i need some good advice please


Registered Senior Member
ok well i think i need some serious help right now lol, well ever since i was 7 i realized i had a healing power, if someone is hurt and all i have to do is put my hand over thier wound and the pain will go away but i'll get it, i've ven given myself viruses that supposivley dstay in my blood for a while and sometimes the docter wont even know whats wrong with me but i'll be sick for as long as 2 weeks, i'm afriad that if i keep on healing people and since i'm getting thei pain, even though it does go away in a matter of minuites, it seems to be making me sick alot and i've been missing alot of school becuase of it, bc the docters dont know what i do and all the illnesses i come down with are all undetected so they cant really help me, what am i supposed to do? i cant stop healing people, i cant stand to see people in pain and i want to help, but if i get their pain and it all adds up i dont want to get serverly sick again like i was, it was horrible, i was like bed ridden for 2 weeks straight until i started getting better, then theres another problem, i have a habit of reading minds without even knowing i'm doing it, my friend arielle mostly she'll b right next to me and i'll b like brushing my hair or somthing and i'll hear her ask one time for some ice cream and i was like "arielle get it urself i'm not dishing u out ice cream" and she will say she didn't say anything but she thiought it, then she's always kidding around and she's like stop that! but i cant, so she's used to me doing that but recently i did it in school with one of my friends who doesn;'t know and they really got freaked out by it, hi dont want alot of ppl i kno to kno bc then it causes problems, so how am i supposed to hide it when i dont even know when i'm doing it???if u have advice plz tell me!lol
about the healing thing, i always heal people with minor pains through Qigong methods, qi energy can heal minor pain and help the recovery process along, i dont usually pick up the pain from people, maybe you need some practice in Qi healing, some people can cultivate Qi better than others naturally,

and about the thought thing, i actually have this trouble sometimes, my wife will think something and i will say an answer to certain things before she asks, or sometimes i think she said something to me, then i replie and she will tell me she didnt say anything but was thinking that exact thing,

maybe its just random coincidence maybe its something else, many things are possible, but yes i have experienced some of these things to, so your not alone,

also i have something to say about de ja vu. but i will start a new thread for that right now.

YOU should run.... to the nearest cnn office... or major news company..

tell them that you can heal.. and then demonstrate it for them...

surely someone in the building will need healing.

then... you become a world wide sensation and literally change the world as we know it...

instantly.. you make the whole realm of religious possibilities possible...

simply because you can heal people.

its a blessing for sure.. a gift.. and it should not be wasted.

its something the world must know exists.

and you must prove it to them.

so suck up the pain... and reserve your actions for those in greatest need and for demonstration purposes.

i would have to say that i agree with Mosheh Thezion if you can heal people man jsut try and show other people your powers.... keep it a secret if you want but thats some pritty amazing shit and im sure if you can do it then other people would love to see it... its a power that should not go to waste :p
its not about showing off... or making a good show..

its about showing the world.. that it can be done...

its somekind of repeatable evidense... even if only in one human... you.
while you live... you give all mankind hope of something more.

and after your death... records and study may reveal secrets to tap into unknown powers and abilities for the future destiny of our people across the stars.


all this is assuming you can do so... and do so repeatably... with the support of several professional doctors and such who can verify the changes.

Siren said:
ok well i think i need some serious help right now lol, well ever since i was 7 i realized i had a healing power, if someone is hurt and all i have to do is put my hand over thier wound and the pain will go away but i'll get it, i've ven given myself viruses that supposivley dstay in my blood for a while and sometimes the docter wont even know whats wrong with me but i'll be sick for as long as 2 weeks, i'm afriad that if i keep on healing people and since i'm getting thei pain, even though it does go away in a matter of minuites, it seems to be making me sick alot and i've been missing alot of school becuase of it, bc the docters dont know what i do and all the illnesses i come down with are all undetected so they cant really help me, what am i supposed to do? i cant stop healing people, i cant stand to see people in pain and i want to help, but if i get their pain and it all adds up i dont want to get serverly sick again like i was, it was horrible, i was like bed ridden for 2 weeks straight until i started getting better, then theres another problem, i have a habit of reading minds without even knowing i'm doing it, my friend arielle mostly she'll b right next to me and i'll b like brushing my hair or somthing and i'll hear her ask one time for some ice cream and i was like "arielle get it urself i'm not dishing u out ice cream" and she will say she didn't say anything but she thiought it, then she's always kidding around and she's like stop that! but i cant, so she's used to me doing that but recently i did it in school with one of my friends who doesn;'t know and they really got freaked out by it, hi dont want alot of ppl i kno to kno bc then it causes problems, so how am i supposed to hide it when i dont even know when i'm doing it???if u have advice plz tell me!lol

Siren, I see that you are a new poster here. Advice: be prepared for some heavy skepticism.

