I'm not voting in this year's election

After reading threw all of Wegs posts, this is the only thing I could find that looks like the reason Wegs does not want to vote for Biden. Considering this is a falsehood...
A falsehood?
wegs is stating her opinion - what she thinks of Biden. That's not really something that can be falsified.
Are you merely being argumentative?
What reasons? You've given none that are valid.
It would be quite easy to say that's a falsehood.
But since you're only offering your opinion about validity, falsification doesn't really apply.

wegs' reasons don't have to pass muster with anyone but wegs. And that makes them valid.

You're just looking for trouble, trying to get a rise out of wegs.
I dislike both Trump and Biden, neither is any better than the other. I feel that the Presidency has become little more than a figurehead position, and it doesn't really matter who wins. Congress seems to control everything, anyway.

Having wrestled with it a bit, I'm settled about this decision, now.

Biden is a closet republican and racist, so he and Trump seem cut from the same cloth. Are you going to vote? If you don't like either candidate, why are you voting?

Wegs please reconsider and vote for other offices. You can leave the potus blank.
I do understand your quandary. They are so alike; either way we get a gropper who likes to exaggerate their accomplishments.
Wegs please reconsider and vote for other offices. You can leave the potus blank.
I do understand your quandary. They are so alike; either way we get a gropper who likes to exaggerate their accomplishments.
they are in no way shape or form alike. i thought biden was one of the third worst person running in the dem primary( fuck you bloomberg and gabbard) but to try and paint him and donald trump as being even remotely alike requires a level of dishonesty that is awe inspiring in its sheer brazen refusal to deal with facts. im not a fan of biden but im voting for him simply because i don't want to lose the republic. saying biden is the same as trump is excusing the republican descent into fascism and gives it cover.
A falsehood?
wegs is stating her opinion - what she thinks of Biden. That's not really something that can be falsified.
Are you merely being argumentative?

She said Biden's a racist, should be pretty easy to find out if that's valid or not. Wasn't Biden the running mate for a black man and has now chosen a black female for his running mate? Tell us how that is racist?
She said Biden's a racist, should be pretty easy to find out if that's valid or not. Wasn't Biden the running mate for a black man and has now chosen a black female for his running mate? Tell us how that is racist?
What kind of a silly argument is that?

wegs: Dave is a violent person. I don't like him.
(Q): False. Dave's not violent. :wades through a sea of prone bodies: Look: here's two people he didn't punch out. Tell us how that is violent?


(I'm not implying Biden is a racist; I'm just dismantling your terrible logic.)
What kind of a silly argument is that?

wegs: Dave is a violent person. I don't like him.
(Q): False. Dave's not violent. :wades through a sea of prone bodies: Look: here's two people he didn't punch out. Tell us how that is violent?


(I'm not implying Biden is a racist; I'm just dismantling your terrible logic.)

If the logic is so terrible, show me this alleged "sea of prone bodies" Biden has collected?
If the logic is so terrible, show me this alleged "sea of prone bodies" Biden has collected?
OK, I didn't figure I'd have to spell it out.

'X didn't happen in two chosen examples out of a possible zillion' doesn't mean 'X is a falsehood'. It's terrible logic and, I presume, beneath you.
@ candy - I posted this yesterday - I do plan to vote in this election.

True, but Trump and Biden are poor choices for different reasons. It will be a vote against Trump, more than it will be a vote for Biden, you know? Just wish there was someone whom I felt enthusiastic about, but I will vote because it’s the right thing to do.
OK, I didn't figure I'd have to spell it out.

'X didn't happen in two chosen examples out of a possible zillion' doesn't mean 'X is a falsehood'. It's terrible logic and, I presume, beneath you.

