Why does there need to be consequences though?
Do you really think those uneducated about Islam or are down right idiots and judge people because of their notions of their religion will care or have their minds changed about this film?
Don't you think rioting and destroying people's property does more damage to Islam than this film ever could?
Why pander to the idiots in society by reacting to the film in such a violent manner? That's what I don't understand. Someone mentioned earlier that this film portrays Muslims in a bad light to those who are completely uneducated about Islam and Muslims in general. Don't you think the violent reaction to the film does more towards portraying Muslims in a bad light then the film ever could?
There is a way to counter the effects of this film. That is to ignore it and declare it full of untruths. By reacting so violently to it, Muslims in Holland are giving it the credence it probably does not deserve. The violent reactions will only further convince the uneducated masses that they might have just been right.
Look Bells we have had our differences, but let me ask you this & give me your honest educated opinion back,
Q: As a washed up on the beach former ambulance chasing laywer, can you tell me if geert wilders is doing a good thing here?
Because bells although i dont like the guy & his motives, because i know he is a redneck, kkk nut, what he is doing is the same as the cartoon guy, he is forcing our democracies & our freedom of speach down our politicians throats, by doing this he brings it all into the arena, he knows politicians have to defend that right, because if we dont do this our freedoms will be eroded, what with all these new laws brought in because of islam fanatics, its only a matter of time before freedom of speach is censored too.
In his own way geert is protecting our freedom of speach, Bells do you believe in censorship? or the healthy expression of our freedom of speach in all its forms?
"There is a way to counter the effects of this film. That is to ignore it and declare it full of untruths. By reacting so violently to it,"
Bells, as we grow older into adulthood we are suppose to mature, our reactions are supposed to become educated to a situation, as a child we dont think we usually just react, now Bells i can see direct comparisons to muslim reactions & a childs reactions, there is no mature responses, no measured response, no educated replies, everytime we have a situation with islam be it cartoons or films, 1st we have the threats from iran to our countries, then we have the imans & clerics stirring up the locals in syria & pakistan & before you know it its mass demo's in the muslim world.
When did iran become the official spokesperson for the muslim world?
It hardly does islam any favours that when there is a problem with the west, iran & pakistan are the main countries stirring up the pot with diplomacy, neither country is clever at politics, infantile is a word that comes to mind.