As regards to your post. I can relate fully to what you are saying. Having experienced both concerns to varous levels over the last 20 years or so.

One of the greatest connundrums a healer has to face is what I call "the doctor with the bag" connundrum.
This connundrum is about how a person who has the ability to heal has to with hold his/her talents as a way of self preservation. In other words a sick healer is not much good to any one including the sick that they are either attempting to heal or the persons they have already healed.

Basically you have to learn to heal with out using your own body as a vessel for that healing. To stop "lending your health to someone else" in an act of compassion.

Excessive Compassion can be a very strong obstacle for a strong empath such as your self. Self centedness [ not to be confused with selfish-ness] needs to be worked on so that you protect yourself from your own abilities.
As to CNN etc, I guess you have a problem with being able to perform on cue too....just like all other persons delving into this area of psi abilities.

This is another issue and no doubt as it is for many a very frustrating one at that....

Pm me if you like
I've never done anything like this myself, but the healing articles on psipog suggest things like putting the disease into the ground, or into a penny and burying it, so it doesn't stay in your system.

As Quantum Quack said, there are sceptics here, and that includes me, due to lack of personal evidence. But if I can point someone in the direction of information I've read relating to what they say, I'm more than happy to do so, although since I don't have direct experience I can't vouch for their accuracy, which makes it less useful ;)
I also heal, and you need to push the negative stuff down into the earth (aka ground it). The website posted by zephyr is most likely a good place to start.
I am going to give you some excellent advice. You, however, will almost certainly ignore it. That is unfortunate.

The advice - accept that you are not a healer. You cannot heal. You may be able to make some people feel better for a while. This is called a placebo effect. Google it.
You certainly can make yourself feel very ill. The doctors cannot identify what is wrong with you because it is psychosomatic i.e. it is in your head.
Both of these factors are quite normal.

You are faced with a choice. It may be one of the most important choices you ever make.
1) You can accept what I say may be true and work forward on that basis. This will give you a rational, sane future, as healthy as your genetics and environment permit.
2) You can continue to believe that you can heal and pursue a path of superstition, gullibility, ill health, self deception, and the deception of others.

It is your choice. I shall be happy to discuss that choice with you on the forum, or via pm. If you do not wish to consider my advice, I wish you well.

Think carefully.
My advice: Take the Randi Million Dollar Challenge, rub it in their faces and collect come money for college! Then use your education to do something noble for society, perhaps become a doctor. Think about it, augmented with your natural healing powers, you'll be a SuperDocter. You'll heal and cure thousands, perhaps millions in your lifetime.

If you're unable to take my advice, consider Ophiolite's.
yeah i kno some of u remain skeptical due to lack of evidence but it's not like i can heal someone over the internet lol, my bff doesn't belive me bc i've never healed her or in front of her, as for example MT yeah i had thought about telling ppl, not necessarily broadcasting it but my mom, lil brother and 2 of my friends know, i still didn't tell my dad or anyone else in my famiylf or that matter bc i know that they wouldn't accept me, my dad hates this stuff as he calls it and probably wouldn't beleive me even if my lil brother would tell him how mnay times i had healed him, and for the rest of u that gave me the advice to try burying it or putting it in a oject i will deffinently have to try that lol, i'm so glad i found this site bc i thought i was all alone and personalyy i'm so sick and tired of people calling me a liar when i tell them this, i kno what i can do, my unkle can do the same too and is a docter also who uses his gift occasionally but he doesn't get affected by it like i do, thank u guys for giving me ur advice
sincerely siren
The best advice I can give you is to talk about it, and discuss it and learn as much as you can about it and all the skepticism that surrounds such pheno.

Take as unbiased approach as possible.

