; they will bear no more fruit. And if they give birth, I will slaughter their beloved children." (Hosea 9:11-16)

there are over 600 murders, wanton distruction, rapes, for no real reason.( the will of god)in the bible, and only slightly over 200, good deeds from your god.
so how you could believe in something so inherently evil. is beyond me, the devil is a much nicer creature.(incidently satan is only mentioned just under 50 times and not for killing anybody)
by the way, I believe in neither, just making a point.
beyondtimeandspace: Transcendent, not separate. God, being omnipresent, is everywhere, at all times, simultaneously. He is not distant in any sense of the word, since distance implies place. God is in no place, for God is an actual infinite. To have place would mean that God is finite, limited. Ergo, God is all around me, God is beyond me, God is in me, God is through me.
M*W: Man, I suggest you use sunblock.
c20H25N3o: The title of this thread is 'How separate is your God from you?

I am merely demonstrating that my God is not separate from me - how I do this is up to me as long as I remain in context of the thread.
M*W: The God of Moses is about 93 million miles away. I don't need Moses' God. I've got myself.
M*W, just because you believe God to be the sun, doesn't mean everyone does. You propose that the Judeo-Christian God has its root in the Egyptian Sun God. Fine, that may very well be. However, whatever the original idea was, that is not what it is now, a long history of philosophy has changed that. What I believe about God now has nothing to do with the sun (except maybe that it is the result of a creative act).

My God is not a "sky-god."
My God is not a "sky-daddy."
My God is not a piece or part of this world.
My God is not physical.
My God is not spiritual.
My God is the origin of the physical.
My God is the origin of the spiritual.
My God is therefore understood, not sensed.
My God is not the universe, but that which is contained in the universe is made up of that which is contained within God.

I simply wanted to clear up misconceptions about what I believe about God. There is far too many presuppositions taking place on this board which is why conclusive agreements can rarely be had.
beyondtimeandspace: M*W, just because you believe God to be the sun, doesn't mean everyone does.
M*W: Let me make this perfectly clear to all the Christians on sciforums who don't understand -- I DO NOT believe God to be the sun! That was the God of Moses.
beyondtimeandspace: You propose that the Judeo-Christian God has its root in the Egyptian Sun God. Fine, that may very well be. However, whatever the original idea was, that is not what it is now, a long history of philosophy has changed that.
M*W: No, you are wrong again. The original idea has not changed, it's just been renamed 'the SON of God.' Early humans feared looking directly at the face of the sun, and the elements they feared becasue they had no control over the elements. This is basically the same definition of God as it was some 5,000 years ago. The sun created a pleasant tropical environment where life could optimally occur. Philosophy hasn't changed a thing.
beyondtimeandspace: What I believe about God now has nothing to do with the sun (except maybe that it is the result of a creative act).
M*W: I understand, but I also see that you blindly believe that your concept of god is the only true concept -- which it is not. What you believe in is the evolution of early man's fear of the inability to control the sun. Again, this is NOT my belief -- it was the belief of the ancient humans that filtered down to Moses. The rest is history.

My God is not a "sky-god."
My God is not a "sky-daddy."
My God is not a piece or part of this world.
My God is not physical.
My God is not spiritual.
My God is the origin of the physical.
My God is the origin of the spiritual.
My God is therefore understood, not sensed.
My God is not the universe, but that which is contained in the universe is made up of that which is contained within God.
M*W: You can believe in whatever it is that floats your boat, but please don't try to push YOUR concept of god on the rest of us. If most of us were sure there was a god, we'd probably not be on sciforums. I happen to believe more in sciforums than any creator-god that others believe.
beyondtimeandspace: I simply wanted to clear up misconceptions about what I believe about God. There is far too many presuppositions taking place on this board which is why conclusive agreements can rarely be had.
M*W: If you feel the need to 'clear up misconceptions' about what you believe and don't believe about God, then part of you doesn't truly believe. If there was a true God, there would be no question about it, and none of us would be here on sciforums! So, you either came here to find an understanding about what you and others believe, or you came here to preach Christianity. There are some very good religion forums discussing Christianity only on the Internet. sciforums is not one of them.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Let me make this perfectly clear to all the Christians on sciforums who don't understand -- I DO NOT believe God to be the sun! That was the God of Moses.

Alright, bad choice of words, but don't assume that because I'm a advocate for Christianity that I therefore believe in a sun god. So don't tell me "wear lots of sun screen." I know it was a quip, and I understand that you don't believe in a sun god, but your posts usually foster hatred (toward Christians) than a movement toward mutual understanding.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: No, you are wrong again. The original idea has not changed, it's just been renamed 'the SON of God.' Early humans feared looking directly at the face of the sun, and the elements they feared becasue they had no control over the elements. This is basically the same definition of God as it was some 5,000 years ago. The sun created a pleasant tropical environment where life could optimally occur. Philosophy hasn't changed a thing.

