Hypothetical: I have no religious influences what so ever...


Registered Senior Member
Hypothetical scenario:

Let's say I lived my life, till this point, in a vacuum. No outside influences what so ever regarding religion, spirituality or atheism...how would you position your belief to me in an attempt to explain your perspective?

Very curious.

Hypothetical scenario:

Let's say I lived my life, till this point, in a vacuum. No outside influences what so ever regarding religion, spirituality or atheism...how would you position your belief to me in an attempt to explain your perspective?

Very curious.

And you have language?
I think first we would have to teach you language. And after that you would have been influenced. If you have language you have been influenced.
Hypothetical scenario:

Let's say I lived my life, till this point, in a vacuum. No outside influences what so ever regarding religion, spirituality or atheism...how would you position your belief to me in an attempt to explain your perspective?

Very curious.

contrary to popular sciforums opinion, philosophy and religion are not totally divorced from each other
Let's say I lived my life, till this point, in a vacuum. No outside influences what so ever regarding religion, spirituality or atheism...how would you position your belief to me in an attempt to explain your perspective?

Well, I'd simply teach you everything, like language, reading and writing, math and science, literature, mythology, music, all of the things that you need to be a well-rounded person. And then from there it is up to you to decide whether or not you want to believe in a particular religion. I'd just want you to know that you should always apply reason before you do anything. You'll have your transcendent moments in life, and they are for you to decide what the cause is.
I guess I am looking for what you believe in and why you believe...


As examples:

I'm a Muslim because I submit myself to the Lord of the world. also because I testify that 'There is no god but One True God, and Mohammad is the last messenger of God.".

I'm a Hindu because a Hindu is a person who seeks the Truth. And God is the Eternal Truth, the Reality behind everything.

I'm a Christian because I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe in his second coming as the messiah. Jesus is the Spirit from God.

I'm a Jew because I believe in Moses as great Prophet of God who spoke to God.

I'm a Buddhist because I seek enlightenment (Nirvana) of my soul. I pay my respect to Gautama Buddha who is one of the most brilliant personality who walked on this earth.

I'm a Taoist who believe in Tao, the Ultimate Reality behind everything.

I am an Atheist because...

I am an Agnostic because...

I am a (insert religion here...like Zoroastrianism or whatever you like...) because...
I guess I am looking for what you believe in and why you believe...

You should have asked that to begin with. I wouldn't condone forcing faith on a child, or forcing a lack of faith on a child, so I wouldn't raise my kid by saying "There's no God, don't believe that BS". That wouldn't be fair to the kid, because they could very well miss out on some of the finer points of religion. And yes, there are some fine aspects of it, when properly implemented in one's life. And, as with everything, in moderation! :D

OK, to your question...

I am an Atheist because the Judeo-Christian belief system is based on older Pagan myths, which thus means that the stories aren't real, and therefore the god they represent cannot be real. However, no matter how silly it sounds, I would be ignorant to say that I don't know there is a god, some kind of creator for this whole mess. I wouldn't give the argument much weight, but you never know, and I would never say for certain. But since there is no proof, I can't believe in it. And thus, I am an atheist.
I guess I am looking for what you believe in and why you believe...


Okay, I am a theist because I believe in God; I am a Muslim because Islam is a religion of simplicity, with no priests, no dogma and almost no ceremony. To me, it is the most rational religion of all.
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Save it for a different thread. Let's let other people give their answers before we flood this with 9 pages of arguments for or against the Muslim faith.
I would say to Wexler that I believe in a God who made pretty much everything, but did it fairly sneakily so that we'd never notice he'd done and instead we'd run about making all these physical laws and staring at distant stars with telescopes in the hope of proving the existence of life elsewhere by catching the planetary wobble caused by an alien farting.

I'd say that I think he sent a part of Himself (or Herself, if you prefer, since He doesn't really have a gender, not really) to Earth to live amongst the proles, and that annoyed some of us who killed the human carrier of that part of Him, which was really unfair, frankly. But I'd say He went along with it anyway, though the human part of Him was probably a bit put-off for a moment, which is also quite human. But the great thing is that we can be saved from the inequity of sins if we stop being such arses and actually repent them. I think there were a lot of people who came after Him who were also quite nice. Also, I think his mum was a really good sort for having Him and all that, although no one ever bloody mentions Joseph who had to walk around for a good many years wondering what in the bloody hell was going on, poor sod. And yet we never mention the kick in the ego that must have been, do we? Oh, no: he's just expected to carry on, while we moan endlessly about Mary having to ride a donkey all the way to Bethlehem. Probably complained about his driving the whole time. Although to be honest, they probably didn't have a donkey and all that bit about the manger is probably nonsense, although I'll bet it was in a stable, because, honestly, travel really sucks.

I'd say that His message to us is that i) He exists and ii) that we should all be good to each other, although we still have to be part of society and all that. I'd say that His message is that we should love and respect other people, even when they really don't love and respect us. Which, again to be honest, is sometimes our fault.

I believe in this version of God because it's a fascinating and complex one, and to be honest we live in a fascinatingly complex world. Ergo, Christianity is the most rational religion for me. I think I'm right, but I won't run around chopping you up for thinking different, you miserable heathen git.

There we is.

Hypothetical scenario:

Let's say I lived my life, till this point, in a vacuum. No outside influences what so ever regarding religion, spirituality or atheism...how would you position your belief to me in an attempt to explain your perspective?

Very curious.


i would explain my belief to be based upon a spiritual interaction that i guess you may not be able to have in a vacuum, i'm not sure. but if you mean that you're simply void of HUMAN contact, and not spiritual, you could have it too.
I'd say believe whatever you want. True spirituality has nothing to do with matching your beliefs to an organized religion, it's as unique to you as your DNA.

I am none of the above, and I think you should go sit under a tree, take some mushrooms and form your own beliefs. The fact that you haven't been exposed to any doctrine and dogma from organized religion gives you a huge advantage in the spirituality department.

Hypothetically speaking.