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The right click new tab works for resending email confirmation but not verifying the account with the link sent to email. It still says: Your account could not be confirmed.
It appears I don't have permissions to update my avatar.
I had the same issue. You will need to just keep right clicking and opening in a new tab for every step and it lets you change it. Does not appear to allow Gif's though, which makes me sad as I am no longer able to use my Stewie in his Calvin Klein nappy avatar, but such is life. One other thing, it does not allow you to upload an avatar from anther site, but only upload from your own personal pictures or document files.
mousing over my profile name no longer gives the console error.
some items in the drop down box does.
for example:
clicking on conversations takes me to my inbox.
clicking on avatar gives the error, but if i "right click, new tab" it doesn't.

mousing over inbox and alerts still gives the error.
closing the error message allows me to proceed normally without right clicking.

Hmmmm . . .
it would be nice to know if this was windows related.
could be some kind of DLL conflict.
Just now:

When I click on the "reply" next to the post number, NEVER does the text I am replying to appear as it seems to for most if not all others (with pink back ground). If I am quoting form journal etc. It does appear.

Also I can not get any image to appear. I use windows 8.1's IE (I think). What does appear it the little box telling that a link to external image was attempted followed by:

Hell that did not appear either so I'll add an x to see if it will with that x you mentally remove: [urlx]
I had the same issue. You will need to just keep right clicking and opening in a new tab for every step and it lets you change it. Does not appear to allow Gif's though, which makes me sad as I am no longer able to use my Stewie in his Calvin Klein nappy avatar, but such is life. One other thing, it does not allow you to upload an avatar from anther site, but only upload from your own personal pictures or document files.
You mean Bells in her Captain Kremmen nappy.
When I click on the "reply" next to the post number, NEVER does the text I am replying to appear as it seems to for most if not all others (with pink back ground).

Apparently due to different browsers reacting differently to the ongoing script problems. The only remote possibility I see in Preferences that might have something to do with regulating automatic quoting is the "Use the rich text editor to create and edit messages". If the box by it is already checked, then it's certainly not that.
Bells said:
[...] Does not appear to allow Gif's though, which makes me sad as I am no longer able to use my Stewie in his Calvin Klein nappy avatar, but such is life. [...]
You mean Bells in her Captain Kremmen nappy.
I've uploaded animated gifs, but they only work on our profile pages and are converted into jpgs. How the latter type file animates there is another matter. I guess the system is using some kind of script to cycle through the individual converted images. Because if I use a browser function to view the animation by itself and download it, I just wind-up with a similar static jpg snapshot that's displayed out here in the threads [first frame of the original gif I uploaded to SF].
I've uploaded animated gifs, but they only work on our profile pages and are converted into jpgs.

I suspect that animated avitars is an option that site owners will be able to turn on or off as soon as the "site bugs" are worked out... kinda like "Edit".!!!
Now the paging buttons work for me. Outstanding!

Edit: But to edit I still have to right-click. There's some ugly JavaScript, and funky CSS...