I can see minute internal molecules/particles in air with my NAKED EYES. what I do?

I’m not making the same claim as the OP. I don’t think I’m “special”. However, it seems to me that you have no idea what I, or any of the rest of us, is talking about.
Right. Your eyes are magic and can see the air. That's a much more reasonable explanation than that you have a common ocular condition.
So, my fellow air seers, I beg of you, what now? I would be interested to know any information about this. Groups, threads, websites, etc.? I would love to discuss this with others that can “see the air” too.
(I am astonished at how difficult it is to get a Googled pic of a grainy photo...

If I try carefully to concentrate on my vision, this is what I see (lousy pic but it'll suit my purpose):


The world seems to be made up, not of solid colours, but of colour "noise" - it's made up of specks of colour near the limit of resolution, but still resolvable.

I don't see it all the time; I have to concentrate on a featureless area - maybe the black deck of my laptop or maybe the sky.

I think everyone sees this, and I think we fall into three groups:
1] Those who have never become aware of it
2] Those who are aware of it, but see it as just an artifact of vision
3] Those who are freaked out by it, thinking no one else can see what they see.

I think it is an artifact of the retina and of the brain. Our vision is made of discrete elements after all.
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Y'know, if it were almost anybody else, I'd be comfortable assuming you're kidding. o_O
Not that is of any importance, but I ran across this old post and did a quick look-up. Of course it seems really unlikely, however something stirred my memory.
How the moon's gravity influences Earth
A 2015 botanical study suggests that the moon's gravity might affect the movement of some plants' leaves. After studying historical plant data as well as data from vegetation grown on the International Space Station, researcher Peter Barlow concluded that there could be a correlation between movement of water within the plant’s leaves and the lunisolar tide cycles, in a movement referred to as "leaftide."
Further studies are needed to get more insight into the relationship between lunar gravitational pull and botany and perhaps reveal other influences of the moon’s gravity on flora — and perhaps beyond.
While the relationship between leaf behavior and the gravitational pull of the moon remains uncertain, scientists have discovered some interesting connections between the moon’s gravitational pull and aspects of life on Earth...........
When I relax and sit back with my eyesight pointing towards the blue sky and try to concentrate very deeply I can literally see the minute internal molecules/particles moving in a rapid random motions in the air with my naked eyes and they are almost numerous and countless in numbers. I myslef is not very sure about the actual nature of these minute internal particles/molecules that moves very fast at a real high speed in random motions but I can see them very very clearly with my naked eyes for sure without any doubts. I am not doing this as any practice or as any personal interests of mine perhaps its like a God Gift to me which now I will like to share with this whole world to get well aware of and to see that this real God Gift of mine turns out useful in some or the other way discovering something really innovative for this entire world..

Kindly Have Your Say.. How I should move forward with this to make the best out of it for the sake of this entire world and mankind..

I know exactly what you're talking about. I found myself daydreaming and looking at the clear blue sky one day and found I could see silvery points of light dancing around i the sky. I decided I was seeing cosmic rays that are bombarding our planet all the time. That's the only explanation I can give. I think it's cool.
I know exactly what you're talking about. I found myself daydreaming and looking at the clear blue sky one day and found I could see silvery points of light dancing around i the sky. I decided I was seeing cosmic rays that are bombarding our planet all the time. That's the only explanation I can give. I think it's cool.
You aren't seeing cosmic rays. Try reading the thread from the start.

Oh, and welcome back. Long time no see.
Not a good idea. The floaters are caused by things literally floating inside of your eye. Eyewash will have absolutely no effect and bleach may well burn your corneas.

Some of what you're describing is called "entopic phenomina". When you suddenly move your head, the jelly that fills the inside of your eye (vitreous) tugs on your retina. Your retina, like your brain, can not feel pain. It interprets all stimuli as light. So the flashes of lite are simply your retina registering the presure it feels as a result of vitreous sloshing around inside of your eye.
Hype has hit on the most important point here. Any sudden change in floaters should be evaluated within 24 hours by an eye doctor (Optometrist or Ophthalmologist). It could be caused by bleeding within your eye which could lead to blindness within as little as a day or two without treatment.

Most floaters are harmless and are caused by changes in the vitreous as we age. Here is the normal anatomy of the eye:
The giant empty space is filled with a jello like substance called the vitreous humor. When we're young, it's like fresh jello. Crystal clear and solid so that it puts no pressure on the retina when the eye moves. As we age, it becomes like old jello that's been in the fridge too long. The solids and liquids begin to seperate and the solid portion begins to contract, pulling away from the retina. As this process begins, the patient will see little clumps and lines of solid vitreous matter. That's what most of you are noticing.

Once in a while, as the vitreous pulls away from the retina, it pulls a piece of retina off with it. This is a retinal tear. Once you have a tear, fluid can get in thru that and your retina will literally peel off the back of your eye like old wall paper:
As the retina peels off, you are going blind. If it detaches completely, you will be stone blind in the eye. During the process, you will first note new floaters, and maybe flashes of light. Next you'll note a "shadow" growing over your vision as the retina detaches and you gradually go blind (perhaps in as little as a day or so).

