is this normal?


ok i would like to ask a question, can people here make a sound in there heads, it sounds like a energy build up, or charging of energy,quite loud dosent require eyes closed or any concerntration but i can do it for a period of about 1-2 mins then i get worn out and have to rest, it can be turned on like a switch in your brain by just making it happen, like blinking your eyes,

it sounds very loud and i have been able to do it since i have had a memory, is this normal and does it have a name? or term for it,

or do i have a label on me now, saying freak and now my posts have no serious grounds, because i am classed as insane?,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
ok i would like to ask a question, can people here make a sound in there heads, it sounds like a energy build up, or charging of energy,quite loud dosent require eyes closed or any concerntration but i can do it for a period of about 1-2 mins then i get worn out and have to rest, it can be turned on like a switch in your brain by just making it happen, like blinking your eyes,

it sounds very loud and i have been able to do it since i have had a memory, is this normal and does it have a name? or term for it,

or do i have a label on me now, saying freak and now my posts have no serious grounds, because i am classed as insane?,


IMO, it could be anything from a odd muscle contraction to controlled static buldup. Either way, it sounds like an odd genetic variation and it's not uncommon for such things to pop up in the gene pool.

If more detailed exploration is desired then I would recommend seeking the assistance of a medical professional (they may have tools that can pinpoint the exact reason for the event).
i have been to my GP and explained, he said he dosent know anything, and would have to see a specialist, but im not very keen on bieng hooked up to western machines, or eastern for that matter,

but if a safe test could be done to measure brain wave patterns, then im all for it, i would liek to find out what the purpose of this is,

i have found that i can accomplsh the state of mind known to some as, "the state of non thought" where you actually can concerntrate on nothing atall, i just listen to the noise ad shut down my thoughts, and meditate, but i can only substane it for a couple mins max,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
i have been to my GP and explained, he said he dosent know anything, and would have to see a specialist, but im not very keen on bieng hooked up to western machines, or eastern for that matter,

That's kind of silly.

EmptyForceOfChi said:
but if a safe test could be done to measure brain wave patterns, then im all for it, i would liek to find out what the purpose of this is,

To conclude that the event actually has a purpose is premature. It could be nothing more than a mutation that has no positive or negative benefit. I would consult that specialist and get his thoughts on where to look and how to do it.

EmptyForceOfChi said:
i have found that i can accomplsh the state of mind known to some as, "the state of non thought" where you actually can concerntrate on nothing atall, i just listen to the noise ad shut down my thoughts, and meditate, but i can only substane it for a couple mins max,

Me too. I do this every night for several hours. It's called non-REM sleep :). Unless there is some kind of implied correlation, this doesn't appear related to the event the opening thread statement discusses.
I see. Would my interpretation be correct in that the desired meditative state can't be reached without using the 'energy sound'?
chi, is the sound a sort of squelching sound? a bit like hissing....forced white noise or focussed white noise?
I don't know if this is related but I realised a few weeks ago that my mind generates its own white noise when I'm falling asleep. Since the eyes have eyelids but the ears don't, it kind of makes sense...
it sounds like a energy build up, or charging of energy
EmptyForceOfChi, what does an energy build up sound like then? My phone is silent when charging.

it could be anything from a odd muscle contraction to controlled static buldup. Either way, it sounds like an odd genetic variation
Crunchy Cat, on what do you base these conclusions? And how exactly does one go about achieving a controlled accumulation of static electricity? I assume you're not talking about rubbing a comb on your sleeve.
Laika said:
Crunchy Cat, on what do you base these conclusions? And how exactly does one go about achieving a controlled accumulation of static electricity? I assume you're not talking about rubbing a comb on your sleeve.

The muscle contraction one is based on personal experience. I can get some weird effects with some contractions. As far as the electrical assertiong goes, electric eels and other charged life forms exist. That variation probably started off as a small charge build up with some distant relative.
I have a question as well:

Does anyone else hear voices in their head?
It sounds like a buzzing crowed saying over and over again:

“Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated.”

Then I get this sensation of wanting to plunge my fingers in another’s throat.

Is that normal?
Quantum Quack said:
chi, is the sound a sort of squelching sound? a bit like hissing....forced white noise or focussed white noise?

no, it is like an energy build up, deep , imagne a subtle avalanche or volcano build up, or earthquake, more of a subtle rumbling sound. but consistant and this may sound wierd but it dosent sound like i hear it with my ears, also it feels as if it has some kind of vibrations to it, but they dont actually move my head atall, its hard to explain but its like i can feel movement and sound without any physical movement going on, like a sensation of movement in my brain, also after i do it for over 30 seconds or more i feel worn out slightly, but also very refreshed, like it charged my batterys, instant light sleeping if you may.

Satyr said:
I have a question as well:

Does anyone else hear voices in their head?
It sounds like a buzzing crowed saying over and over again:

“Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated.”

Then I get this sensation of wanting to plunge my fingers in another’s throat.

Is that normal?
then after a small beep you get "please leave a message and we'll get back to you"
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EmptyForceOfChi said:
no, it is like an energy build up, deep , imagne a subtle avalanche or volcano build up, or earthquake, more of a subtle rumbling sound. but consistant and this may sound wierd but it dosent sound like i hear it with my ears, also it feels as if it has some kind of vibrations to it, but they dont actually move my head atall, its hard to explain but its like i can feel movement and sound without any physical movement going on, like a sensation of movement in my brain, also after i do it for over 30 seconds or more i feel worn out slightly, but also very refreshed, like it charged my batterys, instant light sleeping if you may.


so you would view it as a sort of stress relief pheno?
And you have spent much time on energy training? hmmmmm.....

What comes to mind is toxic energy or a form of nervous energy dispersal. Like stretching a stiff muscle.
The thing you need to learn is how to do it with out deliberate will. Learn to make it innate again like it may be for most people.
The fact that you are doing it delibertely is cause for some concern as it is probably normally an autonomic function that is now within your deiberate [want] will.

Unfortunately if this is the case you will feel compelled [want will] to perfrom this and really have no ability to not do it. This is because your conscious will is now implicated in autonomic functions and your mind requires your violition, thus as a matter of necessity it becomes compulsive [wanted] and unavoidable.

If you can state with all honesty that you can get through a long period of time with out doing it say [6 months] then I may be wrong but if you can not state this then I may be right.
i can go months without doing it, for a whole year or so i forgot i could do it altogether,

it is just like a switch or button or whatever it can be labeled as, i can turn it on but its not like i have to turn it off atall, more like i have to keep my "finger on the button" but after awhile i get worn out and have to stop, i dont feel like i have to do it, i dont feel like i shouldent do it, i just do it and whatever "it" is it does it, and just makes an energy build up noise, i wish it was soemthing more superhero like, and i had powers and could do cool shit, but nope i am "incredible subtle energy build up noise man" nah its all good,

I take it that only You can hear the sound?

Now that you've explained it, I find that I can do it too; it takes a little bit of concentration and the 'sound' appears on the sides of the head just in front of the ears.

I think that's what's happening is that you are constricting the blood vessels in that area of your head and forcing the blood to pass under more pressure. The sound is picked up by your inner ear, even though you can hear/feel it from the sides to the forehead.

Am I close?
EmptyForceOfChi said:


I can actually understand this type of scenario. The weird muscle contraction that I can do will almost instantaneously place me into lucid dream if I invoke it when I wake up from sleeping. Definatly odd variations.
Most likely this is a constriction or tightening of a muscle related to the eustachian tube, probably the tensor tympani. This is part of the process that "pops" the ear during pressure changes. I hear it too, usually when yawning, but I can make it happen at will.