Islam and Christianity


Searching for Truth
Valued Senior Member
I greet you with the the Islamic greeting:

May the peace, blessing, and mercy of All Mighty God be upon you

Now I made this thread for the sole purpose, to know the difference between Islam and Christianity. This is only for the major differences. For example Jesus's divinity.

So please any Christian or Muslim provide me with some differences between Islam and Christianity.

My sole purpose is to know the differences, and then try to come to common terms, as the Quran asks us to do.

Quran 3:64
Say: "O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah." If then they turn back, say ye: "Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will).

Peace be upon you :)
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To Christians (in my opinion), the dietary rules of Islam (what is haram and what is halal) are like another application of Judaism. That's a difference between Islam and Christianity (besides the "Jesus is God" idea). I doubt that Christians think that this means one should not be wise in what one eats though. But they don't think that a particular food one eats makes one unholy. It's the thoughts in your heart, not what you put in your body, that makes one evil. Or so that's how I see Christian thought.

Also the substutionary death of Jesus on the cross. You don't believe in it, while Christians do.
Not a xtian but:
786 said:
This is only for the major differences. For example Jesus's divinity.

So please any Christian or Muslim provide me with some differences between Islam and Christianity.
Pretty big difference. Add the xtian viewe that Mohammmed wasn't a prophet and what more do you need?

My sole purpose is to know the differences, and then try to come to common terms, as the Quran asks us to do.

Peace be upon you :)
Am I right in my suspicion that you want the people of the book [peoples of the books/people of the books/peoples of the books- which ever you prefer] to agree to go and bash the other people~?

Conflicting views on Mohammad

Christians: The first major FALSE prophet.
Muslims: The last true Prophet.

Conflicting views on Jesus

Christians: The human incarnation of God.
Muslims: Nothing but a prophet.

Conflicting views on the crucifixion

Christians: Christ was crucified. He died and was resurrected in a glorified body on the 3rd day.
Muslims: Christ escaped crucifixion and was transported a fully live human into heaven.

Conflicting views on God

Christians: One true God consisting of 3 distinct persons.
Muslims: One true God of 1 single personhood.

Conflicting views on morality

Christians: Emphasis on Love of God and fellow human beings.
Muslims: Emphasis on submission to God through Islamic law.

Conflicting views on religious proliferation

Christians: Persuasion by peaceful means only.
Muslims: Persuasion by whatever means.

Conflicting views on Jinns

Christians: Nothing but Arabic paganistic myth.
Muslims: As real as angels and devils.

Conflicting views on the 2000 yr old copies of the Torah, Psalms and books of the Prophets (jewish religious texts);

Christians: Preserved by God and a reliable source of historical knowledge, wisdom and doctrines.
Muslims: Abandoned by God and corrupted by man. Cannot be trusted.

Conflicting views on Politics

Christians: Politics is separate and distinct from religious life. Separation of Church and State.
Muslims: Politics is inseparable to Islam. State must be governed by Islamic law.
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