In the beginning, the temple resembled a hoar house.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
In the beginning, the temple resembled a hoar house.

In studying ancient history of the advances of technology used in temples, and knowing that the first prostitutes were temple prostitutes, and also knowing that alcohol and psychotropic drug use was common, I tried to envision the reality of just what the temple and early religion was all about.

We generally envisage a large building that held many but in truth, the early churches where more like the home churches used today in smaller communities. I think they may have begun as places of worship but to early man, worship looked quite different than it does today.

Churches latter expanded along with the populations and used the latest technology to draw the crowd and the best technology and God would win the hearts of the patrons. These patrons were mostly poor people and for them to be persuaded to part with their hard earned wealth took the best effort that science and persuasion powers of the priests could muster.

The temple then, by the time Jesus came along to throw his temper tantrum, was a place of commerce, theatre for myth reading, partying and prostitution.

Just how important the theology of whatever God was worshipped we can never know. We can assume, because of the vast number of Gods that their theology was not important to them as they changed from one God to the other. We can know that the wealth that the temples amassed was earned with methods, that many today, would consider rather odious. They were more like carnivals, speak easies and hoar houses.

There is a hint in the following-- Corinthians+6&version=KJV

where the writer seems to be bemoaning the use of these various delights yet not quite calling them illegal.

Even when I was young, the small local church was where I learned of drinking, partying and key clubs. It was rumored that every church had a key club but I have no direct proof of this last. Drinking and drugs though, I can vouch for.

From such is where our, ever so proper moral religions were born. From what we today would call immoral activity. Sacrifice, indulgences, fees for drink and drugs and prostitution gave birth to religion and financed what we have today.

Was religion born of what we would call corruption?

Were the ancient battles between churches just what we would call turf wars for wealth and the various magic tricks that the churches used to compete with each other?

Today, with religions that are based on fantasy, miracle and magic, are priests just doing the same Flim-Fam job on believers for their wealth?

IOW. Are priests just con artists?

Are priests just con artists?

Depends upon your way of believing.

If you think about it there are many professions that are also considered con jobs as well as an example politicans would fit that as well.
you should probably stop watching so much youtube and learn how to spell.
Religion deals with alternate states of consciousness. Alcohol, drugs and even sex with pro's, can all help induce alternate states of consciousness. The lower brain, used for spontaneous sexulaity, has no conscience and therefore can override the ego. Getting drunk can allow one to speak their mind or act out of character, without super ego inhibitions.

The ancient temples made it easy for everyone to participate, since almost anyone can do one of more of those three things (sex, drugs, rock and roll, alcohol), to achieve a temporary state of altered consciousness.

Getting beyond those basic inductions, required a different abstract (west) or a more scientific approach (east). History shows the change. Although the modern young person may still make use of the ancient temple during their party years; night club. One breaks away from their ego self to trigger their alternate self. Even atheist practice this ancient temple worship in various party platforms. From these alternate states it was theorized the gods would appear; induces brain firmware.
In the beginning, the temple resembled a hoar house.

The fact that you cant spell "whore" makes you seem less credible. Although Hoary is a word used in the Bible. It means white. I think the verse its used in says something like "A hoary head is a crown of honor" or something. Meaning someone with white hair (the elderly) is worthy of honor. Usually not the case nowadays, though...
The fact that you cant spell "whore" makes you seem less credible. Although Hoary is a word used in the Bible. It means white. I think the verse its used in says something like "A hoary head is a crown of honor" or something. Meaning someone with white hair (the elderly) is worthy of honor. Usually not the case nowadays, though...

If misspelling a word destroys the credibility of what I wrote then it is strange that no one has yet spoken against my notions.

I think those who can only comment about it and not the O P are really small minded.

Religion is not a by-product of prostitution, quite the opposite is the case; prostitution is certainly a by-product of organized religion.
If misspelling a word destroys the credibility of what I wrote then it is strange that no one has yet spoken against my notions.

I think those who can only comment about it and not the O P are really small minded.


your credibility was destroyed long before that, but whatever makes you feel better.
Why don't you just edit the title and the content of your post; so you can live freely without the harassment of spelling Nazis :rolleyes:
Try speaking to the issue and find out ass hole.

try not using copy/paste to rehash material from other sites that you troll

Was Jesus a victim of self aggrandizing suicide?

God 3%. Satan 97%. Does God needs a new marketing man?

Bible law exceeds God’s “Eye for an Eye” law.

Are we living in God’s kingdom, or Satan‘s?


from now on I think I will just copy/paste replies from other forums that sum up the dreariness and repetitive nature of your op's

eg - GIA - what do you hope to accomplish with your posts on religion? I am a firm atheist and rationalist and have been for many years so my criticism of your posts is not made with a religious perspective; in your posts you seem to be going out of your way to offend and upset those who do believe in god and are members of an established religion, is there a reason for this constant attack? I cannot believe that you are of a mind such that you think religious members of the forum will read your posts and re-examine their faith, they do not raise any interesting or new points, and they use highly inflammatory language; to me they only seem to evince an attitude of snide contempt and mockery, and I am curious why you bother.
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In the beginning, the temple resembled a hoar house.
I think Temples hit their hay-day in the Western world during the 1-2nd century. It'd be great to go back in time and see these institutions.

As for fleecing the people. One could argue the Pyramids were one big fleece. But, I wouldn't think that.