How would you improve our economy system?

The entire economy system is nothing but a scam . But also there is not monetary economy system which could actually work . Its mathematically impossible . There is not one economist on the planet who could actually show any working monetary economy model . The world will end up without money at some point , but the are two possible outcomes . World of total slavery , or paradise and we are really very close already to the first one .
Do you have any math to show that it's mathematically impossible?
The entire economy system is nothing but a scam . But also there is not monetary economy system which could actually work . Its mathematically impossible . There is not one economist on the planet who could actually show any working monetary economy model . The world will end up without money at some point , but the are two possible outcomes . World of total slavery , or paradise and we are really very close already to the first one .
Interesting POV. I'd like some elaboration on the two alternatives, how you envision the evolution of each.
Improve our system? Get the humans out of the loop.

Vulcans and Ferengi only.

Accounting/finance should have been mandatory in high school for girls and boys since Sputnik.

Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations has been free on the Internet since 2001. Smith used the word 'education' Eighty Times.
There are multiple instances of "read, write and ACCOUNT". He did not say 'arithmetic'.

From the other side of the aisle:

Karl Marx used the word 'depreciation' 35 times in the first two volumes of Das Kapital. But he died 2 years before the invention of gas powered automobiles.

When do you hear economists talk about the annual depreciation of automobiles since Sputnik?

People who understood accounting would think about that Depreciation before they bought one.

This is a great overlooked episode. American consumers are letting corporations turn the planet's natural resources into trash while economists ignore the depreciation.
The entire economy system is nothing but a scam . But also there is not monetary economy system which could actually work . Its mathematically impossible
It is mathematically quite possible; the math is done every day. You may mean that you have philosophical objections, which is fine.
There is not one economist on the planet who could actually show any working monetary economy model.
Except, of course, for all the ones who do. Given that we have had economic systems for tens of thousands of years, and they have all worked to some degree or another, that is provably false.
The world will end up without money at some point.
Nope. Nothing at all to support that.
Sure, the US works much better than Cuba or Russia.
What system doesn't use money? Barter?
You do realize our Gov has been blocking trade w Cuba for past 60 years or so? Alegedly for stealing some americans owned properties
Cuba Gov is corupt and rich keep whatever goods they can and let poor starve,sound like capitalist system imo.
I know vloger who travel there and show the sad truth look up Bappa Shota or Bappa Life chanel.
Rusia is World bigest country and self suficient in All natural resources,Our sanctions dont affect them at all bc they can buy and import anything thru neigboring countries. Yes even Chinese Electric cars. :) See 808 chanel
btw life in Rusia is way diff from what our fake media says,and rusians are even allowed to own guns, see Expat american.
Watch Traveling with Russell or Sams rusian adventures on cost of living and food prices etc.
You do realize our Gov has been blocking trade w Cuba for past 60 years or so? Alegedly for stealing some americans owned properties
Cuba Gov is corupt and rich keep whatever goods they can and let poor starve,sound like capitalist system imo.
I know vloger who travel there and show the sad truth look up Bappa Shota or Bappa Life chanel.
Rusia is World bigest country and self suficient in All natural resources,Our sanctions dont affect them at all bc they can buy and import anything thru neigboring countries. Yes even Chinese Electric cars. :) See 808 chanel
btw life in Rusia is way diff from what our fake media says,and rusians are even allowed to own guns, see Expat american.
Watch Traveling with Russell or Sams rusian adventures on cost of living and food prices etc.
Slow day at the troll farm? :biggrin:
We could try several systems. And will, once capitalism implodes. But right now, capitalism rules the world: it's the best system that exists and the worst system that exists - there is nothing to compare.
For the time being, all we can do is mitigate its most negative effects.
We could try several systems. And will, once capitalism implodes. But right now, capitalism rules the world: it's the best system that exists and the worst system that exists - there is nothing to compare.
For the time being, all we can do is mitigate its most negative effects.
Actualy Chinese style comunism works better bc Gov cares for ALL people and not just doesnt let Rich control the Gov.
on the contrary they use well educated economists,engineers,to decide what to do and how to build best infrastructure,roads,bridges factories houses and railways so even the poorest can aford to travel cheaply and buy or rent a house or apartments. Its one per family now to prevent speculators causing crazy price hikes. Inflation doesnt exist in China. Btw homeowners pay No property tax.
Result is Cn raised 800 milion people from poverty to midle class in couple decades and become Worlds bigest factory including Electric cars. Watch Wheelsboy chanel or Inside China auto.
Inside china business or Jerrys take on china has good info on politics etc.
Capitalism lets Rich exploit the poor,its a dog eat dog system. Thats why we have financial crashes every so often everyone cares only for themselves and Gov leaders are elected depending on how well they can blab and charm the voters.
Imo both parties are pupets for Deep state so voting dont matter
How to improve failing economy,first build more housing to solve homelesnes. Way back in the 70s I was working construction and we built so many houses you could buy one w 100$ downpayment. Try that today lol even Canada is unafordable.
Investing in factories instead of military would be good idea too. Stoping drug use is esential.
Japan ,China ,Singapore and most asian countries excecute drug pushers,as do many Islamic countries,our permisive society is destroying itself from within allowing this garbage.
I suspect some Gov folks gets piece of the pie so its imposible to stop. Prepare for the Apocalypse. Especialy when China Rusia and 150 BRICs countries dump US$ debt and use their Own currency to trade with.
Good commercial. "What the heck did you think it was made with?" (with, not of) That was about Rice Crispies, not soylent green, but is still apt. Of course, there was a fair amount of American capital involved in the industrial rise of modern China; both its own government and foreign investors were eager to exploit an impoverished and cowed population.
But, never mind; let the dead bury their dead. After all it's not as if the Chinese super-rich were helping to drive up real estate prices in the UK, Canada and the US, because of course, of course, there aren't any.... and their planning for the welfare of the common people, from uninhabited cities to unfinished roads, is an example to the world.

