It's over too soon


It's green!
Valued Senior Member
Well, the road doesn't go on forever, and the party really does stop.

I'll share more when the time comes, but for a start, here's a couple of music videos that I like:

I was a cowboy junkie for a while. Really, I herded goats from horseback for a day, while I was being paid as a carpenter. Found all about saddle sores. Heroin doesn't help in the long run...

And this, that I shared with Bells:

Thank goodness my bucket list is short. I got most of the good things done while I was young. :D
I'm doing my part to protect the environment, yay.

There was a downed mylar helium balloon on the back property that looked like it was going to pollute some more, and I decided to deflate it fully...

Only about 75 yards away so I did it freehand with my bolt gun. The balloon will no longer threaten us or anyone else.

Our young friend in the neighborhood is going cliff-jumping today, speaking of bucket lists. I won't do that, 'cause I've fallen from two different "rocky prominences" before. Ouch and damn.

White water canoeing and mountain climbing are things I avoid these days, but I might make an exception for white water sooner than later... B-)

Anyone live on the big river these days?
Or Texas? I know gmilam lives nearby.

Here's something nice from the '40's, redone by the Commander.

I really like the little fireball with pigtails... B-)
Why does Beethoven call it The Ode to Joy?

Watch the people's faces. Learn German before you die.

Yes. I looked it up and found that the piece is "Europe's Anthem". That's interesting in and of itself.
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A random note: I keep my Rubik's cube on top of my copy of the US Constitution, because I haven't figured out damned cube...

Maybe I should work on it when I'm not cooking in my skin from 105F and up temps. Give me Winter!
A random note: I keep my Rubik's cube on top of my copy of the US Constitution, because I haven't figured out damned cube...

Maybe I should work on it when I'm not cooking in my skin from 105F and up temps. Give me Winter!

While doing factory work and odd jobs and stashing cash in between universities, I picked up a Rubik's cube and solved in in less than a minute----(it just seemed obvious)-------------2 years later after a few terms at the university, I picked it up again and could not solve it.
Curious that.
"you are what you eat"--------------including consumption of "knowledge"?
I hate you for your original solve, but I'm sort of glad that university erode that skill. (Kidding..)

I am what I eat! Not enough vegetables these days, so I'm mostly fish, chicken, tomatoes and chilis.

If that's true, I used to be about 25% wife...
Do y'all pan movies like Tremors? I'm watching it agian for the almost endless childish grins I get that I don't have to defend.

There some great lines in that, and I want a .600 Nitro Express stopping rifle for squirrels. They get big around here. I saw one carry off an old couple and their grandchildren, van, picnic basket and all, in an instant.

People called the police rodent squad, but by they time they got close the damage was done. After recycling the pellets, they only got back 45% of the original steel.

No squirrels were harmed during this escape, but there was really good music.
Do y'all pan movies like Tremors?
I like to pretend I'm a kind person, but can't resist:
That's a fond movie - to the point that I refuse to watch the sequels. The woman has a DVD vice, and I put an order in for it - it's one of three or four on the shelf that were my choice, currently filed right next to Dark Star.
Too bad.
Ice, you're an idiot, but thanks.

I just spent five hours tending to a puppy that had been stuck in a fence for two days. Her owner, a kid from the 'hood, brought her here with tears in his eyes.

He didn't have the money for a vet, and I damned well would've spent mine, just because. We iced her grotesquely swollen hind leg down, gave her Benadryl and aspirin, and watched her while we kept her cool and tried to get her rehydrated. I don't know if her leg was broken or dislocated, but I got the swelling down some, and she became responsive and alert.

It was only 101F today instead of the 113 we had yesterday, while she was outside in the fence with no water.

I keep the kid around because his parents are half the reason I carry a pistol at home: Goddamned methheads, who only thought today about telling their son that his fine little dog was nearly dead.

I thin she'll be OK tonight at least, and if I didn't have more than half my retirement check going to bills, I'd take her to the vet myself. Keep it cool for the babies, but in God's name, if either of those fucking beasts the kid is saddled with ever step foot over here, we're going to have what they used to call a "Come to Jesus" meeting. I might leave them tangled up in barbed wire for two days without meth.

God Almighty, I'm angry. Music hasn't soothed the savage breast, but maybe watching Secondhand Lion for the umpteenth time will help.

Edit: She has a severe contusion with three punctures, I assume from barbed wire, and I really think she's still in danger, as swollen as her leg was. All I could do was done, and I pray it was enough.

Dogs deserve prayer more than people do, in my very humble opinion. After all, we made them in God's image.
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i just got an update. The poor baby is peeing blood and has no bowel control. I offered the kid half my retirement check towards her vet fees. I'd give more if I could.

I'm afraid she's going to die, and that crushes me.
She's doing better after antibiotics and expression of pus from the punctures. I think she'll be OK. Much better!
On a lighter topic, I like snooker. This frame between two of the very best is why I've heard the game referred to as "chess with balls".

On a hungry topic, fish balls with pineapple teriyaki sauce! Easy as can be, just catch the fish and rob a Dole truck...
On a lighter topic, I like snooker. This frame between two of the very best is why I've heard the game referred to as "chess with balls".

Bankshot from the opposite rail to hit the unattached ball and have it force the ball on the near rail into the pinkball?

Or is the pink ball allowed to go into the pocket? I don't play snooker...obviously...:?
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