Jesus and God

A Canadian

Why talk? When you can listen?
Registered Senior Member

In todays world... Clonning seem to be strong point with religioin....


GOD.... and JESUS....

Unless GOD had a mate.... Then there is no other reason to belive that JESUS is a CLONE of GOD....

Does it say anywhere in the bible that GOD had/has a mate.....

OK.... JESUS was born within the virgin Mary.....
Does this mean GOD has sex with Mary?........

At the moment... most of the religious world belives that cloning is agiast nature.....

Aside from the fact that GOD is ALMIGHTY.... how would he create such a BEING such as JESUS, without cloning himself.....

Ok... GOD created all of mankind.... Out of his own image... (whatever).

Now, does it say ANYWHERE in the bible that GOD has a MATE/LIFE PARTNER?

We call JESUS, God's Son.... How can this be possible unless there is no mother....

To be a SON there must be a mother.... Otherwise it is a CLONE....

Any thoughts.........?
That its states that God "seeded" Mary. In "Americanese", as i call it, it means his genetic code was inserted into her. He's God, he dont have to do 'da nasty with her.

Some Bible version may word it differently.


Sorry i forgot to say that his Y Chromosome was inserted into mary. Not that his complete DNA was inserted. Jesus is still a part Mary inside him. The most obvious clue is that he accually looks like a Nazerith. If he were a "clone" of God his face would be to much to look at, perfection like God.

I never seen any evidence that clones are forbidden by God. I'll do some research and see if I come up with anything.
A Canadian: In todays world... Clonning seem to be strong point with religioin... BUT!!! GOD... and JESUS... Unless GOD had a mate... Then there is no other reason to belive that JESUS is a CLONE of GOD... Does it say anywhere in the bible that GOD had/has a mate... OK... JESUS was born within the virgin Mary... Does this mean GOD has sex with Mary?... At the moment... most of the religious world belives that cloning is agiast nature... Aside from the fact that GOD is ALMIGHTY... how would he create such a BEING such as JESUS, without cloning himself... Ok... GOD created all of mankind... Out of his own image... (whatever). Now, does it say ANYWHERE in the bible that GOD has a MATE/LIFE PARTNER? We call JESUS, God's Son... How can this be possible unless there is no mother... To be a SON there must be a mother... Otherwise it is a CLONE... Any thoughts...?
M*W: First, Canuk, all those periods and spacing for stress-effect didn't add anything intelligent to your post. In fact, it pissed me off, so I had to eliminate them. Your bastardization of the English language is pathetic. I don't know how old you are, but you write like a sixth-grader. No, a sixth-grader would write better than that. Clean-up your act.

Today's religionists should not have any say-so about cloning. In the first place, if they're religious, they probably don't know the first thing about science. Science and religion don't mix.

Jesus -- a clone of God? No way. First, Jesus Christ was just a mythological character based on earlier mythological characters -- all born of virgins and, in one way or another, died and rose on the third day to save mankind. God was just a delusion of early humans to explain what they could not understand -- and all these lasting delusions were based on early man's ignorance.

You're way off on this subject. God (not a real being) didn't have sex with Mary (a temple priestess/prostitute). In this case, the word 'prostitute' is not synonymous with 'whore.' A temple prostitute provided her services to the temple (i.e. baking, cleaning, doing handiwork and performed 'healings'. Today's nuns are an example of temple prostitutes).

To recap: No God, no virgin birth, no dying demigod savior. It's easy.

A clone is a replication (not an exact duplication). For example, a scientist takes some of your DNA and clones you. Your clone may not look exactly like you but like your brother. How the DNA is expressed may be individualized between host and clone. You've got your parents' DNA, but your clone would express his DNA the same as if he was born of your parents and not of you.

This whole Jesus-cloning-virgin birth is a myth within itself. Don't you have more important things to be doing -- like learning to read and write proper English?
A Canadian said:

In todays world... Clonning seem to be strong point with religioin....


GOD.... and JESUS....