So any of you noticing these things for the first time or noticing a sudden worsening of the symptoms, please see your eye doctor ASAP.

good for warning people not to bleach the eyes or whatever lol but this has nothing to do with the original post you are misinterpreting the guy that made the original statement....
good information though a bit off topic...……………………………………………………………………...
So I'm not the only one that can see this. And my friends called me crazy. Actually I've documented this phenomena over the years and in all sorts of conditions. The trick is to focus your gaze on an empty point in space just in front of your face. The first thing I see are these things called floaters. The moving points of light are just past them. I agree that staring into the clear blue sky seems to work the best but I founc that any well lit open area with a bright background will do (like staring across the factory at a white wall). Attempting this is not vary comfortable on the eyes at first though the vastness of the sky helps immensely. The surrounding temperature (-10 through 102 degrees Fahrenheit) has no apparent influence on their motion so I ruled out enviromental molecules floating in the air. After a few years of close observation I came to the conclusion that I was viewing the blood cells moving through the capillaries at the back of my eye. Why they appear as dancing points of light (definitely not floaters) I can not say. Seeing as fighter pilots tell of this, maybe it's an unknown early stage of glaucoma (high fluid pressure in the eye) which affects 1 in 200 people worldwide younger than fifty years of age and 1 in 10 people over the age of eighty. If those of us that can see these things end up with glaucoma compared to those of you who can not (control group) then we may have something. Yet, until this test is properly preformed we could just as easily say that the opposite could happen or there's no correlation at all. Speculation doesn't help but still. I'm not the only ond that can see this. Why is it that we can yet others can not?

you should gaze into the sky while not in motion and see the movement, I will try it while traveling in a car passenger of course thanks for the info

I am seeing these things travel and ive seen the tiny wite pins of light but also these yellow ones that behave a bit differently they don't appear and disappear instantly like the wite ones they are hundreds of times bigger and move in mor of a staright line but seemed to travel off into the distance in a straight line yet it was a wobbily straight line so im interested to hear if anyone has seen the variation I speak of I know someone has it just takes so long to find people even with the internet

your on the right track with blue field entropic phenomenon yet I was lost at the shape of the capillary vessels and how the blood cells travel through I am going to have to find a video showing the motion of how the bloodcells move

because so far that does not line up with the paths I am seeing these things travel and ive seen the tiny wite pins of light but also these yellow ones that behave a bit differently they don't appear and disappear instantly like the wite ones they are hundreds of times bigger and move in mor of a staright line but seemed to travel off into the distance in a straight line yet it was a wobbily straight line so im interested to hear if anyone has seen the variation I speak of I know someone has it just takes so long to find people even with the internet
These lights move about independently at different speeds so not floaters or blue field, It seems strange though with so many of us seeing them there is not a definitve explaination,

hello there my name is Tom and I would like to discuss with someone that is familiar with photons and electrons someone that does experiments with detecting said light because I am noticing myself being able to observe certain light from photons or electrons or the exchange of energy when they transfer into and out of an atom im not sure exactly but there is something here and I need help recording in experiment the results of this so I know I am not crazy hallucinating these lights, I know im not but I just have to get some experiments done so this is my first time reaching out academia I have just stumbled upon this and begun my own research and now im sure I can present this to the right people or person and I can make sence and relate what I think is actually happening and I have a few ideas for experiments to scientifically prove beyond a doubt my point and I am no one special as I said before im sure everyone can do this mr.windowclean@outlook.com or connect on facebook please asap thanks


or if you could pass this message to someone that does research in detecting photos and electron
Vkothii and Acitnoids hit the nail on the head. High blood pressure may be a cause. Standing up quickly from a recumbent position can also give this effect; as well as pulling several Gs in the case of a fighter pilot. It is your blood moving through your twisty capillaries. If you observe the effect for a while you will see them pulse slightly with your heart beat.
no that's not what is happening
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you should gaze into the sky while not in motion and see the movement, I will try it while traveling in a car passenger of course thanks for the info

I am seeing these things travel and ive seen the tiny wite pins of light but also these yellow ones that behave a bit differently they don't appear and disappear instantly like the wite ones they are hundreds of times bigger and move in mor of a staright line but seemed to travel off into the distance in a straight line yet it was a wobbily straight line so im interested to hear if anyone has seen the variation I speak of I know someone has it just takes so long to find people even with the internet

your on the right track with blue field entropic phenomenon yet I was lost at the shape of the capillary vessels and how the blood cells travel through I am going to have to find a video showing the motion of how the bloodcells move

because so far that does not line up with the paths I am seeing these things travel and ive seen the tiny wite pins of light but also these yellow ones that behave a bit differently they don't appear and disappear instantly like the wite ones they are hundreds of times bigger and move in mor of a staright line but seemed to travel off into the distance in a straight line yet it was a wobbily straight line so im interested to hear if anyone has seen the variation I speak of I know someone has it just takes so long to find people even with the internet
Have you ever stood up or stand up to fast and see "stars" in your vision? This is the same thing. The "stars" are visualizing blood vessels in our eyes. Fighter pilots experience the same thing at high Gs'