"out of a possible zillion"

No, we're talking about one claim of racism that has yet to be substantiated. It's like you're defending a flat earther.
I do understand your quandary. They are so alike; either way we get a gropper who likes to exaggerate their accomplishments.
They differ in fundamental and serious ways. Their governments will function on very different principles. (Racial bigotry will continue to be an organizing principle of a Trump administration, for example, as it has been of all Republican governance since Nixon, while being a flaw or common side effect of a Biden administration)

Trump is a fascist demagogue, the head of a fascist Party. He has not done and will not do his official job - he probably has no idea what a President is supposed to do in the first place, and he definitely does not care. Fascism is fundamentally organized crime - laws are tools of domination, principles are means of deception and control of others, the agenda is personal power and/or money, legitimacy is at most a nuisance consideration. At governing, therefore, fascists are fuckups - their ideology is to have none of their own and use other's against them, to act always and only in their own personal interest, accumulating and using power by any means for their own personal benefit, and that lack of consistency undermines even their accidental effectiveness as officials. Fascists inevitably ruin the communities they dominate, by neglect of necessary maintenance if the atrocities they commit do not suffice (the examples of Sicily or Albania or Argentina or Honduras or Colombia are easy, the various American mob-run cities are more nuanced and complex).

Biden is an ordinary rightwing authoritarian - like Clinton or even Kerry, he would have fit in as an Eisenhower Republican in the day. Since the Democratic Party has moved so far to the right in the Reagan era, he has remained comfortably in that Party - but that has meant doing his job, performing the sworn duties of political office in some fashion. Rightwing authoritarians, ordinary ones, do actually hold office and perform their sworn duties - I don't like how, in general, but they do their jobs and act according to consistent and identifiable principles relevant to governance. A principled rightwing authoritarian will act against their own personal interests, accept limits on their power, and so forth, in fulfillment of their sworn duties of office.

There is no "quandary" involved, no comparison of ideology, and no way to avoid the matter (everyone is on one side or the other of the Edmund Pettus Bridge https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/H...92853849d/5f1668276f94b9292853849e_o_U_v2.jpg ) Evil requires only that the good do nothing - once a fascist movement gets rolling those who do not firmly and overtly and actively oppose fascism will fall victim to it, and if they live in a democratic country (the common precursor to fascist takeover) that abnegation of responsibility will betray their country and State and community and neighborhood and friends and family.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with disliking Trump and Biden. If we’re honest, most will vote for Biden to keep Trump from winning. There’s no valid reason to perform mental gymnastics to convince ourselves that Biden is a a superior choice. He’s a slightly better choice but still not ideal.

If there’s any enthusiasm at all to cast my vote for Biden, it’s because of Kamala Harris.

There’s no perfect person and I’m wondering if ideal even exists. I like Pete Buttigieg and Tulsi Gabbard. I’d be enthused to vote for either, but here we go again ...voting against instead of for. <<shrug>>
There’s nothing inherently wrong with disliking Trump and Biden. If we’re honest, most will vote for Biden to keep Trump from winning. There’s no valid reason to perform mental gymnastics to convince ourselves that Biden is a a superior choice. He’s a slightly better choice but still not ideal.

If there’s any enthusiasm at all to cast my vote for Biden, it’s because of Kamala Harris.

There’s no perfect person and I’m wondering if ideal even exists. I like Pete Buttigieg and Tulsi Gabbard. I’d be enthused to vote for either, but here we go again ...voting against instead of for. <<shrug>>

That's my approach. I'd go further than saying there is no perfect person/candidate and that is to realize that we are talking about politicians. You can't have a perfect record and be in politics or ever get elected. It is what it is.

The other thing to consider is that we should expect only so much from politics anyway. We all control our lives to a large degree and politics only matters but so much.

Sure we can imagine scenarios where politics might really matter and we can look back at history when it did matter but largely it's not relevant and what you do matters much more.

Politicians should have to take the hippocratic oath of "Do no harm" and then we could just forget them. :)

The best thing the political system can do is to just preserve stability in the system. If you know what to expect of the future, you can plan for that.

No rational person expects life to be "fair" but we would like for some predictibility. That's what business looks for, that's pretty much what contract law is about and it's what we should look for as well.

That's why unionism isn't good and why Marxism doesn't work. It's like trying to have stability and yet having someone on your payroll who wants to throw a firebomb into the works every few years.
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