Is it necessary for you to sell me on your religion?


Registered Senior Member
I have people knock on my door, and bug me at work about joining their religion. I'm not religious myself, and don't plan to be anytime soon. I lead a normal life, work full time and am happily married. I don't do drugs or commit crimes. Why do I need religion? Why is it necessary to have someone try to "sell" me on their particular religion? I honestly don't appreciate it.
I guess for the same reason you see advertisements on your television, by the side of the road, and everywhere else. They want money.
They want money.

Good point. But honestly, from what I understand they "think" they're doing you a favour. Not all religions do this though. I can think of many of the top of my head who don't try to recruit anybody and feel that even trying is treading on that religion.

I haven't had a Jehova's Witness at my door for 6 months now!!!! If I keep my fingers crossed, it could be a year :eek:
It is often in the nature of their religion to do missionary work, to save souls. But often this becomes just a chore driven to action by guilt. You know, hell and all that... :p
I usually listen very politely to what they have to say, and then when they have finished talking, I tell them I don't want to be a member of any religion and that I would apprechiate if they respected my wish.
They usually do.
If they don't...then you can start to question their motives. That is, if you feel like devoting a few hours to argumentation.

nobody has ever knocked at my dor:(

I had only one good talk from the witnesses while in bus from training. As I had gone out a training course at sciforums;), it was pretty easy to disprove and what I tried more - shock her.
All bus was laughing.
good times.
next time they come, send them over to me,
I'm bored and have been working all day, making a new site for my sport club (for free:( :mad: :rolleyes: )
Originally posted by Latexlover
I have people knock on my door, and bug me at work about joining their religion. I'm not religious myself, and don't plan to be anytime soon. I lead a normal life, work full time and am happily married. I don't do drugs or commit crimes. Why do I need religion? Why is it necessary to have someone try to "sell" me on their particular religion? I honestly don't appreciate it.

For those who come to your door, simply smile and say... "No thank you." Then shut the door, and don't worry about it anymore.:)

People should NOT, I repeat, SHOULD NOT witness to people AT WORK. This is highly offensive and disrespectful. If you know someone at work that you wish to invite to Church, invite them, if they refuse, give them an open invitation and then drop it.

We must, as Christians, respect that others have their own views. We should be DEFENSIVE, but never OFFENSIVE.

You must realize that as Christians, we are commanded to "spread the word" about Jesus. Any person who claims to be a Christian, but does not respect your right to reject the offer of what they percieve to be salvation, is not abiding by the true precepts of Jesus. True Christians will simply feel disapponted you did not want to hear the "speel".

Hope this helps,


Very rational and well thought out, Mike.

The only time I've had trouble with witnesses is a few interrupted hangovers. Even then it's simply "No thanks, have a nice day" and they leave.

I don't think they want money, Adam. They want to save your evil, hell-bound little soul from the clutches of unholy demonic orgies. :p
Originally posted by Xev
I don't think they want money, Adam. They want to save your evil, hell-bound little soul from the clutches of unholy demonic orgies. :p

Yes Adam, some do want money, but you can't slander and make a general statement like that.
Um, you quoted someone else and directed the response to me?
Aaa, let them roam for all they want. Kinda like those pop up ads, just get rid of them and think no more.

Unless, of course, you actually want to join them.