is this wrong


du hast mich
Registered Senior Member
sorry, not philosophic, i just want advice

im 16, turning 17 in spetember, theres a chick who's 14, turning 15 in november

who thinks itd be wrong if i got with her?, from an age difference point of view (im not askign what you think about premarital sex or anything)

thanks anyone who replies
There is nothing wrong if you go with her.
Just--if passion rises, dont just think of yourself. being a young girl and getting preggers is no be mature in your actions

but i hope it all goes well for you and her if it happens
Not at all. The average age difference between the two of you is two years. Where I live, once the child turns 16, his or her partner(who is 18 or older) wont be charged for statutory(spelling?)rape, unless the parents want to charge for it. I'm sixteen, and my partner is eighteen. But I'll be 17 in a few days. Even though he is legally an adult, I am really only a year and three months younger than him. What's so bad about a two or three year difference? Just check your local laws, and make sure her parents are okay with it.
I don't think it's wrong, but people might find it a little weird.
Theres nothing wrong with it. If her maturity matches your own, go for it. What people think is irrelevant.
If you want to be known as a loser who has to date 2 years younger to get any action from either a naive girl or slut, then go for it. Otherwise it's socially risky.
I mean, you could not care about what other people think, then see how often you get laid.
As far as the age goes, no worries. On the other hand, you do need to make sure she feels the same way as you do. And duendy's got a point too - I might sound like a stupid ad here, but use protection. My cousin just had her first baby at nineteen - cute kid, but not an ideal situation.
Yo Don Juan.

If you want to risk loosing your identity in committing into a relationship at that age, plus dare to face a risk of absorbing bits of her essence (the essence of soon-to-be-15 year old little girl.. haha.), then yeah.

Don’t worry man; just ask yourself these following questions.

1. Are you a Christian?
2. Do you have friends?
3. Do you have a friend?
4. Do you feel guilty/ashamed when having wet dreams about your mommy, or do you pass it as normal?

Now ask yourself, is a girl really something that would be beneficial to your situation?
if you are equally intelligent and you have feelings for her then its ok, but if you jsut want some fresh meat then do me a favour and put a boot up your own ass
thanks most of you
yes, i am planning to use a condom
yes, i do love her, and she loves me
and no, im not planning on pushing her into anything

perkele, you worry me
Girls mature faster than boys. Some would say that girls mature while boys never do. Anyway, it's common for young girls to look for boys a couple of years older to match their level of maturity, and vice versa. Girls think boys their own age are little Cub Scouts. Boys think girls their own age are addicted to shopping.

Nonetheless, the average age of first intercourse keeps dropping. When I was a kid in the 1950s, it was quite unusual for anyone younger than about 17 to be having sex. Nowadays kids are doing it as soon as their equipment starts working. This is nothing new, in the Middle Ages in many countries, kids were not well supervised and they were screwing each other all the time. Young teenage girls routinely had babies, and their mothers would just raise them along with their own.

It's worth noting that in retrospect this era is not considered one of humanity's finest moments.
Using a condom is insufficient when you consider the risks involved. First of all, those things have a failure rate of at least 3%. That's a reasonable risk to take with an adult person who is capable of making an informed and personal decision should things go wrong. It's a very very different matter with a 14 year old girl. Have the baby, put the baby up for adoption, abort the baby - this is not a win-win scenario when you consider the enormous emotional upheaval concerned.

Frankly, she's way too young for you because of the proportion of the age difference - it's fully 1/7 of her age! You're 16 and not surprisingly are over-eager to try sex out - something that would be easier and more meaningful with someone your own age. If she was seeing someone her own age, she'd probably be more content to wait for the sex part.

If it's not too late, I really really would hold off. And make sure you examine your feelings fully - it really has got to not be about the sex. If you genuinely love her, you've got to think of the long term future. If you don't see a long term future then you don't love her and it doubly is not worth risking the future of a young girl.
Find something else to do instead and don't allow sex to dictate your life.
There is a world of difference in the ages. Most people are not psychologically ready to have a sexual relationship when they are 16 or even 17. Some, it could be argued, should never have sex. Give yourself some time and her even more. Besides you don't want the law after you when you turn 18 and she is still underage.

Failing that - Use a condom and be ready to accept responsibility for any and all fallout.
Hey, while ye're still young and healthy, I think you should [deleted]! Ye're only young once ....[deleted]

If [deleted]

Baron Max
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Since we haven't heard any more from this guy, do you suppose he took my excellent advice? And now he's too tired to respond to the forum members??? :)

Baron Max
why wouldn't you? if she's hot and you want to do her, and she's consenting ( as much as a girl her age could) then do her!!! why is a small two year difference such a del?
If you are ashamed of what people might think then either don't associate with judgemental ass holes or don't go braggin about it man.