Actually, the son of God has a much older history than that title attributed to Jesus Christ. Furthermore, its symbolism has absolutely no attachment to the Sun god of the Egyptians. As for the fear of early humans for not having control over the elements, that is a supposition, not fact. You have chosen to associate that supposition with the symbolisms of the Bible. Fine, you do that, but that is not an association I would make, at least not without proof, or strong evidentiary support. Furthermore, the definition of God as an actual infinite would certainly not be the same as that of the sun god, unless the sun god was simply a symbolic representation of a deeper concept. Philosophy may not have changed the descriptions of the Bible, nor the rooted origins of that symbolism. However, philosophy has changed our understanding of what is written there (well... some of us anyway). It isn't true that philosophy hasn't changed a thing.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I understand, but I also see that you blindly believe that your concept of god is the only true concept -- which it is not. What you believe in is the evolution of early man's fear of the inability to control the sun. Again, this is NOT my belief -- it was the belief of the ancient humans that filtered down to Moses. The rest is history.

Blindly? Only true concept? I would say that my concept of God is a work in progress. As for your comment about me being blind, I'm sorry that I gave that impression. I think things through as much as I can. I've studied these concepts both in school and privately. I no longer hold many beliefs that I once did, and I believe much that I once never even conceived. If this is blindness, then I wonder what sight is. My beliefs about early man are not based in religious teaching. Rather, my beliefs about early man are based in logical conslusion that I have reached through archaeology, science, philosophy, history and religion. I do not believe that the concept of God is based in early man's fear of the inability to control the sun. I may be wrong, admittedly, but by the evidence that I have been given, it is my conclusion that this isn't the case.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: You can believe in whatever it is that floats your boat, but please don't try to push YOUR concept of god on the rest of us. If most of us were sure there was a god, we'd probably not be on sciforums. I happen to believe more in sciforums than any creator-god that others believe.

Who's pushing? I believe you are the one who's pushing, since you are the one taking an active stance against Christianity, beliettling it and its members with every opportunity. THAT is pushing of beliefs. I present my beliefs, I propose arguments, and I am ready and willing to back those beliefs and arguments up. You may believe whatever you want to believe. If I find fault with it, I will say so, and tell you why, but I certainly don't expect you to accept what I have to say. I am always expecting a debate because I don't expect people to just accept what I have to say. I hope that they do, but don't expect it. I realize that I can do all the talking in the world, present as many arguments as I want, but when it really comes down to it, a person is going to believe whatever the heck they want to believe. You are not an exception. Therefore, I do not push my beliefs. I also do not push my beliefs because I believe that whatever is to be believed must be believed of a person's own free will. To push one's beliefs onto another is to belittle and attack that person's free will. I would never consciously do such a thing, for the destruction of a person's free will is dehumanising.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: If you feel the need to 'clear up misconceptions' about what you believe and don't believe about God, then part of you doesn't truly believe. If there was a true God, there would be no question about it, and none of us would be here on sciforums! So, you either came here to find an understanding about what you and others believe, or you came here to preach Christianity. There are some very good religion forums discussing Christianity only on the Internet. sciforums is not one of them.

I would disagree with that a "part of me doesn't truly believe" just because I feel the need to make clarifications. I do not make clarifications for my sake, but for the sake of those around me. I know what I believe, but others do not. I clarify my stance so that a discussion may be had. If my stance isn't clarified, then a discussion can't be had, since we would actually be speaking about different things. The greatest divider among humans today is the lack of clarity in regards to terms being used. For example, most people think that Hinduism is polytheistic. That simply isn't the case. There are many 'gods,' in Hinduism, but there is only one 'God.' The difference being that God is a supreme and infinite being, while the gods are what we might consider saints or angels. Furthermore, many people believe that Hinduism teaches that humans are gods, this being based in the teaching that humans have divinity. However, in the understanding of what is meant by 'gods,' then the teaching is also held by Christians. Furthermore, what is meant by 'divinity' is simply the same concept as the image of god held by the Judeo-Christian belief (simply that humans have free will and intellect). It is because of misunderstanding of the terms involved that miscostruals of beliefs systems are had, and so there is division. When, in actuality, the teachings of the different religions are very much the same, and such division shouldn't be had if only the terms involved were understood properly. This is the reason that I make my own clarifications, NOT because there is a lack of belief on my part.