Unless GOD had a mate.... Then there is no other reason to belive that JESUS is a CLONE of GOD....

Does it say anywhere in the bible that GOD had/has a mate.....

OK.... JESUS was born within the virgin Mary.....
Does this mean GOD has sex with Mary?........

At the moment... most of the religious world belives that cloning is agiast nature.....

Aside from the fact that GOD is ALMIGHTY.... how would he create such a BEING such as JESUS, without cloning himself.....

Ok... GOD created all of mankind.... Out of his own image... (whatever).

Now, does it say ANYWHERE in the bible that GOD has a MATE/LIFE PARTNER?

We call JESUS, God's Son.... How can this be possible unless there is no mother....

To be a SON there must be a mother.... Otherwise it is a CLONE....

Any thoughts.........?
You are speaking of heavenly things with earthly understanding.

It seems you are drawing a picture in the dark.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: First, Canuk, all those periods and spacing for stress-effect didn't add anything intelligent to your post. In fact, it pissed me off, so I had to eliminate them. Your bastardization of the English language is pathetic. I don't know how old you are, but you write like a sixth-grader. No, a sixth-grader would write better than that. Clean-up your act.

Don't you have more important things to be doing -- like learning to read and write proper English?

Don't you yourself have anything better to do than picking on people who actually don't mean any harm?
You may know how to read and write "properly" but it makes you no better than those who cannot.

Who are you to decide how people write? Are you God?

If you're pissed off at something, then let your anger on Me! Even if I would not deserve it, at least I deserve it more than the one who wrote this thread!

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Luke 6:41
what768: Don't you yourself have anything better to do than picking on people who actually don't mean any harm? You may know how to read and write "properly" but it makes you no better than those who cannot. Who are you to decide how people write? Are you God?
M*W: I have better things to do than read someone's childish, bastardization of English grammar and punctuation. There is NO excuse for anyone to write like that whether or not he has a point (which he didn't). It has absolutely nothing to do with who is better than whom. If you want your readers to understand what is being written, then make sure you've written it as accurately as possible.
what768: If you're pissed off at something, then let your anger on Me! Even if I would not deserve it, at least I deserve it more than the one who wrote this thread!
M*W: Who are you? Canuk's lawyer? I promise you, you will earn my wrath just as Canuk did. Why don't you little boys go outside and play and leave sciforums to those of us who can read, write and speak the English language.
what768: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Luke 6:41
M*W: You couldn't even find an appropriate quote! That 'speck of sawdust' is Canuk's eye is his illiteracy in English. The 'plank' you refer to in my eye is more than 50 years of reading, writing and successful publishing. You should appreciate honest advice that will serve you well.
You think you're so adult, and you think you have the right to judge. You're all worthless, I tell you! And you have no idea what a child is. A real child is one who listens and learns, and he does not judge. And they are not "childish", but you are! You talk about how "childish" people are, and that makes yourself childish.

Don't you understand? It does not matter how true your own truth is, it doesn't have to be true for others! Keep your thoughts within you, when they harm others. Let them out when they will do good. That is what real adults do. But you don't do it, because you are not worthy the name adult.

You don't know me, but I know you, and I know you better than you yourself! I know what's in your hearts. I don't have to read, or to study, to know. Yet I know more than you do! I get it all for free because I am a good listener. You only listen to yourself.
what768: You think you're so adult, and you think you have the right to judge. You're all worthless, I tell you! And you have no idea what a child is. A real child is one who listens and learns, and he does not judge. And they are not "childish", but you are! You talk about how "childish" people are, and that makes yourself childish.

Don't you understand? It does not matter how true your own truth is, it doesn't have to be true for others! Keep your thoughts within you, when they harm others. Let them out when they will do good. That is what real adults do. But you don't do it, because you are not worthy the name adult.

