Jesus on Pluto


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
God created all life. Jesus was the only son of God. Assuming there is life on other planets, did Jesus die for their sins too, even though he had never met them? Or did he just die for this planet?
Jesus died to pay for his own Karma of past lives, therefore be freed of the Karmic cycle, and live forever in Nirvana. The "died for our sins" stuff is a myth, or just a misinterpretation.
God created all life. Jesus was the only son of God. Assuming there is life on other planets, did Jesus die for their sins too, even though he had never met them? Or did he just die for this planet?

For all we know, there could be a different "Jesus" for every planet with life.
I need to find the title, but there's a great old Bradbury short story on Jesus in the cosmos. It's included, I think, in R is for Rocket, and depicts a spaceship captain desperately pursuing rumors of Christ from planet to planet.
God created all life. Jesus was the only son of God. Assuming there is life on other planets, did Jesus die for their sins too, even though he had never met them? Or did he just die for this planet?

M*W: None of the above. Jesus didn't exist. Jesus represented the son of the Sun who represented god. Jesus didn't die for anyone or anything, because he didn't exist. The Sun, however, dies at sunset and rises at dawn.

Interestingly, all those fictional characters in the bible who were supposed to have followed Jesus never met him either (technically).

There's got to be some form of life on other planets. It may not look like us or drive cars like us, but life has got to exist.

Sin is just another word for 'darkness' as in the sun going down. It's really not hard to understand astro-theology, but it is the only true explanation of the myth of Jesus.
Jesus did too exist. Even as an atheist I know that.:rolleyes:
He's as real as Mohammad or Budda.

Astro-theology?? I myself, lean more toward the Church of SpongeBob. Say it with me "Are you sponge worthy?"
Jesus did too exist. Even as an atheist I know that.:rolleyes:
He's as real as Mohammad or Budda.

Astro-theology?? I myself, lean more toward the Church of SpongeBob. Say it with me "Are you sponge worthy?"

M*W: Do you have any proof that Jesus existed?
I have no problem believeing a single man existed and started a religion. Men are still doing it today.
Son of God? No
All the miracles? No
Virgin birth? Hell no.

Is it hard for you to believe this one man lived and died?
I have no problem believeing a single man existed and started a religion. Men are still doing it today.
Son of God? No
All the miracles? No
Virgin birth? Hell no.

Is it hard for you to believe this one man lived and died?

It is the implications of "this one man's" death burial and resurrection that troubles some to the extent that, having been tormented by the notions for decades, they dig their heels into the proverbial ground and bleat that He never existed in the first place.
I have no problem believeing a single man existed and started a religion. Men are still doing it today. Son of God? No
All the miracles? No Virgin birth? Hell no.

Is it hard for you to believe this one man lived and died?
M*W: Yes, it is hard for me to believe that one man was born of a virgin, suffered and died on a cross, and rose again in fulfillment of the scriptures. It's damn hard for me to believe that crap.
M*W: Yes, it is hard for me to believe that one man was born of a virgin, suffered and died on a cross, and rose again in fulfillment of the scriptures. It's damn hard for me to believe that crap.

I don't believe that either. I do believe a man said he was all that and people perpetuated the myth.
Joseph Smith told a huge story about being visited by angels, being left a tablet, the Book of Mormon written about it. Doesn't mean he didn't exist.
it's interesting how something that never really happened (fiction) can affect reality so much. this can only make sense if 'reality' is a form of fiction.

And also, to be fair, Pluto isn't a planet.

it IS a planet, a little planet.. a so called dwarf planet. and just because stupid scientists says it's not a planet doesn't mean it isn't!!

Sin is just another word for 'darkness' as in the sun going down.

you have it backwards. darkness is another word for sin. darkness represents sin, just like the sun, light, represents christ, and venus represents lucifer.

M*W: Do you have any proof that Jesus existed?

it's like asking: do you have any proof that socrates existed? there can't be any real proof because it was so long ago. but that doesn't mean he didn't exist.