i've been shoved (pushed) by some guy in a religous argument, what can i do? Bells?


In withdrawal.
Valued Senior Member
i'm in NYC btw.
called 911 the police said it's not an assault unless i'm clearly injured or bruised. otherwise it's harassment, and not punishable unless the police witness it first hand.
i'm in NYC btw.
called 911 the police said it's not an assault unless i'm clearly injured or bruised. otherwise it's harassment, and not punishable unless the police witness it first hand.

Seriously? Just grow some balls, let it go, and move on.
i'm in NYC btw.
called 911 the police said it's not an assault unless i'm clearly injured or bruised. otherwise it's harassment, and not punishable unless the police witness it first hand.
Really...you're a making a thread out of this nonsense?:facepalm:
i'm in NYC btw.
called 911 the police said it's not an assault unless i'm clearly injured or bruised. otherwise it's harassment, and not punishable unless the police witness it first hand.
OK I'm curious. What happened?
I witnessed a gentleman at a car mechanic burn his mouth on some coffee this morning. Yesterday I also witnessed two people outside a pub arguing quite loudly at each other in an aggressive manner. And on a personal note, an elderly woman pushed her shopping trolley in to me, although that may have just been accident. Which moderator should I address to deal with these issues? If it is any help, I don't think any of the people involved were mexicans although there might have been some sort of religious undertones amongst all this somehow.
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i'm in NYC btw.
called 911 the police said it's not an assault unless i'm clearly injured or bruised. otherwise it's harassment, and not punishable unless the police witness it first hand.

What to do depends on your general orientation.

Conservative? Shoot him in the face and claim self defense. (works only if he is armed with Skittles.)
Liberal? Picket his house and demand freedom for your people.
Tea Partyer? Blame Obama for the assault.
Obama supporter? Blame the sequester.
Religious type? Claim he's gay and try to get him arrested for pushing his militant gay agenda on you.

(Trying to make sure I offend everyone equally here . . . )
Why is my name in the thread title?

And scifes, really?


What do you want me to say to you?

You can pay a fortune and get a lawyer, only to have them laugh at you and take your money in trying to file against this person for injuries you feel you have suffered. Mental trauma? He bent your body hair when you were pushed?

Or you can stop acting like a whiny snot and move on.

Your pick.
i've been shoved (pushed) by some guy in a religous argument, what can i do?

That's easy! Complain to God, obviously.

But if you don't believe in God - well, then it's tough luck for you!
Maybe you could try complaining to Richard Dawkins.
Bells is a lawyer IRL. So, as far as legal matters are concerned, she might be the one to turn to.
In Australia. Not New York. He is in New York.

If he feels it was a hate crime, then he can contact lawyers there and see what can be done about it.

He has not detailed exactly what happened and what led up to his being shoved. What was said by whom in the lead up? Did he fear for his safety? Were threats made? Who was the other person? Was it a complete stranger (if yes, why was he fighting about religion with a complete stranger?) or someone known to him who could have just seen it as a 'get out of here' shove done in a jokey manner?

It's all in the detail.

Saying 'I was shoved in an argument, what can I do'.. Sorry, all I can come back with to that is 'what do you want me to tell you?'.. What does he want me to do about it across the world, in a different country and legal system?
If he feels it was a hate crime, then he can contact lawyers there and see what can be done about it.

But that costs.

What does he want me to do about it across the world, in a different country and legal system?

It appears he feels so hurt or insulted by the incident that such details don't occur to him, and that he feels entitled to free legal counseling.

It happens.
In the work place you can't use physical force nor can you use insults (verbal force). Some people are better at using verbal punches like insults, and can carve their opponent up. Others are better at physical confrontation but may suck at fighting with words. As long as nobody is hurt, I treat both forms of abuse as the same. A shove can hurt your feelings the same way an insult can hurt your feelings. Neither will leave a physical mark or cause any physical damage.

If I ride someone to the point I get them mad and then they react to me with a shove, I lit the fuse. I shoved him with words and he shoved me with his arms. This is cause and effect based on skill set. The dual standard seems to favor the verbal bully. One standard allows each person to be the bully, in whatever method they are good at, as long as there is no physical damage.

If you were in a bar being insulted by a lawyer, he is a professional talker and you will sustain emotional damage and may not be able to defend yourself with words. You may have to give him a swirly in the toilet, since he may be just a vulnerable at the physical level as you are at the verbal level. Since he is connected to the law, he will try to stack the deck in his favor so only verbal abuse is allowed but not called abuse.

I would guess your argument may have favored you orally. The other person could not defend himself and was sustaining emotional damage. He used his forte to level the field. The shove was an insult and hurt your feelings but is not considered violence anymore than an insult. It may have given him the last word, since your were no doubt more careful not to shove him back with an insult, out of fear of another physical insult. It all ended with nobody hurt physical but both hurt in spirit.

If a lawyer is carving up a witness to discredit him, the witness is not allowed to defend himself in a way he can even the score, even if the lawyers uses lies. I would change the law and allow the witness to put him in an arm bar and make him squeal. This makes the system honest. But since it is run by lawyers for lawyers the deck will be stacked so balance is not allowed.
called 911 the police said it's not an assault unless i'm clearly injured or bruised. otherwise it's harassment, and not punishable unless the police witness it first hand.

The police are wrong. A common assault is any physical threat that puts you in fear of harm. There's no need to even touch you.

In theory, you could sue the perpetrator in the civil courts for this assault. If you proved your case on a balance of probabilities, the perpetrator would then have to compensate you for injuries suffered. Probably you'd both bear your own court costs, though not necessarily.

What injuries did you suffer and how much compensation would you be seeking?
i've been shoved (pushed) by some guy in a religous argument, what can i do? Bells? i'm in NYC btw. called 911 the police said it's not an assault unless i'm clearly injured or bruised. otherwise it's harassment, and not punishable unless the police witness it first hand.
Everybody here knows I'm an atheist, but many of you also know that I love Jesus. (It's okay. I love Winnie the Pooh, Frodo Baggins and Kermit the Frog, and they're imaginary too.)

Jesus would tell you to turn the other cheek and that is the best advice you can get. Many of the contributors to this thread have said the same thing. So did the bloody cops!

Remember the old rant on the playground, "It all started when he hit me back." Well that is usually true. If you don't hit somebody back, most of the time they'll just stand there looking like the idiot they are, in front of everybody, while you look like one really righteous dude who knows how to behave in a civilized society. You've won!

It you take this altercation to court, you're going to look like just as big an idiot as the other guy, and on top of that you're going to have to pay for that privilege!

Your choice. :)
i'm in NYC btw.
called 911 the police said it's not an assault unless i'm clearly injured or bruised. otherwise it's harassment, and not punishable unless the police witness it first hand.

use a pillow to beat him up without leaving a mark on a body, and no witnesses. You are a man, stand up for yourself.

-the above statement is a personal unanimous view and should not be bonded with me as I relinquish all rights or whereabouts of its origin.-