Is God good ?

And please dont hold back.
Why does a God need to be worshipped I just dont get that part.

Can you imagine a father expecting the kids to worship him because he fathered them...stupid.

The whole thing does not add up and given the whole thing is made up you would think they would at least construct a plausible story.

He demands to be worshipped or you get to fry FOR ALL ETERNITY. Simple system.
It's all to do with karma, which is true. The new covenant with Jesus is pretty easy to follow. No worship required. Now you can start to think of God's father, who is outside of this reality, and he isn't called God(God isn't called God either).
God is his name. It's not a title. Time-travellers know God exists because they travel through their father, mother and every existence before. So, they discover the singularity. Incidentally God must be a woman since only a woman can give birth. Me? I just beleive.
God is his name. It's not a title. Time-travellers know God exists because they travel through their father, mother and every existence before. So, they discover the singularity. Incidentally God must be a woman since only a woman can give birth. Me? I just beleive.
That's fine. Just don't expect people who require evidence to agree with you.
God is his name. It's not a title. Time-travellers know God exists because they travel through their father, mother and every existence before. So, they discover the singularity. Incidentally God must be a woman since only a woman can give birth. Me? I just beleive.

Yes God, unless you know Him and know at least one of His names(He lays low, has many haters as you can imagine). As for aliens, gods, time travellers, if they think His name is God, they don't know Him personally.
Every other day roughly.
Do me a favour please get your voice recorder and have God say a few words and post the clip here...that would be nice.

Are you religious or the opposite and trying to present theists as mentally ill.

If religious and you hear voices that you think is God I say its the devil pretending to be God and you should go get an exorcism because the devil will do that..if not religious and you are playing around why are you pretending as God has been proved not to exist in this very thread.

All religion is make believe so I guess its ok to pretend..I mean one has to pretend there is a God if you want to believe...its like believing in Santa just like little kids do...they believe so they have to pretend there is a Santa...I wish there was a Santa and a God ...can you imagine how great the world would be if there was a Santa.
Now you can start to think of God's father, who is outside of this reality, and he isn't called God(God isn't called God either).

If you are thinking gods father is outside of reality it would appear your brain has slipped into the Twilight zone, waaay outside of reality (Ummm isn't there only ONE reality - the hint is in the name REALITY)

And god not call god anymore - we are advancing. Giving imaginary invisible daddy a new name is definitely a step forward

This new name would not be Mxyzptlk by any chance?

Abilities of Mxyzptlk
  • Reality manipulation
  • Not bound by third dimensional laws
  • Can alter 3-D laws in a manner that resembles magic
  • Ability to break the 4th wall along with retconning abilities

Sounds like a good candidate name

If you are thinking gods father is outside of reality it would appear your brain has slipped into the Twilight zone, waaay outside of reality (Ummm isn't there only ONE reality - the hint is in the name REALITY)

And god not call god anymore - we are advancing. Giving imaginary invisible daddy a new name is definitely a step forward

This new name would not be Mxyzptlk by any chance?

Abilities of Mxyzptlk
  • Reality manipulation
  • Not bound by third dimensional laws
  • Can alter 3-D laws in a manner that resembles magic
  • Ability to break the 4th wall along with retconning abilities

Sounds like a good candidate name


No, it's an English name.

Our reality is contained in a frog(witch a whole World full of animals/realities) which has just left the pond in a neighbourhood where there is problems with the neighbours(humans). The second heaven the Bible describes it. The third heaven(also described in the Bible) I haven't got a clue about... maybe that is where God resides. God in this reality(frog) is a normal everyday British name.

God of this reality, and Jesus, is also part of every reality at the same time, but with different names.

That's how important you are.