You don't know me, but I know you, and I know you better than you yourself! I know what's in your hearts. I don't have to read, or to study, to know. Yet I know more than you do! I get it all for free because I am a good listener. You only listen to yourself.
M*W: My grandchildren are probably older and definitely more mature than you! And, no, you don't know me. You don't have the mental capacity to know me or what's in my heart! Don't you have homework to do?
M*W said:
M*W: First, Canuk, all those periods and spacing for stress-effect didn't add anything intelligent to your post. In fact, it pissed me off, so I had to eliminate them. Your bastardization of the English language is pathetic. I don't know how old you are, but you write like a sixth-grader. No, a sixth-grader would write better than that. Clean-up your act.
Applause + Cheers. In such cases I assume that the first language isn't English though. Still... man... can't help but chuckle at the collage (or maybe asbtract painting) of words that you see thrown together sometimes.:)
This whole Jesus-cloning-virgin birth is a myth within itself. Don't you have more important things to be doing -- like learning to read and write proper English?
Now that's just cold... we are here to learn.
First, Jesus Christ was just a mythological character based on earlier mythological characters -- all born of virgins and, in one way or another, died and rose on the third day to save mankind. God was just a delusion of early humans to explain what they could not understand -- and all these lasting delusions were based on early man's ignorance.
I guess we all post crap now and then.:eek:
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M*W said:
Today's religionists should not have any say-so about cloning. In the first place, if they're religious, they probably don't know the first thing about science. Science and religion don't mix.
That view is very 'adult'. For the Christian religion... at least... I can say that there are some points of stunning convergence with Physical Scientific theory.
A Canadian said:

In todays world... Clonning seem to be strong point with religioin....


GOD.... and JESUS....

Unless GOD had a mate.... Then there is no other reason to belive that JESUS is a CLONE of GOD....

Does it say anywhere in the bible that GOD had/has a mate.....

OK.... JESUS was born within the virgin Mary.....
Does this mean GOD has sex with Mary?........

At the moment... most of the religious world belives that cloning is agiast nature.....

Aside from the fact that GOD is ALMIGHTY.... how would he create such a BEING such as JESUS, without cloning himself.....

Ok... GOD created all of mankind.... Out of his own image... (whatever).

Now, does it say ANYWHERE in the bible that GOD has a MATE/LIFE PARTNER?

We call JESUS, God's Son.... How can this be possible unless there is no mother....

To be a SON there must be a mother.... Otherwise it is a CLONE....

Any thoughts.........?
its just a stupid story that dont make any sense, god was invented by primitive people thousands of years ago who didnt know what makes the world,stars and universe go around,
so they made up these gods to explain it all.

now we know its all lies,
from 6 day creation to Noahs ark,flat Earth and a solid firmament above which lets the rain fall down when God opens the floodgates(yeah shit like that is there in the bable book) :rolleyes:

heres some helpful sites that explain a lot
what768 said:
You think you're so adult, and you think you have the right to judge. You're all worthless, I tell you! And you have no idea what a child is.

You don't know me, but I know you, and I know you better than you yourself! I know what's in your hearts. I don't have to read, or to study, to know.
you know,sometimes its better to be thought a fool,
rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt!
Q25 said:
you know,sometimes its better to be thought a fool,
rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt!

i've thought like that too! Like... you never saw a fish on a wall with its mouth shut. I bet that's what happens if you talk too much. But. I want people to know me... I don't want to hide my true "face". 'Cos I don't like to wear masks like adults do.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: My grandchildren are probably older and definitely more mature than you! And, no, you don't know me. You don't have the mental capacity to know me or what's in my heart! Don't you have homework to do?

Yeah. You're right :( ... but if i study harder... do you think i might know as much as you some day? Now... i'm gonna do my homework!! :)
M*W: I have better things to do than read someone's childish, bastardization of English grammar and punctuation

What about better things to do than post about it as well? ;)

To Mr. Canadian, with many other religions, "the gods" interacted with, slept with, and raped many women so it wouldn't be surprising if God bumped uglies with Mary. Not to mention those beliefs predate Christianity which if religion is true at all, adds a bit more weight towards those older beliefs being truer than Mary being magically impregnated.

- N