I said I'M paying!


Golden Sparkler
Registered Senior Member
Have you or anyone you know ever gotten into a fight about who was going to pay for dinner? Anyone have any funny stories?
Then just drop it and let them pay. Because she obviously cares more about who is going to pay than losing some cash.

If she knows you are willing to pay, forget about it. Because if you keep insisting and she says no, that's going to lead to an argument. Her paying of her own free will shall not, especially if you have already offered.
Offer once. It is not worth the hassel to determine who pays. Such can ruin a good experience.
I agree with both of you. I've just heard from some friends about people they know who've gotten into arguments over it, and i was wondering if anyone here has any stories to share. One friend told me that their father would always get into it with another family member about who was going to pay for dinner, and once he got so mad about the other person insisting on paying that he immediately got up and went out to the car and was angry and silent for the rest of the night. :D LOL I find that ridiculously funny.
People who get mad about not being able to unload their cash... very odd. All I know is that if I volunteered to pay and someone else wanted to instead, I'd go ahead and let them. A penny saved is a penny earned in my book.:rolleyes: :D :cool:
This is very much a question of culture. Eastern cultures put a lot of meaning in "face". Now, by paying for the meal, you gain "face", which by many is considered more important than money. - And in a way it is, because for a, say, Japanese, its worse to loose your face than you money; you can earn more money, but it can be hard to regain a serious loss of face.

Western culture is less occupied with face, but it means something to us too. Just look at these two statements:

1) "I think he lost most of his money on his last business investment"

2) "I think he is an uncultured clod"

Which would you be least happy to have people say about you (provided you are a westener)?

Originally posted by MRC_Hans
Western culture is less occupied with face, but it means something to us too. Just look at these two statements:

1) "I think he lost most of his money on his last business investment"

2) "I think he is an uncultured clod"

Which would you be least happy to have people say about you (provided you are a westener)?


As A "westerner", as you so eloquently call us, I don't give a CRAP what people say about me. Of course I don't buy into the normal "Westerner" culture. As a matter of fact, I have lost more money, in business ventures, than alot of folks & I am, definitely, an uncultured clod. Damn proud of that fact, also. :cool:
:D Well, ratbat, all cultures have their share of clods. Gives the rest of us a chance to shine, heheheh. But seriously, I'm sure there is some label that you would rather not have stuck to you. My point was that we all know pride (even the pride of being an uncultured clod, heheh), but in some cultures its more important than in others.
