

The biggest taboo in the world is of course to cross a human with a chimpanzee. I have heard rumours that somewhere in south america or china people have attempted to make this hybrid in secrecy. Of course, these are just rumours, only suited for a pseudoscience forum. But I was browsing the internet a bit and found this article. Although in the end the example didn't really turn out to be a humanzee, it is quite an interesting story.


who is volunteering to mate with a chimp then?
Might be able to do it by trading individual pairs of chromasomes in a test-tube. (ie: cut out all odd pairs from a chimp egg and replace them with all odd pairs from a human) Would most likely be viable that way and would not be sterile due to uneven numbers of chromasomes.

If you switched just one pair of chromasomes would you be able to tell the difference in the resulting chimera, be it mostly human or chimp?

Originally posted by yayacatfight
if it was possible, they would be around. i think our dna is just a bit too far off.
Who is out there raping chimps?
Very very interesting site. I think we should experiment :) Well I'm not about to get down with a chimp or anything but I'd do it in the lab..... aahh if only I had the power...
If any offspring are produced I would insist they not go in cages. They should have nursing-home conditions of better as they grow up. And no dissections unless they die of natural causes.

I would go so far as to get them a tutor.
Yeah I think that sounds like a good environment. A cage is how you treat something like a rat, not a creature so close to ourselves. ANd then you could also see what they're capable of learning and everything.
What i don't understand is why they would do that, i'm not sure what benefits of this half-breed there are. You can have a stupid person or smart monkey. PLus this reminds me too much of planet of the apes...and just look how the world turned out after that.....damn dirty apes
Didn't the Raliens (how do you spell this god-forsaken group's name?) do some experiment like this? They produced some fuXORed species. Or maybe it was just a cross between French and German people. Oohhhhhh . . . Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh . . . tomato splat!!! Sorry, I'm a jackass.
Originally posted by sHaZbOk
What i don't understand is why they would do that, i'm not sure what benefits of this half-breed there are. You can have a stupid person or smart monkey. PLus this reminds me too much of planet of the apes...and just look how the world turned out after that.....damn dirty apes
The reason people want to do it is because it can provide us with information about how humans and apes are related and how we function and things like that.

And sure the planet of the apes thing would be scary.....but it is just a movie :)
There was a one hour program on the Discovery Channel just a while ago but wasn't advertised to much.

It talks about the Humanzee and how there were two unconfirmed hybrids created.

The first was in China and was never born because protesters (or something like that) broke in the lab and killed the mother chimpanzee before the hybrid was born.

The other was somewhere in Europe (maybe Britian) where a hybrid humanzee was born but was later killed and the whole thing was covered up.:(
I don't believe this would be possible. Our dna is much too dissimular to create a viable hybrid.
I think it would be possible to make a hybrid of any mix of earth creatures, even roach-men, because everything is related afterall. Its just that we don't have the technology yet, but I definately think we will have that technology eventually.
I don't know:( talk to someone else...
We have the technology. We allready put spider genes in e-coli bacteria and insect dna in mice. We just dont do it a whole chromasome at a time.
Originally posted by Xev
I don't believe this would be possible. Our dna is much too dissimular to create a viable hybrid.

you can never be sure if it is possible, but would you expect it to be possible to make a hybrid between a donkey and a horse at first glance? No, but mules do exist. You can never know until you try...

but the chances are probably not entirely favourable.
You can breed lions and tigers together; you can breed horses and zebras together, why couldnt you breed us and chimps? If not naturally then artificially.

Why should we? Studying such a fusion would give us hints on hew to cure numerous diseases and may even let us improve ourselves. After all the average chimp is far stronger than the average human. Imagine being able to be that strong but otherwise normal.

We have traded numerous things in exchange for our intelligence and I want a chance to get them back.
Now I'm not going to bring up souls or any other religious points (Mostly because I don't believe any of them), but I do believe in rights as a human. What right do we have to decide to create a creature that will be capable of higher thought, but has no real future.

What if you were born in to a world where you have nothing in existance like you, you are studied at all times and never given any true freedom? Would that be a world worth living in to you? Do we give the creature the right to end it all if they so please? It most likely will be less smart than the average human so I'm sure it would be drawn to religion :D but what religion would that be?

I guess it comes down to the fact that I don't think we have the right to create individual creatures that have higher thoughts. I wouldn't want to be subjected to it, so I would not do it.
If the being had any such potential I might wery well hire it. Be a true equal-opportunity employer.