intelligent ET debate


Registered Senior Member
I wanted to know some public opinions about the possibility of intelligent life forms. Also what do you think proves or disproves their existance and that of the alien abduction phenomenon. I can see both sides of the argument and don't think there is enough evidence to prove either way. Surely there are other life forms in the universe(s), it's almost statistically impossible that they wouldn't exist. The question is, are they intelligent enough to be involved with interplanetary exploration? It is highly likely that basic life exists but if advanced life exists it is either highly advanced past our level, or has found the existance of wormholes to take them here. How about the abduction phenomenon? Many of the people claiming to be abducted, or visited seem to be forthcoming and truthful. Some are even traumatized by the event(s). However I wouldn't trust all that is said by everyone claiming such an event. Plus there are enough fake photos to take the UFO phenomenon with great skepticism. I was just wondering what some other people thought about the possibility of extra terestrial life.
I wanted to know some public opinions about the possibility of intelligent life forms.

We are here. My friends say, I am very intelligent and am a MENSA (Earth division) member of good standing...

There are plenty of postings on this subject in this forum. Rather repeating them over and over, you can browse the archives. If you have any new information or ideas or speculations etc...bring it on....

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