Hey, we're starting to get some economic data from Germany. So? Economic Opportunity or Cluster-Frack?
Well, the first thing that's pretty interesting, is that in Germany (an aged country with one of the lowest birthrates in the world - lower than Japan, for example); a country that sees around 300,000 people leaving the workforce every year (according to labor-agency estimates) and a million-PLUS economic-migrants/refugees come in, still saw employment rise by an average of 36,000 per month (2016) to a record 43.5 million. Unemployment dropped below 6% too!
Sounds good huh?
German Job Mystery Hidden in the Lies Lies and Damn Statistics (
Bloomberg /
Now, stop and think about this question, millions of supposed "refugees" / 'economic migrants' have flooded into Germany. How many of these people, do you suppose, have been hired by Big German Corporations? The fat 30 that make up Germany's DAX stock market index?
How many hires?
Again, MILLIONS of refugees, a dropping unemployment rate.... so? How many? How many have been hired? Okay, to be fair, let's remove the Deutsche Post DHL (they hired 50 to sort letters). So, we'll remove the Post Office as they're not really a good example of a major German firm looking to hire into the "NEW" Germans and jump start that good ole' German "Economic Miracle".
Well? How many do you suppose of the MILLIONS of economic migrants?
That's the number.
A total of thirteen people (
Reuters). Like this wasn't expect, only an utterly incompetent virtue signalling political tool would think there was an 'economic miracle' waiting around the corner.
Socialism DESTROYED the incentive for Germans to have children, it denigrated mothers who stayed at home to raise a family (a freaken hard job for those who take it seriously) and proselyted to those who went into the full-time workforce where studies show they've never been
unhappier in life (though they do make good tax chattel and doubled the State's income tax receipts). Well well well, Progressive Socialism has some generational Welfare bills coming due. No children to sell bonds on (or, I should say, they're there - just not enough of them). What to do? Oh, I know! Refugees! Let's take a few million! That'll fix it! Who'd have guessed this promised economic miracle was in actually a cheap parlor trick? Well, anyone who bothered to look at how it worked out for the Turkish-German community (upwards towards 80% may be trapped on generational welfare).
So, thirteen out of millions.
Good luck Germany, a combination of Welfare State, plummeting ethnic birth-rates and pathological empathy off-the-charts, it will be really interesting, one could say telling, to see how your Welfare State fairs without a majority Ethnic German demographic paying for it. Deferring, saving, buying, selling - doing all the things that made it
seem possible. Instead of doing the right thing, and sending money to the ME where it would have actually helped the real refugees, by a factor of 100 to 1, those who were too poor to make it out of town without being raped, let alone to Germany - nope, you thought you could scoop up a nice sizable chunk of a near-by tax chattel herd and start the milking.
Well, it's not going to work out that way.
A high proportion of refugees are highly superstition, cling to regressive notions of non-Believers, have regressive notions about gays, atheists, Christians, other Bronze-Age simulations of their own superstitious beliefs and etc... have not been qualified beyond primary or secondary school level, are unable to read or write in their mother tongue (let alone German), and may have an IQ two standard deviations lower than the average European (which may be 85% genetic), meaning when they do attend school, they'll not be able to do so and learn at the same rate, or even the same age level, as the average Ethnic German. I wonder how that'll make them feel?
Imagine an average kid placed in a school for the advanced. Just how the hell do you think such a child will feel? Good about themselves? Living on welfare or working as a janitor. You know, leaving them to do all those shit-jobs no one wants. The ones that don't pay well. Which means that instead of making a life for themselves in a town somewhere in the ME, that could have been a safe-zone, they'll be trapped at the bottom rung of German society.
Hope you enjoyed your virtue signalling while it lasted because your society will pay the ultimate price - but, will serve as an example of what not to do. And that alone makes its more than worth it.