Greetings and Salutations to you Killjoyklown
Hi, wow, such a spot on topic!
Let it be said, peace is coming, and the linear apprehensions you here, have expressed, will subside in you, and with the comings of tomorrows betters days lie ahead, if you project tumult and disquiet in your heart and mind and spread that out, then the world will be what you projected it to be, but better, if you project faith that we are about good, and the path we follow is right and embraced it with a smile because it is the way it is to be! Then, that's what your world will be. It's all, an illusion anyway. Better to try to make a good illusion. It's up to you!
Happy , and happier will you then be! Try not to be your icon, a killjoy! instead look on the brite side, need not the rantings of a mind other than yours to demoralize you about what the future misgivings of your world might be. Where is the leader ship be in you to say not what he says, but what you say? It doesn't have to be bleak, only if in your mind , if that is what you seek!
What you favorably want for the world, will be, if you project it out mentally!
What can be a good time instead of pessimistic one, is up to you , you see!
Try giving good positive thoughts and wishes for our future and stand back and see, happiness for the world. No need to run and hide outside from ourselves, love our selves here and stay out of love, not fear of the enemy within, for the enemy with in is too, just an illusion!
Just as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end, rest in peace you're worrying heart, the purpose of life ,cannot be obstaculated by our peoples fear of a future, which we our selves randomly forge collectively!
Better to be inwardly focused and relegate worrying to things that you do have some modicum of control over : take, for example :
One day at a time, and make conscious effort to lead a good life, do onto others as you would have them do onto you!
Take time, not when you're old and grey, but now, to stop and smell the roses, and walk barefoot in the grass and have a nice day, the way you did as a baby. You can remember back, back to those care free days, when you were not beside your self with worries of the so called grown ups, and the goal of the day was not thinking about running away from earth to the stars, to escape ourselves bad side, but was about candy. You remember candy don't you? When was the last time you had some candy?
Remember, having a clear free headed mind, focused on living life now, knowing it is to enjoyed and the next goal of the day was to have fun, and the next goal of the day, was to have even more fun, make friends who wanted what you wanted, which was to play and enjoy in the moment of bliss of life, and especially the now!
Negativity begets negativity, joy begets joy, your life is what you think! Think positively !
Opinions cheerfully expressed, whether in consensus or in disagreement, help understanding and collaboration with one another! Peace Be with you .
sciforums : explaining the impossible