If you attempt to fully deny it's existance as some are suggesting you do, it will haunt you to distraction. Accept that it may all be just a mental construct and that it may also be what you think it is.

Let the truth show itself and remove obstacles to seeing that truth.

Truth is not subject to belief. However belief can hide the truth behind lies of our own making.
Siren said:
ok well i think i need some serious help right now lol, well ever since i was 7 i realized i had a healing power, if someone is hurt and all i have to do is put my hand over thier wound and the pain will go away but i'll get it, i've ven given myself viruses that supposivley dstay in my blood for a while and sometimes the docter wont even know whats wrong with me but i'll be sick for as long as 2 weeks, i'm afriad that if i keep on healing people and since i'm getting thei pain, even though it does go away in a matter of minuites, it seems to be making me sick alot and i've been missing alot of school becuase of it, bc the docters dont know what i do and all the illnesses i come down with are all undetected so they cant really help me, what am i supposed to do? i cant stop healing people, i cant stand to see people in pain and i want to help, but if i get their pain and it all adds up i dont want to get serverly sick again like i was, it was horrible, i was like bed ridden for 2 weeks straight until i started getting better, then theres another problem, i have a habit of reading minds without even knowing i'm doing it, my friend arielle mostly she'll b right next to me and i'll b like brushing my hair or somthing and i'll hear her ask one time for some ice cream and i was like "arielle get it urself i'm not dishing u out ice cream" and she will say she didn't say anything but she thiought it, then she's always kidding around and she's like stop that! but i cant, so she's used to me doing that but recently i did it in school with one of my friends who doesn;'t know and they really got freaked out by it, hi dont want alot of ppl i kno to kno bc then it causes problems, so how am i supposed to hide it when i dont even know when i'm doing it???if u have advice plz tell me!lol

Siren, Hi and welcome to sciforums. It is a great forum site, there's a lot of things going on here, as you can tell as far as assholes and even nice and wonderful people. I'm glad you're here. Myself I'm glad.

I am interested in your case. I think the grumpy old guy who told you to think carefully... Starting with an O, his name... Olp or something. The old man. Old guy!--- He said some good information. I think you should listen to this wise old man. He isn't as grumpy as he seems.

Then again, take that last paragraph seriously, I trust in the guy. But I have more things to say. You seem really nice. I am worried that you may go down a bad path, when there could be something to be done. Is there anything more you can do? Tried everything? Is it true that you are able to heal people? ...... I don't really know what to say right now. It is nice to respond to you.

yeah... people are going to be skeptical all right.

I was going to say more, yet i was confused a little. I was going to ask you a question. Can you tell me in a more sumed up way what the main problem you are dealing with is? I can tell it is serious, and something that will require attention.

with care

See you around!!! :eek: (ignore that face. i'm pretty crazy;))
lol yes i am aware that people will be skeptical, indeed it is true that i can heal others, i want to learn more about what exactly i have, the main problem with me right now is that when i heal epople i get their pain, i dont know what it's doing to me, then theres another problem, not all of my family knows about this, only my mom and little brother, so when people in my family are hurt or in pain i want to heal them but they dont believe me and wouldn't allow me to, i'm afriad my father will look to me differently if he knows what i can do, this is why sometimes i take this as a curse more than a blessing, i know that he will not accept that i can do this which is why i keep it a secret from alot of people

Quantum Quack is also very good with such things. You should listen when he is saying take an un-biased approach. You should care for your future when you hear such things as... these! If you can heal, good for you talk to people about it. Quit hiding it for crying out loud. Me, I'd say tell your dad immediately! Likely that isn't possible now is it? Especially considering that it is a LIFETIME that you have before you, that you are going to fail unless you do SOMETHING! You are asking for help, answer me: is it possible for you to fail? Is it likely that you are asking help for a reason?

If you want to learn what you have, I suggest you continue to stay on this thread, as well as tell some of your friends or something. Talk about it to them. I hope you are getting the sort of advice you are seeking.

Please tell me if I am helping you any, I am in the area of concerned.
thank u verry much u r helping me but i dont think i will tell my father, maybe my unkle bc he can heal too but i dont think i will tell my father for a loooong time
Your case does require attention, and I will hope that you continue coming to this site. I am going to bed really soon, I hope to see you here later.

Take care......