I'm just not sure that model would work for the US.
Stop having the Federal Reserve controlling the interest rates. Let the market for federal funds set the rate.
The Federal Reserve board should act to provide liquidity instead of setting the interest rate.
Stop having the Federal Reserve controlling the interest rates. Let the market for federal funds set the rate.
The Federal Reserve board should act to provide liquidity instead of setting the interest rate.
But isn’t central control of the interest rate critical for managing inflation?
Stop having the Federal Reserve controlling the interest rates. Let the market for federal funds set the rate.
The Federal Reserve board should act to provide liquidity instead of setting the interest rate.
The market in the US already determines the rate for most "federal funds", such as the US Treasury rates - i.e. the interest rate on government bonds etc.
In simplistic terms, the Fed only controls what is referred to as the "overnight rate", which is the rate large banks lend and borrow from each other overnight, and the "Discount rate", which is the rate the Fed charges banks for borrowing directly from the Federal Reserves overnight.
While these rates obviously impact other rates within the US banking world, they are an essential tool in the Fed's arsenal to combat inflation, one of the tasks it has been given, as it is a means to control borrowing. If left entirely to the market to decide then inflation would be that much harder to control.
Inflation these days is largely because Congress is spending more than it is taking in and to a degree exceeding any productivity increase caused by that overspending. The Fed is largely just responding to the mess caused by Congressional spending..

The Federal is more effective with its interest rate adjustments when the problem is private overspending, ie, too many business loans. The situation today isn't too much business lending, it's too much public (Congress) spending therefore whatever it does is less effective.

It can crash the economy to reduce demand but that's pretty heavy handed but that's the only control that it has. The only long term solution is less government spending. The ever increasing national debt is what is going to be causing most of our financial problems, directly or indirectly, for the foreseeable future.