I need input fast......PLEASE!!!!!!


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I have a question. My friend is having a problem. He keeps waking up in the in the middle of the night and seeing somting hovering above him......also he looks at his door and sees his door extending to the ceiling. He rubs his eyes and nothing happens......then rubs them agian and it is normal. What the hell is going on......is it some form of phsylogical problems? Lucid dreaming crashing with his conciniousness. He is worried because it is becoming more and more frequent......like everynite frequent.

i really need input.....
thank you all.

Come on.......someone must have some adice........dont be a-holes........
What exactly does he see hovering above him? Can he make out a certain shape or so? What exactly does he see when he looks at his door. Can it be that he sees it upside down, so that it seems like it extends to the ceiling?

Is it possible that he is not quite awake yet when he rubs his eyes the first time?

I cannot say for sure whether this is psychological or him slowly waking from a recurring lucid dream.

For that, some more info is necessary.
I beleive that he is waking up from a lucid dream......but i dont know alot about that stuff......

He cant make out a shape of the hovering thing....
He sits up and it seems like his door is being streached up to the ceiling.....

there banshee......can you work with some of that

It's called a 'hypnogogic hallucination'. Your friend is experiencing
something completely normal. This is sometimes accompanied
by 'sleep paralysis'.
I had something somewhat similiar to this happen several times actually. Except in my case, I 'woke up' but I couldn't wake up for real. It was like I would open my eyes and I'd imagine myself getting out of bed, but I would still be in bed, sleeping. Eventually if I kept trying to get up, I would eventually wake up. But it was kind of weird, and I would understand why you and your friend might be concerned about this. If you realize that you are dreaming, then you might be able to change what you are experiencing into something more pleasant. At least I've found this to be true on more than one occasion. Somehow your friend is becoming aware of his subconscious. . . it's not a harmful thing, but can be confusing at first.

My friend had that problem in the past.

Could be a demon or some weird kind of ghost.

I've never heard about anything like you mentioned with that door though

She didnt really have a solution for it, but i hope even my little advice might help. Just make sure he understands he's not crazy, and he'll feel a little better if someone else is in the room even when this is happening
